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The CJP needs to wave his sword at every person or authority that has refused to implement the judgments: Aitezaz Ahsan

This one?

Nah it was this one

The PML-N is boxed in, and the box is getting tighter and suffocating with every passing week. Which gives credence to the theory that they PDM is reluctant to complete the IMF deal and go into the elections right away as it does not want to offer economic stability on a plate to the new government, which could be led by IK and PTI, based on recent surveys. If that is the case, they are playing with the economic future of 230 million people. The public will never forget or forgive the members of PDM coalition if this ends in a painful economic default.
Nah it was this one

That rationale makes sense, and tragically so. But that opinion (not news) also goes to show where the priorities are for the current bunch: everything for themselves, and nothing for the nation, as if any more proof of that is needed.
This man will suck our blood till his last breath. Disgusting creature
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