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Faisal Shahzad is not Pakistani: FM

like Ajmal Kasab and,

Lt Col Jayant Rao Chitale, Lt Gen P.N. Hoon, SSS (Shiv Sena Skunks) etc etc.

I agree on 2 out of 3 with you (SSS and JRC).. Hoon is a hero who Musharraf tried to copy in Kargil but failed. btw, do you know that Musharraf was incharge of the 1st failed attempt in 1987 by Pakistan to take back the area captured by IA in Operation Meghdoot.. Poor guy tried the same thing in Kargil to avenge Siachen but lost there too.. Did not realize the importance of air and diplomatic power...

But anyway, back to topic..

You left out TTP from the list of terrorists against Paksitan.. Do you not consider them terrorists or do you not consider them against Pakistan..??

And AT from the list of Pro Pakistani terrorists..??
From Shahzad to Afia and now Zardari, you do need to get your priorities in place. Damn you are so confusing, i have forgotten who are we discussing here.

Dude.. look who's talking.. who brought up Modi??

btw, you got the spelling wrong...

So someone who gave rise to suicide squads becomes an indian hero.

See i told ya people...

So someone who gave rise to suicide squads becomes an indian hero.

See i told ya people...

Any actions by that suicide squad till date?? Thinking and wishing is not a crime.. Doing is..

However what Hoon did do, was to capture over 2500 sq km of territory in the Siachen area... So yes, he is a hero..
Dude.. look who's talking.. who brought up Modi??

btw, you got the spelling wrong...
Talk the talk mate,
Modhi is behind genocide of a minority, Zardari is involved in corruption, but since the minority in question are Muslims, suppose you are incompetent to comprehend the difference .
As for the spelling, damn, i wonder how does Modhi, Mass Muslim Murder is Mentioned.
Talk the talk mate,
Modhi is behind genocide of a minority, Zardari is involved in corruption, but since the minority in question are Muslims, suppose you are incompetent to comprehend the difference .
As for the spelling, damn, i wonder how does Modhi, Mass Muslim Murder is Mentioned.

Never saw you giving in to emotional rants.. Sarcastic, yes, but not emotional..

You bring up an off topic connection, be ready to catch one back too...

Personally, I probably hate Modi more than I hate Zardari, but thats me and off topic..
Any actions by that suicide squad till date?? Thinking and wishing is not a crime.. Doing is..

However what Hoon did do, was to capture over 2500 sq km of territory in the Siachen area... So yes, he is a hero..

Oh right, so we have a new definition of crime here. BTW, ever heard of the words like; perpetrators, instigators, sympathizers, facilitators etc etc..??!!

And you mean as Hoon committed an act of aggression he became your hero, right? But even then his highly 'adorable' and noble thoughts (of siding with Skunks) and training suicide attackers doesnt make you wonder and still you dont have the guts to kick him off the 'hero's pedestal'.

BTW, i hope you know he (and Chitale) claimed that his suicide squad was 'secular (FTW!! :rofl:) and they also did mange to pass out atleast 30 suicide attackers.
Oh right, so we have a new definition of crime here. BTW, ever heard of the words like; perpetrators, instigators, sympathizers, facilitators etc etc..??!!

And you mean as Hoon committed an act of aggression he became your hero, right? But even then his highly 'adorable' and noble thoughts (of siding with Skunks) and training suicide attackers doesnt make you wonder and still you dont have the guts to kick him off the 'hero's pedestal'.

BTW, i hope you know he (and Chitale) claimed that his suicide squad was 'secular (FTW!! :rofl:) and they also did mange to pass out atleast 30 suicide attackers.

Heard all of them.. however what crime has been committed there?? what do you want to charge them with?? training 30 yound men in martial acts?? No illegal weapons were used.. I dont necessarily approve of it but there's got to be a crime for some one to be held accountable

About act of agression.. He was a military man and did what was demanded of him by the GOI...He did the job that was asked of him in a spectacular manner. So yes, he is a hero.. Forget guts to knock him off the pedestral, I have guts to knock at the guy who tries to do that..

And its rich coming from a citizen of a country where musharaf who engineered the Kargil failure without keeping the democratic govt of Pakistan in the know and who later staged a coup against the same govt and ruled as a dictator for close to 10 years is considered a hero...

and c;mon dude.. you have suicide squad training happening in every nook and corner of Pakistan and the training is being used effectively in and outside of Pakistan for some time now with their leaders like Hafiz Saeed roaming free...And you want India to criticize people for just preparing...
can u tell me where i am wrong ????

Faisal is officially a US citizen, and if you read the article that's the reason mentioned for this statement by the FM. A very bad analogy by you to say the least.
Never saw you giving in to emotional rants.. Sarcastic, yes, but not emotional..

You bring up an off topic connection, be ready to catch one back too...

Personally, I probably hate Modi more than I hate Zardari, but thats me and off topic..
Suppose drawing the line and pulling out the irritating hand will be right down your alley.
As for the rest, no one has ever reminded me of my standings but then that's me but you are with the flow.
Heard all of them.. however what crime has been committed there?? what do you want to charge them with?? training 30 yound men in martial acts?? No illegal weapons were used.. I dont necessarily approve of it but there's got to be a crime for some one to be held accountable

About act of agression.. He was a military man and did what was demanded of him by the GOI...He did the job that was asked of him in a spectacular manner. So yes, he is a hero.. Forget guts to knock him off the pedestral, I have guts to knock at the guy who tries to do that..

And its rich coming from a citizen of a country where musharaf who engineered the Kargil failure without keeping the democratic govt of Pakistan in the know and who later staged a coup against the same govt and ruled as a dictator for close to 10 years is considered a hero...

and c;mon dude.. you have suicide squad training happening in every nook and corner of Pakistan and the training is being used effectively in and outside of Pakistan for some time now with their leaders like Hafiz Saeed roaming free...And you want India to criticize people for just preparing...
Well i see that you have successfully changed the course of the thread towards your own agenda, but still what surprises me that one who accused us of 'selective mentality syndrome' is doing the exactly the same himself. i wont waste time on someone who cant differentiate between a hero and an extremist and who lacks the integrity and the morality to accept the truth that someone as clean as the 'siachen aggressor' can also corrupt himself and land in sh!t (as he did when he joined hands with SSS).

Please keep your options open, reject rigidity, maintain that versatility and show the guts that you can say the truth. Or else all your debate seems like Ikta Kapoor's Star Plus where; "meri beti aisa nahi kar sakti" and "meray babo jee chor nahi ho saktay" are the norm of the day (or the decade perhaps).

BTw, if we go my your definition or 'committing' crime, Shahzad should be innocent as the crude bomb didnt go off at all?! Afia (though i am not a bid fan of her) should also be declared innocent as the US is yet to accuse her of a terror act (just found some documents out of her pocket).

Here, let me make it easy for you for what i have said earlier:
Similar to most Pakistanis' (read indian) selective mentality about terrorism aka Pro Pakistan terrorists vs anti Pakistan terrorists..
You know it is easy to cherry-pick and apply!!
You people have to understand he is a Pakistaniamerican his roots go back to Pakistan simple as that and he went from traning which he could't put to use thank GOD he is a coward thats all i have to say about him now its makes it worse for us Pakistani to live everyday with what this coward has done and gives Pakistan once again a bad name in the world .
As as for the record Shahzad do have connections inside Pakistan, but worries me here is how people start acting insane and start comparing Afia with Shahzad, Kashmir with Balochistan and heroes with terrorists!
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