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Faisal Shahzad is not Pakistani: FM

another lie. pakistan also said same on the nationality of 26/11 terroist ajmal ali kasab. and at last they accepted that he is pakistani nationalist. and same will be happened in this case that "at last they accepted the truth"

The timing of Time Square incident and announcement of verdict in Ajmal Kasab case coupled with travel advisory from five countries of G20 are co-incidence or there is some kind of smell.
The statement of Ms.Clinton issuing threats of dire concequences, statement of US Attorney General Eric Holder that crime was abated from Pak Taliban.
The US intelligence agencies are on rivalries and giving different version of Time Square incident. The security agencies are negating the theories of each other. Wait and see who was behind the Time Square incident and who abated it.
The claim from TTP and Withdrawal of claim from TTP.
Pakistan is willing to undertake the investigation of Time Square incident and offered all out assistance to US agenceis for reaching to the truth.
As as for the record Shahzad do have connections inside Pakistan, but worries me here is how people start acting insane and start comparing Afia with Shahzad, Kashmir with Balochistan and heroes with terrorists!

That's understandable since the weekend warriors are having a field day at Pakistan's expense, but what's more ironic that some Pakistani members condemning it but yet feeling guilty about the whole affair.
Indeed this act is a regrettable incident but did all the Arabs felt accused after 9/11.
The dude is a criminal and that's it. How many criminals do we have from other nationalities? But does that mean the entire race is corrupt?!

He fcuked up and he is going to get screwed big time for it. Yes it brought bad name to Pakistan but that doesnt mean we start feeling guilty over it. We are already doing what we can (by putting in the sincerest efforts as opposed to some others on our East and West) to cut on militancy and had suffered the MOST!

Still if some smart-a$$ has a problem, he or she can go beat its chest (or breast) and choke itself.

We should be more worried about our own internal security then anything else, though we have done all and what that has been required to make this world a safer place, still if some isolated incidents take place, who cares! The guy got caught and the yanks can have all the fun they want to with him.
irrespective of Pakistani or NOT,,, u don't go half the world across to learn to make a "damp-squib"... These are same old games being played to forward their agenda,,,

Since there's increasing number of Americans questioning such being inside-jobs so "they" have resorted to "damp-squibs" rather than real massive destruction to avoid more Americans waking up. Like u had "underwear-boomber" too dumb to board plane himself so being escorted by an "agent" & now this poorly-trained "Patsy"... & if u guys didn't miss, some schizophrenic Americans were arrested recently with explosives that didn't work...

Where is Iraq now??? Where is Afghanistan now??? Perfectly fitting the description of "daj'jal", after destroying Afghanistan, Iraq***, these baastrds r planning to destroy Pakistan & we see all fingers pointed towards Pak...

So u smugs "Focus on Pakistan"(minutes:2:18)... We are preparing too... mind you.

***Nostradamus said...
The year 1999 seven month,(Bush appointed for presidency in June-1999 pretty close hHaaan!!)
From the sky will come a great King of terror:
To bring back to life the great King of Mongols,(Mongols butchered muslims starting from present day Afghanistan, Greatest damage was done to Persia & Iraq; same as being done in this so-called war-on-terror; Muslims started taking back their lands from Mongols starting from Syria> we have ahadees saying Syria would be the place where muslims will defeat "Romans")
Before after Mars to reign by good luck
(Mars represent war in astrology)
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i don't think America will attack Pakistan, Obama shared a room with a Pakistani when he was in school
Double standard in here by some members (not by GoP though), when some MPs are elected in Britains parliament whose parents had pakistani nationality in the past(the elected MPs dont have pak nationality) then everyone here talks of them as pakistani origin and proud of him, but in case of faisal shahzad, everybody puts it on the americans.
i don't think America will attack Pakistan, Obama shared a room with a Pakistani when he was in school

lol that doesnt seem to be a good reason why they dont attack pakistan. they might not attack pakistan, but not because he shared a class with some pakistani friend, there will be other reasons.
Faisal Shahzad is not Pakistani: FM
it does means that pakistan hasn't has responsibility...

More international tarriest attack if lined back to pakistan then victim country people will force there government take action against pakistan....
Faisal Shahzad is not Pakistani: FM - GEO.tv

Faisal Shahzad is not Pakistani: FM

Updated at: 2232 PST, Sunday, May 09, 2010

KARACHI: Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi Sunday said Faisal Shahzad, the man involved in failed attack at Times Squre, is not a Pakistani but a naturalised American citizen.

In an interview when asked to comment on reports of recovery of two Pakistani passports from Faisal Shahzad, Qureshi said: “I will have to check. I am not aware of that but I am aware that he is a naturalised American citizen, and the Government of Pakistan will cooperate with the United States and help them in whatever way we can.”

He said Pakistan is serious in its probe into the Mumbai attacks. Hafiz Saeed was arrested but was later set free by the court in the absence of sufficient evidence.

“Pakistan wants cordial relations with India and we will not let any terrorist outfit sabotage the process of dialogue between the two countries,” the FM said.

He said he would invite Indian external minister to visit Pakistan for talks. Back channel diplomacy is of no use without front channel diplomacy, he added.

I see amongst others, two possibilities in these comments / approach from the Foreign Minister:

1. Comments for internal consumption to make sure that GoI is not seen to be know-towing to the U.S.
2. Testing the waters with a hardened stance with U.S on this incident expecting to encash a higher premium on the geographic equity of Pakistan with Afghanistan/ any venture in to North Waziristan.

But then of course Islamabad has never anything to do with the last word in Pakistan, it will be coming from Rawalpindi.
Well i see that you have successfully changed the course of the thread towards your own agenda, but still what surprises me that one who accused us of 'selective mentality syndrome' is doing the exactly the same himself. i wont waste time on someone who cant differentiate between a hero and an extremist and who lacks the integrity and the morality to accept the truth that someone as clean as the 'siachen aggressor' can also corrupt himself and land in sh!t (as he did when he joined hands with SSS).

Please keep your options open, reject rigidity, maintain that versatility and show the guts that you can say the truth. Or else all your debate seems like Ikta Kapoor's Star Plus where; "meri beti aisa nahi kar sakti" and "meray babo jee chor nahi ho saktay" are the norm of the day (or the decade perhaps).

Sir.. the time is yours and you may decide to do whatever with it.. But I dont understand how a military person who follows the orders of the govt to capture enemy territory is an extremist. If you are refering to his activities of joining Shiv Sena/RSS after he quit military service, then yes, if a crime is committed of suicide attacks in Pakistan by his team, he will be as big a terrorist as Hafiz Saeed.. But its a big If.. Allying oneself with a right wing party does not make you an extremist till an act of extremism is committed by your direct or indirect participation. Forget proof of linking Hoon with an attack, at least show the proof of a crime being committed before asking a hero to be labeled as corrupted. Forget the smoking gun.. atleast show a body...

BTw, if we go my your definition or 'committing' crime, Shahzad should be innocent as the crude bomb didnt go off at all?! Afia (though i am not a bid fan of her) should also be declared innocent as the US is yet to accuse her of a terror act (just found some documents out of her pocket).

And you accuse me of cherry picking :azn:

Declaring that you want to commit a crime is not equal to Trying to commit a crime does not equal to committing a crime.

While you get punishment for the last 2, you can only be warned for the first.. Hoon belongs to the 1st category, Shahzad to second and a Kasab to third..

I know what I said and still believe it about the flawed distinction Pakistanis make between Pro and Anti Pakistani terrorists. But really more than me, you should care about this flaw being addressed since its Pakistan who is suffering because of it.

But your country.. your policies...your results..
Did Pakistan already cancel his Pakistan National ID card ?

If this guy is still hold Pak ID card then he is a pakistani.
Qureshi sahab is correct.

Faisal Shahzad is actually Faisal Singhania, a hindu.:lol:;)
That's understandable since the weekend warriors are having a field day at Pakistan's expense, but what's more ironic that some Pakistani members condemning it but yet feeling guilty about the whole affair.
Indeed this act is a regrettable incident but did all the Arabs felt accused after 9/11.

May be those Pakistani members have a cleaner Conscience than the Arabs you are refering to..

Also wasnt there a Pakistani among the prime 9/11 accused who was arrested from within Pakistan.??
The dude is a criminal and that's it. How many criminals do we have from other nationalities? But does that mean the entire race is corrupt?!

He fcuked up and he is going to get screwed big time for it. Yes it brought bad name to Pakistan but that doesnt mean we start feeling guilty over it. We are already doing what we can (by putting in the sincerest efforts as opposed to some others on our East and West) to cut on militancy and had suffered the MOST!

Still if some smart-a$$ has a problem, he or she can go beat its chest (or breast) and choke itself.

We should be more worried about our own internal security then anything else, though we have done all and what that has been required to make this world a safer place, still if some isolated incidents take place, who cares! The guy got caught and the yanks can have all the fun they want to with him.

Not a single line to which I have any disagreement. The guy's *** and some smart terrorists (who are today the biggest threat to Pakistan) played him for a fool and screwed up the situation for Pakistan that was getting good after many years of suspicion...
May be those Pakistani members have a cleaner Conscience than the Arabs you are refering to..

Also wasnt there a Pakistani among the prime 9/11 accused who was arrested from within Pakistan.??

I think you are referring to Khalid Sheikh Mohammed. He was a Kuwaitian and was arrested by ISI with the help of CIA in Pakistan.
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