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Facts on the myth of India's indigenous Missiles

Indian engineers had learned rocket launching and range operation .

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/indian...indias-indigenous-missiles.html#ixzz2fE0Xa74U

this statement itself tells the whole story.as long as they learn and apply it is called indigenous.they did not say technology is indigenous.they said rockets are.technology never stays confined to a place for long.by the logic of the author even their bulbs are not indigenous because the technology was invented in some other country.
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That's because you don't :coffee:

This is why Indian members advice you gys,not to believe CCP propaganda..:lol:

We have our own solid fuel production plants,Even the private Industry is now manufacturing HTPB.
SPROB | Satish Dhawan Space Centre SHAR
And we are much advanced in solid fuel tech-check out who has the worlds third largest solid rocket booster-after US & France..
Myanmar, Laos, Cambodia and Kazakhstan may have good relations with China as is the case with most nations including India, but they're hardly 'good friends'. Disputes have resolved with Russia, that also doesn't mean you guys are now 'friends'. Russia and India are 'good friends'. As is Israel, most of the West, Sri Lanka, Bhutan, Nepal etc
Your ignorant of international politics has no boundaries. Myanmar, Laos and Cambodia are staunch ally of China. It is Not the case with India. Stop embarrassing yourself. Read up before you speak. Sri Lanka doesn't have good relationship with India. Among all your neighbours, only Nepal has good ties. But the new communist government has more pro-china policy.

US Government Bonds are not currency, they are simply a promise from the US Government to pay you that sum of money at some point in the future. If they decide to simply default, there really won't be much China can do, most credit rating agencies will only downgrade the US a couple of notches. Their economy will thank the GoUS for it, your economy however will tank, as much of those bonds are used as backing for Chinese internal debt.

Your ignorance extends to international economics as well. Obviously, you didn't know you have to first convert your currency into USD, before you can buy US bond, so in effect you are exposed to currency fluctuation.
The chance of US as the world's largest economy defaulting is as good as India become the world's largest economy. Get that in your head! The 2nd and 3rd largest economy, China and Japan, both put money in US bond. Surely they're smarter than some australian indian kid who doesn't even know USD is required to buy US bond.

Those same 'international defense analyst' also agree that China does have an undeclared military budget/s.
I'm beginning to lose my respect for you, show me the source, otherwise you're just another jealous indian troll. Baseless accusation is all that you're capable of?

And yes, I agree, no nation is going to dump their arsenal, or stop modernization because of a lack of an immediate threat. This applies to China as well as India.
You have problem with reading and comprehension? That was my answer to you why CHinese still maintain the nuclear arsenal. I'm Not talking about India, you don't even have half of the arsenal that China has.

India has been a sovereign country (albeit occupied) for much of the British era as well as the 66 years following. Prior to that the concept of a nation-state was alien to much of Asia and was limited mostly to the USA and Western Europe. However there were multiple instances in history where India was united under a single ruler/kingdom. The land of Bharat has long been a solid concept.

There was no India before in 1947. British colonized the entire subcontinent, India was a modern British creation in 1947. Otherwise, you go back to Mughals and a few other kingdoms.
The notion of one country is not just about nation-state. Ancient Korea, Japan and Vietnam were one country. Simply because there's one overall ruler who rule the land. You cannot 5 kings here, 6 emperors there, and call yourself ONE sovereign country. India was never one country!

Bharat was a religious concept, it never existed in reality. Get real!

I have no reason to make up stories. This will be my final reply on this thread :) Ciao
But you just made up a bunch of weird logic to justify your argument from US bond to sovereign India. Didn't you say Nationalism is not the same as patriotism, please look into the mirror.
Re: China military budget.

http://www.defense.gov/pubs/pdfs/2010_CMPR_Final.pdf Go to page 43

Re: Burma/Cambodia/Laos relations

Please provide proof. The only country that I would say has decent relations with China is Burma/Myanmar. However they have been making a paradigm shift in moving away from China towards India, Japan and the ASEAN. Including trade, military and bilateral cooperation.

India-Burma relations have increased considerably since the easing of the military junta and suppression of democracy.

Your ignorance extends to international economics as well. Obviously, you didn't know you have to first convert your currency into USD, before you can buy US bond, so in effect you are exposed to currency fluctuation.
The chance of US as the world's largest economy defaulting is as good as India become the world's largest economy. Get that in your head! The 2nd and 3rd largest economy, China and Japan, both put money in US bond. Surely they're smarter than some australian indian kid who doesn't even know USD is required to buy US bond.

I didn't deny that. While the chances are small that they will default, they will certainly do so in any armed conflict with the PRC.

Of course you need to buy US bonds in USD. When did I say otherwise? However your currency reserves are mostly NOT USD. They are in USD BONDS. There is a difference.

You have problem with reading and comprehension? That was my answer to you why CHinese still maintain the nuclear arsenal. I'm Not talking about India, you don't even have half of the arsenal that China has.

Considering the number of unsafeguarded nuclear reactors in India, it's silly to assume that India only possesses so few nuke warheads. It's a trivial matter to fabricate more warheads, considering the amount of refined plutonium and U235 that India has.

There was no India before in 1947. British colonized the entire subcontinent, India was a modern British creation in 1947. Otherwise, you go back to Mughals and a few other kingdoms.
The notion of one country is not just about nation-state. Ancient Korea, Japan and Vietnam were one country. Simply because there's one overall ruler who rule the land. You cannot 5 kings here, 6 emperors there, and call yourself ONE sovereign country. India was never one country!

Bharat was a religious concept, it never existed in reality. Get real!

Yes it did, and there is immense amounts of proof. However that is a discussion for another topic.

Your ignorant of international politics has no boundaries. Myanmar, Laos and Cambodia are staunch ally of China. It is Not the case with India. Stop embarrassing yourself. Read up before you speak. Sri Lanka doesn't have good relationship with India. Among all your neighbours, only Nepal has good ties. But the new communist government has more pro-china policy.

LOL Sri Lanka has very good relations with India. Nepal, Bhutan as well Bangladesh also 'IN REAL LIFE' have very good relations with the country.
Anyone that believes that India has the technical and industrial capability to build their own indigenous missiles need their head examined. The facts are that the components in Indian missiles are from Russia, Israel and France. India neither has the technical expertise nor the industrial capacity to build their own missiles with 100% indigenous Indian components.

Indians need to be mature about this and accept facts.
Anyone that believes that India has the technical and industrial capability to build their own indigenous missiles need their head examined. The facts are that the components in Indian missiles are from Russia, Israel and France. India neither has the technical expertise nor the industrial capacity to build their own missiles with 100% indigenous Indian components.

Indians need to be mature about this and accept facts.

So what if some of the components are sourced out? India has already proved its technical expertise when 15 K-15s ripped out of the water successfully and 2 Agnis 5 successfully launched. And soon K-4 will join that.

No one is going to help India make ICBMs, SLBMS, etc. Hell, Russia couldn't even do a JV with India for missile past 300 KM.

You're pretty naive if you think India isnt making huge progress in the missile department in last 10 years. And only goes up with here as the budget and momentum rises.

There was no India before in 1947. British colonized the entire subcontinent, India was a modern British creation in 1947. Otherwise, you go back to Mughals and a few other kingdoms.
The notion of one country is not just about nation-state. Ancient Korea, Japan and Vietnam were one country. Simply because there's one overall ruler who rule the land. You cannot 5 kings here, 6 emperors there, and call yourself ONE sovereign country. India was never one country!

Bharat was a religious concept, it never existed in reality. Get real!

Who cares about all that? It's irrelevant.
Anyone that believes that India has the technical and industrial capability to build their own indigenous missiles need their head examined. The facts are that the components in Indian missiles are from Russia, Israel and France. India neither has the technical expertise nor the industrial capacity to build their own missiles with 100% indigenous Indian components.

Indians need to be mature about this and accept facts.

Posting the same BS in every thread...:rolleyes: have some shame....
doesnt matter indigenous or not as long as the nuke/missile can burn the a$$ of enemy

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