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Do such unjust countries have the right to exist?

Why you don't accept your failures and incompetence instead of grumbling that your enemy doesn't do as you wish?

If you had it (the skills and talent) in you, you would have made it happen instead of repetitively suggesting to enemy to do as you say.

You been trying since 1960s but still have nothing to show.

Yet you believe Hindus are inferior to you.

Heights of superiority complex.
How much land are you expecting? And what resources do you want?

It depends if indian has finally decided to get rid of its Muslim population. What I said is just to inform the ignorant ones that such an act will carry a price.
How much land are you expecting? And what resources do you want?

Don't hope anything from Pakistan. Pakistan, when it was strongest, couldn't take the territory that they are interested in viz Kashmir. Do you think they can do anything for you?
Whatever he might have said, I can guarantee you both the countries would be the same at the present. Religion and lack of proper education is the main problem in such 3rd world countries. Caste/tribal mentality is another major problem in multi ethnic societies.

Once people realise that everyone is a human being regardless of their religion or caste, only then there can be proper development.

Its foolish to say religion does not have a role to play in character building and social cohesion.

Mohammad Akram forcefully kissed a lady & ran away.

Turns out he runs a 'chumma gang" of 3-4 boys who forcefully kiss women! & They are doing this wearing sacred hindu thread "Kalava"

And none of the girls he forces himself on wear a hijab or a burkha.


An Event Management company in Tumkur, Karnataka forces Hindu girls to wear Hijab , remove Kumkum.

Why don't they hire muslims girls ? Why force islamic moreality on Hindu girls ? Why have girls serve in events catering to muslim society since their girls are kept at home ?



This a temple in Malappuram dist of Kerala. A muslim majority district where the muslims have forced Hindus to pain their temple green and make it look like a mosque. Also Rahul gandhi's constituency.

Do hindus force muslims to pain their mosque saffron ?


In an area with majority Hindus, Muslims built a mosque next to the Jai Kali temple and started offering Jumma prayers in front of the temple. Later the Brahmin was forced to lock the temple gate.


Meanwhile muslims continue to encroach on govt. land and public spaces in Uttarakhand

26 illegal mazars built on reserved forest land

Common sense can predict what would have been India's future, we the OP statement was true.
I post it a few times as mimicry and you get irritated. Some members post it literally 100 or even 1000 times and you have no problem.

I'm sick and tired of you constantly posting the same BS word over and over again, in threads which it has no reason to be posted in.
Loyalty to the country and loyalty to the government are two different things. A country is a social construct and a necessary one. It provides us with certain benefits and requires certain duties from us. One of those duties is loyalty. A government on the other hand is an instrument. If we do not like it, we should change it. But we cannot burn our house down just because we don't like the people running it.

You are entitled to your opinion on whether India needs to exist or not. However you will not find most Indians agreeing with you. Even if people are frustrated with the government, it doesn't mean that they want the country to disappear. In fact national identity is an important part of one's consciousness and it is the reason that mismanagement of the country is painful for many. They want to be proud of their country and not for it to be eliminated.

India is an artificial country. When was ever united before British rule?

Even in the times of Asoka and Mughals, there was no centralization of power and all the provinces had full autonomy.

Europe is less diverse than India. Yet Europe never United as a single country.

Can you prove to me that India is a natural country not just a geographical expression?

Btw all mainstrean political parties are the same. Changing governments don't matter. They work for only North Indians, Gujaratis, Marwadis, Jains, Brahmans and Banias.

A party like DMK from South is never going to be accepted in North India or Gujarat.

So why the rest of so called Indians should be loyal towards such country?


Don't hope anything from Pakistan. Pakistan, when it was strongest, couldn't take the territory that they are interested in viz Kashmir. Do you think they can do anything for you?
What's the difference between elites of Pakistan and India?

Besides religion, I can't find any other differnce.
India is an artificial country. When was ever united before British rule?

Even in the times of Asoka and Mughals, there was no centralization of power and all the provinces had full autonomy.

Europe is less diverse than India. Yet Europe never United as a single country.

Can you prove to me that India is a natural country not just a geographical expression?

Btw all mainstrean political parties are the same. Changing governments don't matter. They work for only North Indians, Gujaratis, Marwadis, Jains, Brahmans and Banias.

A party like DMK from South is never going to be accepted in North India or Gujarat.

So why the rest of so called Indians should be loyal towards such country?

What's the difference between elites of Pakistan and India?

Besides religion, I can't find any other differnce.

Why does anyone have to prove anything to you ?
Why does anyone have to prove anything to you ?
That's right. There is no accountablity in India.

Where is the black money stashed abroad that was supposed to come to India?

Where are the 20 crore jobs that were supposed to be produced after 2014?

Where is the 15 percent GDP growth rate ?
That's right. There is no accountablity in India.

Where is the black money stashed abroad that was supposed to come to India?

Where are the 20 crore jobs that were supposed to be produced after 2014?

Where is the 15 percent GDP growth rate ?
What you gonna do about it?

Don't hope anything from Pakistan. Pakistan, when it was strongest, couldn't take the territory that they are interested in viz Kashmir. Do you think they can do anything for you?
I don’t know why this POS and other Indians like him aren’t banned yet. 90% of them are Sanghis and are deliberately posting things on a Pakistan forum to muddle the Pakistan/India line. This has long term effects of undermining Pakistani identity.
@waz @LeGenD @SQ8 hi, can a mod please message me directly. Thank you.
India is an artificial country. When was ever united before British rule?

Even in the times of Asoka and Mughals, there was no centralization of power and all the provinces had full autonomy.

Europe is less diverse than India. Yet Europe never United as a single country.

Can you prove to me that India is a natural country not just a geographical expression?

Btw all mainstrean political parties are the same. Changing governments don't matter. They work for only North Indians, Gujaratis, Marwadis, Jains, Brahmans and Banias.

A party like DMK from South is never going to be accepted in North India or Gujarat.

So why the rest of so called Indians should be loyal towards such country

It does not matter what the origins of the present day Indian state are. When Indians were fighting for freedom from the British, they were not fighting as Tamils, Bengalis or Gujaratis, nor were they asking for separate states. Hence when the British left, there were no secessionist tendencies, barring few princely states that we all know about. The heartburn that you refer to in southern states is a more recent phenomenon, where people are getting tired of the fact that the Hindi heartland dominates the political discourse at national level. But even this is not entirely correct. You as an English speaker probably follow only English language media and that is the impression you get. End of the day all states have their own governments run by their own people, and people watch news in their own language, read newspapers in their own language. We think that a vast majority of Indians are watching Aaj Tak and India TV and thinking of cows all the time, whereas the opposite is true. People in non Hindi states watch their own channels, which does not pander to cow belt politics. I cannot imagine anyone sitting in Mandya or Thirunelveli or Ongole or Yavatmal watching Hindi news. The reach of their content is overstated.

Now there is no point in thinking of India as different countries. If that were to happen, and the resulting countries were to erect their own barriers on trade and movement of people, it would be a race to the bottom. There are efficiencies we benefit from as a country and it will be disastrous to squander them. Europe may not be one country but they did reach a consensus on the European Union and the Schengen Area. Africans have been wanting a similar African union for a long time, but their leaders are as petty as ours. Moreover, most Europeans countries were colonisers and were not colonised themselves, and therefore have maintained the status quo about their geographical boundaries. In the case of India we maintained the status quo in 1947. So effectively it is status quo in both Europe and India.

I agree that certain states are not pulling their own weight and that is problematic. But the solution is not to jettison them. A lot of problems in India are due to poor management / incompetence and not because of India being an artificial state. There is nothing that links the two.

I agree that DMK is not going to be accepted in the north. But then DMK is a self confessed party of Dravidians, specifically Tamils. They will not be accepted in Kerala or AP either. For that matter, no one is going to vote for Mamta in Karnataka or Uddhav Thackrey in Orissa. That is the nature of regional politics. If they want to be accepted at national level, they need to have a national agenda. BJP and Congress were never regional parties so they have a headstart. Let DMK start talking about national issues. Maybe they will get there. But it will not happen overnight. It takes a very long time in politics to achieve anything. AAP was an aberration. The question is, do they even want it? Or are they content being kings of their respective dominions? Big fish in a small pond? KCR has been trying to stitch together a coalition of regional parties. It is admirable. But will other parties support him? No, because every party supremo will want the PM post for themselves. Is anyone willing to make the sacrifice and let KCR (just giving an example) be the PM candidate?

There are Brahmins and baniyas in every state, every party. And I don't mean it as a caste, but as a concept. You think Dravidian parties are very egalitarian? South has the biggest problem of personality cults, perhaps with the exception of Kerala. The leaders may not be Brahmin or bania by caste, but behave like them. They hold vast amounts of wealth and are quick to use their power against the weak when challenged. There is really not much distinction between mainstream and regional parties when it comes to the haves and have nots.

Finally, I know that many people from the south and west of India grudge the freebies that are doled out to the north. The latest bogey is infrastructure projects. This is also misguided. All infra projects these days are concessions, meaning they earn for themselves and have to be profitable by themselves. That is why they charge user fee or tolls. Nobody in Tamil Nadu is paying toll for the 'bhaiyya' driving his car on the Yamuna expressway. Where the north needs to catch up is employment and social reform. Till the time it cannot, they must adapt to the ways of their adoptive lands and I am completely with the regional folks on this.
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