All consequence is selective and will be made on a situatutional basis no matter where one is in the world! As
@Armstrong pointed out, the redlines are shifted by whoever is deciding the consequences, but everyone is subject too them. Even jihadist can speak their minds, we have plenty of hateful people in the US speaking their minds such as racist pastors, but considering jihadists often violate US laws they are subjected to our consequences. All nations will selectively apply their own consequences. China censors information it doesn't like at a lower threshold then the US does. We all have our limits, each are different, everyone applies consequences selectively. This isn't just a function of the "west"
And why should free speech be without consequence? Should we absolve people of responsibility for their action? What about free expression? What if murdering people is how I choose to express myself? Can I use the freedom of expression defense to lessen my culpability. Limits exist for a reason. The prevent society from getting out of control
An no
@Armstrong I'm not going to insult you, but I can as free speech allows me to.