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F35 for Indian Navy


Nov 17, 2012
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my first thread so take it easy mates.
Indian Navy should give it a serious thought of having F35 on its future Aircraft carriers. The F-35 was designed primarily as a strike fighter, dangerous in an air to air mission, but with a design optimized to carry out long-range strike missions as well. Much of the F-35's design is driven in one way or another by a need to get there. The F-35's stealth allows it to operate places the Eurofighter can not. The F-35B and C's ability to land on carriers or operate from short strips gives them the ability to operate from places the Typhoon can't. These attributes are extremely valuable to air and naval air forces.



The obstacles in China's path to developing advanced fighters are formidable. While the airframes of the J-20 and J-21 have clear low observable characteristics, Chinese capabilities in the crucial area of radar absorbent materials are difficult to gauge. The Northrop B-2 bomber, F-22 and F-35 require constant support to ensure their highly confidential coatings remain effective. The nature of these coatings is among the USA's most closely guarded secrets. Indeed, the USA was so intent to preserve its lead in stealth that it steadfastly declined to sell the F-22 even to its closest allies.
My point is we will be getting PAK FA our fifth gen fighter for our airforce so why should we not induct a fifth gen fighter for our navy too. We can get a clear advantage if we go for F35 for our navy's IAC 1 and IAC2 with our own Naval LCA.
And I think chinese J20 was influenced by this bird.


Have searched and copy pasted most. :smokin:
No need for that much expensive fancy toy. N-AMCA or N-FGFA or RAFALE-M is enough IAC-2.
No need for that much expensive fancy toy. N-AMCA or N-FGFA or RAFALE-M is enough IAC-2.

Well you cant expect to be cheap. Biggest plus point of F35 is VTOL. N-AMCA will take decades by the time 7 gen fighters will start coming.
N-AMCA will be the key to the future..till then,if Catobar,then Rafale.If Stobar,then Mig-29K.F-35 is a damn nice bird.but its too costly..plus too much strings..guys,is there any 5th gen jets Russia is planning to build??
my first thread so take it easy mates.
Indian Navy should give it a serious thought of having F35 on its future Aircraft carriers. The F-35 was designed primarily as a strike fighter, dangerous in an air to air mission, but with a design optimized to carry out long-range strike missions as well. Much of the F-35's design is driven in one way or another by a need to get there. The F-35's stealth allows it to operate places the Eurofighter can not. The F-35B and C's ability to land on carriers or operate from short strips gives them the ability to operate from places the Typhoon can't. These attributes are extremely valuable to air and naval air forces.



The obstacles in China's path to developing advanced fighters are formidable. While the airframes of the J-20 and J-21 have clear low observable characteristics, Chinese capabilities in the crucial area of radar absorbent materials are difficult to gauge. The Northrop B-2 bomber, F-22 and F-35 require constant support to ensure their highly confidential coatings remain effective. The nature of these coatings is among the USA's most closely guarded secrets. Indeed, the USA was so intent to preserve its lead in stealth that it steadfastly declined to sell the F-22 even to its closest allies.
My point is we will be getting PAK FA our fifth gen fighter for our airforce so why should we not induct a fifth gen fighter for our navy too. We can get a clear advantage if we go for F35 for our navy's IAC 1 and IAC2 with our own Naval LCA.
And I think chinese J20 was influenced by this bird.


Have searched and copy pasted most. :smokin:

The F 35 will have too many disadvantages over a Naval version of the FGFA which will come for sure since the Russian want to expand their carrier fleet as well.

1. Its too expensive.
2. Its one of the most advanced US weapon systems, which means it will come with waaaaaaaaay too many strings attached and God knows when the Americans will change their view on India again.

3. Unlike the FGFA, our industry will not learn much from it, since it will be bough off the shelf anyways. Furthermore, there will be spare part issues as well to consider.

4. The F 35 would be a completely new system to Indias military and would create more problems to introduce this machine, while a naval FGFA would not pose such problems since the IAF will operate them already at that time.

CONCLUSIONS: India will never go for the F-35.
Well you cant expect to be cheap. Biggest plus point of F35 is VTOL. N-AMCA will take decades by the time 7 gen fighters will start coming.

whats the point in VTOL??are we planning to fly them from our future LPDs??and no country except USA fielded 5th gen carrier jets.7th gen is long long away kid.
Well you cant expect to be cheap. Biggest plus point of F35 is VTOL. N-AMCA will take decades by the time 7 gen fighters will start coming.

i think you don't know what is aircraft and its perfomance. that's why you are tilting towards fancy toys.
and coming to your point, what is the real advantage our navy is going to gain with VTOL' are you going to use it in LPD'S. and USAF is the only force going to operate full of 5th gen fighters in the forseable future. 7th generation fighters are decades away and you can't even imagine about it. And about N-AMCA induction, i dont want comment on your stupid quote.
Well you cant expect to be cheap. Biggest plus point of F35 is VTOL. N-AMCA will take decades by the time 7 gen fighters will start coming.

every interested country contributed to the project depending on their order.its primarily intended for their allies so even if we're interested its not that they're ready to give us.even if they are we'll be their last customer to have it with lot of strings attached and no TOT. so its a long process.even the countries who opted for that project are rethinking their strategy and also the cost is too high..besides we're already working on AMCA

we already invested in fgfa which has similar or superior qualities in some cases .and it has shown a good progress.we're planning to have 200-250 of those.
every interested country contributed to the project depending on their order.its primarily intended for their allies so even if we're interested its not that they're ready to give us.even if they are we'll be their last customer to have it with lot of strings attached and no TOT. so its a long process.even the countries who opted for that project are rethinking their strategy and also the cost is too high..besides we're already working on AMCA

we already invested in fgfa which has similar or superior qualities in some cases .and it has shown a good progress.we're planning to have 200-250 of those.
Am not an expert but for an example take the increase in airlift capability with the C 130 and C 17. Am not doubting FGFA but seriously N AMCA is a far fledged dream, watching how LCA is coming out. I don't think FGFA will be away from Chinese to have a look at except whatever we get from Israelis or French to put on it. China has SU 30 also but what makes our superior ? China might have it what makes FGFA even something better from Russia but china cannot have F35. Lets be true to ourselves we have to take on china on our own buy bribe or BUILD.
let us concern ourselves with eradicating poverty rather than buy overpriced jets. naval AMCA or naval tejas with stealth features should do.
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