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F-7P and F-7PG

F7 were not part of operations, but were up in air fields protecting important installation at that time

It would make sense.

Also quick question I read up that the ROSE mods for our mirages have BVR capability. Do our mirages utilise it?

It would make sense.

Also quick question I read up that the ROSE mods for our mirages have BVR capability. Do our mirages utilise it?
There no such information from PAF ever IMO, secondly we dont have french BRVs

On the other hand South African cheetah update add options to use there BRV ... but PAF consider cheetah update but naver gone for it

But the Egyptians Horus mirages which remains long on news as deal with PAF (dont know deal executed or got died) have BRV capabilities with them .. so if PAF ever got them they will bring BRV capabilities in those mirages
There no such information from PAF ever IMO, secondly we dont have french BRVs

On the other hand South African cheetah update add options to use there BRV ... but PAF consider cheetah update but naver gone for it

But the Egyptians Horus mirages which remains long on news as deal with PAF (dont know deal executed or got died) have BRV capabilities with them .. so if PAF ever got them they will bring BRV capabilities in those mirages
Ah. I heard the bvr capability through the grape vine shall we say...

Also I thought the purchase of the R-Darter would've meant BVR for ROSE mirages.

Nvm then.
Thank you.
F7PGs gave USAF A tough time in an exercise few years ago. They fly against F16s all the time.

If PGs have to serve one more decade then they should get HMS & Latest IR AAM (ASRAAM, IRIS-T, PL-10 etc.) upgrade allowing it to be potent point defence fighter.
A 50% attrition rate means that all 46 of F-7PGs would be gone within a week of an all out war.

The BVR missiles which would be employed in next conflict involving South-East Asia would be more advanced than AIM-120 versions used by USAF in 2003.

.... and small F-7PG may be a nimble beast but I don't think PAF has ever tested it agianst an high-off boresight WVR missile with HMD assited launch.

PAF have used F-7s even against F-22s and all other latest fighter jets like EFT, Rafales, so its not true that they have not been tested against off bore / LOAL capable AAMs
F-7mp will be gone in next 12 months or so, f-7pg could be used CAS till replaced by JFT
PAF have used F-7s even against F-22s and all other latest fighter jets like EFT, Rafales, so its not true that they have not been tested against off bore / LOAL capable AAMs
Once they known as poormans F16, means they can achieve task near early blocks of f16 at that time
If PGs have to serve one more decade then they should get HMS & Latest IR AAM (ASRAAM, IRIS-T, PL-10 etc.) upgrade allowing it to be potent point defence fighter.
PG timeline as per PAF for replacement is at max till 2025
If PGs have to serve one more decade then they should get HMS & Latest IR AAM (ASRAAM, IRIS-T, PL-10 etc.) upgrade allowing it to be potent point defence fighter.
That would ultimately mean an up gradation of its Radar. Imo we shouldn't really be investing so much money into a platform we will retire in a few years or so.

I mean perhaps to covert them into kamikaze drones. That wouldn't be too bad tbh.
That would ultimately mean an up gradation of its Radar. Imo we shouldn't really be investing so much money into a platform we will retire in a few years or so.

I mean perhaps to covert them into kamikaze drones. That wouldn't be too bad tbh.

Nope, for 5th Gen IR missiles radar upgrade is not necessary.
Hmmm... You sure?

Could the pl10 be data linked via awac?

Currently only US have that capability and PL-10 is not BVR AAM its WVR AAM with LOAL / LOBL capability which is now common in 5th gen IR WVR AAMs ASRAAM have max range of 50km and India is buying it for its older gen aircrafts, Pakistan must introduce this capability on it fighter fleet across the board.
Currently only US have that capability and PL-10 is not BVR AAM its WVR AAM with LOAL / LOBL capability which is now common in 5th gen IR WVR AAMs ASRAAM have max range of 50km and India is buying it for its older gen aircrafts, Pakistan must introduce this capability on it fighter fleet across the board.
Ohhhhh I was thinking of this with a 60km range.

Nvm it has a 20km range I understand. Also I thought we do have the capability to link our AAMs with Awacs such as with the aim 120c5 and pl15
Ohhhhh I was thinking of this with a 60km range.

Nvm it has a 20km range I understand. Also I thought we do have the capability to link our AAMs with Awacs such as with the aim 120c5 and pl15

Nope, that is very expensive to do currently, also UAVs and other sensors in NCW environment can be used to provide target data to AAM, which can allow a non radar Mirage to fire AAM in LOAL mode against enemy.
Nope, that is very expensive to do currently, also UAVs and other sensors in NCW environment can be used to provide target data to AAM, which can allow a non radar Mirage to fire AAM in LOAL mode against enemy.
Aye I got ya thanks.

Well let's hope our UAVs can link with the missiles. I mean... Can they?
F-7MG (PG) Flight Trials by Pakistan Air Force.

Air Cdr Kaiser Tufail gives a thumbs-up before an evaluation sortie.

Pictures Courtesy - Air Cdr Kaiser Tufail

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