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F-35’s can knock down whole PAF & IAF: Pervez Hoodboy

The gap is massive regardless.

I never denied that.

Russian conventional hardware is certainly impressive in its own right but the odds drastically shift vis-a-vis USA.

It's not about who would win, it's about whether or not Russia could inflict some nasty damage if NATO decided to declare war upon it, and it could.

Turkish Air Force shot down a Russian jet near its border in 2015 - did it start WW3?

It created a huge international incident. Now, imagine if instead of that happening, a Russian aircraft shot down an American one, and did that not just once, but multiple times. What do you think that would cause?

PAF shot down two Indian jets near the border not long ago - did we start a nuclear war?

If Pakistan and India regularly engaged in air-to-air skirmishes like we did in February, it very well could lead to a war.

Russian defenses in Syria are not up to the task

I prefer not to over-hype these kinds of systems, I was just trying to say that they would help support Russian aircraft and thus add to the punch of the Russian military in some way.
he is merely kissing his masters arse, a case of self loathing coconut.
just stating the obvious as the technology will pretty much make the human element irrelevant as AI will take over the entire battle ground
that said we are not there
there were many F35 related accidents major one being the one falling in the Pacific recently
just stating the obvious as the technology will pretty much make the human element irrelevant as AI will take over the entire battle ground
that said we are not there
there were many F35 related accidents major one being the one falling in the Pacific recently
Anything man made has the potential to fail and we live in an era of overwhelming confidence in technology. I guess when it fails it fails spectacularly.
If that single person can fix pakistan, then surely ask him to do the needful, and do compare no of patents....

Your same DG was so Confused that he claimed his own pilots as ours, later denied too, putting pakistan and army into face saving mode, where is that second pilot that was alive?:disagree:

ask your DG, why did it took so long for him to take international media to that hill top?? 43 days? looks like repair work is quick in Pakistan, a lot of practice from LOC?

and does that gives the whole of Pakistan the audacity to compare him and his IQ to 1.4 billion people? our country is right now a developing country, yet our people pack a punch in their identity, do Pakistanis have such favorable identity across the world? let alone a favorable point of view from leading companies....

Dude whoever you are take a look for a second at how pathetic you and your country look like rt now. You guys talk about total domination, "cheer key rakhdengey", "tukrey tukrey kardengey"....then you ask us to prove your bullshit strike was a failure. How about you show us images of the missile striking the building. How about you show us pics of the downed F16. Your monkey PM claims india is a space superpower then use ur satellites and show us the downed F16, show us the workers patching up that building.

The fact that your pathetic namard fauj has to lie and make up crap shows any serious person how absolutely trashy your country is.

How about you now go along and find that fat slob mallu Raja Singh aka Kaala Suar who calls Hindus the fathers of Muslims and threatens to rape our women and help him sing a better copycat version of our ISPR songs.

A liberal fascist who hates Pakistan and its Muslim identity, and loves licking the a** of Americans. I wonder why don't they all just f**k off to America? they spend most of their time there anyway giving lectures on how backward Pakistanis are.
Quantum Radar = Not ready (Drawing Board stage)

J-20 = Not ready (Initial Operational Capability stage but needs further testing and fine-tuning - will take a while to reach the point when it can be pitted against F-35).
But American aviation industry is not sitting idle; they have already scheduled additional set-of-upgrades for F-22 and F-35 throughout the 2020s.

As for S-400:-


F-35's pilot will not wait for S-400 to notice it and try to obtain a lock on it - S400 will be taken out long before.
J20 is deployed and currently more than 30 jets are in service and it is 100 percent operational. Chinese technology has proved its metal when on 27feb jf17 which is much less advanced as compared to su30 was able to down it and mig 21 so j20 will do the same with f35.China has habit of keeping secret their true capabilities and they will give surprise in actual conflict like it happened with india on feb 27 so you should comeout of worshiping u.s made weapons and if you look at human history you will find that most of wars are won not because of superior weapons and mostly nations with less capable weapons but fighting for true cause win the war
The gap is massive regardless.

Russian conventional hardware is certainly impressive in its own right but the odds drastically shift vis-a-vis USA.


Below is a glimpse of sheer number of systems which can be called into action.


"Although Gerasimov was referring to a hybrid war when discussing new means and methods of warfare, this analysis uses the newly fashionable term to describe the current U.S.-Russia confrontation. Unlike its Cold War predecessor, this conflict is asymmetrical. At least since the 1970s, the Soviet Union was the United States’ equal in terms of both nuclear and conventional military power. Even beyond its own vast land mass and immediate sphere of influence in Eastern Europe, it wielded considerable ideological power in many Western countries and in the Third World and presided over a system of alliances in Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America, and the Middle East. The Russian Federation, by contrast, has few formal allies, no satellite states, and a handful of protectorates, if one includes the self-proclaimed states of Abkhazia, Donbass, South Ossetia, and Transnistria. It has no ideology to compare with the comprehensive dogma of Marxism-Leninism, and although it is still a nuclear superpower, it lags far behind the United States in non-nuclear military capabilities. Economically, Russia—with its estimated 1.5 percent of the global gross domestic product—is a dwarf." - Carnegie Moscow Center


Pit Russia against another country, and we can talk.


Turkish Air Force shot down a Russian jet near its border in 2015 - did it start WW3?

PAF shot down two Indian jets near the border not long ago - did we start a nuclear war?

Conventional military muscle is the BUFFER in these matters, and Russia is unlikely to start WW3 over Syria, or for some other country.

Incident # 1: https://edition.cnn.com/2017/04/07/politics/new-satellite-imagery-of-bombed-syrian-base/index.html

Incident # 2: https://www.businessinsider.com/syr...ar-chemical-weapons-bunker-on-april-14-2018-2

Incident # 3: https://www.nytimes.com/2018/05/24/...ican-commandos-russian-mercenaries-syria.html


Russian defenses in Syria are not up to the task: https://warisboring.com/russias-air-defenses-in-syria-have-some-big-problems/

"However, on April 6, 2017, in retaliation for a chemical weapons attack on Khan Sheykhoun that killed nearly 100 Syrian civilians, two U.S. Navy destroyers fired 59 BGM-109 Tomahawk Land Attack Missiles at Shayrat air base.

On their way to the target, most of the missiles in question passed over the Tartous area and then through the so-called “Homs Gap” – a depression between the mountains of western Syria and those in Lebanon – only 50 kilometers south of Hmemmem. Nevertheless, the Russian radars completely failed to detect them."

Another: https://www.haaretz.com/us-news/how-the-u-s-led-airstrikes-hit-their-targets-in-syria-1.6000391

"The bombers were accompanied by a single EA-6B Prowler for electronic warfare suppression, potentially against Russian air defenses, as well as tanker support, according to a Joint Staff spokesman."

Physics and mathematics behind this stuff show us between the lines - doodh kaa doodh aur pani kaa pani ho jaata hai.


Quantum radar system sound interesting in theory but nothing significant to show in this domain thus far.
Finally someone talking sense :)
Big achievement on your part. Impressive.
No, i mean to say how it can add to our BMD capability?

Dude whoever you are take a look for a second at how pathetic you and your country look like rt now. You guys talk about total domination, "cheer key rakhdengey", "tukrey tukrey kardengey"....then you ask us to prove your bullshit strike was a failure. How about you show us images of the missile striking the building. How about you show us pics of the downed F16. Your monkey PM claims india is a space superpower then use ur satellites and show us the downed F16, show us the workers patching up that building.

The fact that your pathetic namard fauj has to lie and make up crap shows any serious person how absolutely trashy your country is.

How about you now go along and find that fat slob mallu Raja Singh aka Kaala Suar who calls Hindus the fathers of Muslims and threatens to rape our women and help him sing a better copycat version of our ISPR songs.

Namard woh hote hai jo 50000 hone ke bawajud 3000 ke saamne ghutne tek dete hai, Dum hai toh leke dikha Kashmir namardo se?:lol:
I am a little disturbed by the endless posts here that somehow Hoodhboy is insane. Hes a PhD in Physics, extremely well read and is being treated here like hes Khadim Hussain Rizvi.

If the US decided to deploy its fleet of F16s...Pakistan would be overwhelmed. Lets not even talk about the F-35. This is not to downplay the training/courage/morale of our forces. But come on guys lets get real. Furthermore, they could do the same to India and we all know that too.

Our forces lived in the real world for perhaps the first time in my life in this Balakot encounter. They knew their capability, knew their limitations and engaged the enemy on their terms. Lets not go back to living in a fairy tale world.
Had he been so good at PhD in physics he would have done some marvelous work on Physics but i find him mostly braking at Pak Army. If you need a eye specialist will you go to a cardiologist (even if he is a gold medalist ) ?
Dude whoever you are take a look for a second at how pathetic you and your country look like rt now. You guys talk about total domination, "cheer key rakhdengey", "tukrey tukrey kardengey"....then you ask us to prove your bullshit strike was a failure. How about you show us images of the missile striking the building. How about you show us pics of the downed F16. Your monkey PM claims india is a space superpower then use ur satellites and show us the downed F16, show us the workers patching up that building.

The fact that your pathetic namard fauj has to lie and make up crap shows any serious person how absolutely trashy your country is.

How about you now go along and find that fat slob mallu Raja Singh aka Kaala Suar who calls Hindus the fathers of Muslims and threatens to rape our women and help him sing a better copycat version of our ISPR songs.

He may be a physicist, but lately most of his work is not physics related (more like political and towards polarizing public opinion). Being a physicist does not mean he knows military equipment and defense related dynamics. Most of his arguments are here say. Not to say I don't partially agree with some of his assertions. I would think most would to a certain degree.
He may be a physicist, but lately most of his work is not physics related (more like political and towards polarizing public opinion). Being a physicist does not mean he knows military equipment and defense related dynamics. Most of his arguments are here say. Not to say I don't partially agree with some of his assertions. I would think most would to a certain degree.
Fair enough but we all know and if we don't we should that what he said in this article is not controversial. People here are talking as if we could take on the US. The vast majority of the F-35s capabilities aren't even known. This, like I said before, doesn't mean our forces are incompetent or weak...but for people to be saying that the F-35 is a bad jet or the F-16 could somehow take it on its laughable. Between the standoff capabilities, the connected war platform, the severely reduced radar signature and the very formidable training of its pilots...US flown F35s would be insurmountable against our air force and most certainly the indian air force. Would a couple get shot down? Maybe...but likely our entire fleet would be out of commission or staying out of the fight.

Again this isn't to denigrate our forces. We aren't fighting the US. Our enemy is the loud hideous uncircumcised lot next door.

A liberal fascist who hates Pakistan and its Muslim identity, and loves licking the a** of Americans. I wonder why don't they all just f**k off to America? they spend most of their time there anyway giving lectures on how backward Pakistanis are.

Im pretty sure Hoodhboy has done more for Pakistan and its people than you or I have. I can tell you that I know of two PhD graduates from MIT who were accepted on full scholarships from Pakistan bc of his recommendation. One is now at Argonne National Labs and the other is working for Strategic Plans in Pakistan. Both from middle class background...one's father was a teacher and the other is the son of a police officer.

Just bc we don't agree with his social positions doesn't mean we shouldn't respect our fellow Pakistanis and also we should always be willing to hear a differing view.
May be once they sort out oxygen supply issues for F-35 pilots during flight.
You have a heavy air superiority USAF with the F35 that is meant to punch through enemy defenses and take control of enemy skies and you have the PAF with F16 & JF17...which is meant more as defensive air force. I think we sometimes get carried away in the comparisons, Our Air force is extremely capable, but there are superior air force & aircraft out there.
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