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F-35’s can knock down whole PAF & IAF: Pervez Hoodboy


Feb 26, 2019
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Fifth generation aircraft — such as the F-35 stealth fighter — have tilted an already tilted playing field much further. In Atlantic war exercises these fighters have been repeatedly tested against the kind of third- and fourth-generation fighters like those currently in the Pakistani and Indian air fleets. While kill ratios are secret, they are sometimes leaked. Assuming the leaks are correct, in some hypothetical war just two squadrons of American F-35s could knock down the combined might of the PAF and IAF fleets fighting together for the loss of just one F-35 — or perhaps none.


What is he smoking these days ?
You are assuming that higher tech is more dangerous. The more advanced tech you have the more vulnerable that plane is. For example hyper-sonic missiles and stealth planes require satellite systems to function. If these were not there it would not function. How useful would 99% of US tech be without GPS systems?
His intellectual stature is greater than 1.4 billion Indians put together. So when he says something, people take him seriously. He doesn't make sensational claims just like that. There must have been a lot of research to back his claims.
NK has at least two nuclear armed satellites in space that orbit over the US and these would cause an EMP that would cripple the US. Does that mean NK is the most dangerous?
first u.s will not be going to destroy indian airforce as they need them to contain china and if they destroy Paf we will nuke israel which u.s cannot afford so I think if u.s destroy airforce of Pakistan,india this will lead to russia and china involvement in conflict and we may get j20,su35 or su57 which will be challenging for f35 or any u.s jet and their aircraft carriers or other ships in the region may be attacked .
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His intellectual stature is greater than 1.4 billion Indians put together. So when he says something, people take him seriously. He doesn't make sensational claims just like that. There must have been a lot of research to back his claims.
Who the fck takes him seriosly? he is a clown who is absolutely zero in his field hence he tries to make it up by pretending to be a philosopher. Now it seems he has taken up military analysis, lol
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Stealth fighters are overrated. I have read multiple reports where F-16s outmaneuvered F-35s on multiple occasions in close combat bringing it down during exercises. In real dogfight it’s hard for friendly pilots to distinguish between friendly and foes if stealth fighters are involved, and obviously BVRs are overrated. So at the end of the day it’s on pilot skills.
Fifth generation aircraft — such as the F-35 stealth fighter — have tilted an already tilted playing field much further. In Atlantic war exercises these fighters have been repeatedly tested against the kind of third- and fourth-generation fighters like those currently in the Pakistani and Indian air fleets. While kill ratios are secret, they are sometimes leaked. Assuming the leaks are correct, in some hypothetical war just two squadrons of American F-35s could knock down the combined might of the PAF and IAF fleets fighting together for the loss of just one F-35 — or perhaps none.


What is he smoking these days ?
Fifth generation aircraft — such as the F-35 stealth fighter — have tilted an already tilted playing field much further. In Atlantic war exercises these fighters have been repeatedly tested against the kind of third- and fourth-generation fighters like those currently in the Pakistani and Indian air fleets. While kill ratios are secret, they are sometimes leaked. Assuming the leaks are correct, in some hypothetical war just two squadrons of American F-35s could knock down the combined might of the PAF and IAF fleets fighting together for the loss of just one F-35 — or perhaps none.


What is he smoking these days ?
I thought his time of wet dreams is over ....
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