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F-35 Running into more problems as Canada cancels its order

IIRC the UK is reviewing its F-35 numbers too. The UKG may cut orders by 1/3rd. And the PAK-FA is a very credible alternative for any would be customer of the F-35. Many have already said the PAF-KA will be on par if not more capable than the F-22 so it is already ahead of the flawed F-35.

Anyone whose said that literally doesn't know what they're talking about, as those who would be in a position to speak authoritatively are not allowed to speak, for both sides.

While facing initial troubles, these days the F-35 program is getting good news, at least for the US. We have our initial training squadron, and production is only going to ramp up. I should note that even if all the other partner countries cancelled their orders, the price for the F-35 in the US should not change appreciably (as we are ordering by far the most, and have already factored the costs of development in our prices).

As for the UK ordering the PAK-FA, that's a non-starter due to NATO requirements.
What do you mean by flawed?
I mean there are flaws!

Frank Kendall, the Pentagon’s top weapons-buyer, convened the so-called “Quick Look Review” panel in October. Its report — 55 pages of dense technical jargon and intricate charts — was leaked this weekend. Kendall and company found a laundry list of flaws with the F-35, including a poorly placed tail hook, lagging sensors, a buggy electrical system and structural cracks.

Some of the problems — the electrical bugs, for instance — were becoming clear before the Quick Look Review; others are brand-new. The panelists describe them all in detail and, for the first time, connect them to the program’s underlying management problems. Most ominously, the report mentions — but does not describe — a “classified” deficiency. “Dollars to doughnuts it has something to do with stealth,” aviation guru Bill Sweetman wrote. In other words, the F-35 might not be as invisible to radar as prime contractor Lockheed Martin said it would be.

But that optimism proved unfounded. “This assessment shows that the F-35 program has discovered and is continuing to discover issues at a rate more typical of early design experience on previous aircraft development programs,” the panelists explained. Testing uncovered problems the computers did not predict, resulting in 725 design changes while new jets were rolling off the factory floor in Fort Worth, Texas.

And every change takes time and costs money. To pay for the fixes, this year the Pentagon cut its F-35 order from 42 to 30. Next year’s order dropped from 35 to 30. “It’s basically sucked the wind out of our lungs with the burden, the financial burden,” Venlet said.

Trillion-Dollar Jet Has Thirteen Expensive New Flaws | Danger Room | Wired.com
Just as well, based on the posts on PDF Canada is a hotbed of Islamic radicals ready to bomb the US the moment the first F-35 is delivered.
If 2of the partner countries of jsf cancel the jsf purchase indefinitely, & induct stealthy rhino (with weapon bay), it will be a major win for fgfa.
Don't think any decision has been made yet with regards to the final figure we will be procuring but with our worsening economic outlook, I expect the numbers to be reduced by quite a bit. We need to sort out our economy before worrying about how many F-35s we will be buying, sadly.

why not you peoples ask few F22 for your airforce. i know US stopped its production and also restricted its export. But you are the very closest ally to US.
the problem is that most country need fighter to secure their air space not to invade other country , that why they will go to buy some Russian and Chinese cheaper fighters ....................

So most country will buy SAM systems and cheap fighters .........
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