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F-35 racked up a 28:1 kill ratio at recent Red Flag exercises

You can bet your next yr's salary -- has. But not likely the results will be published soon, if ever.

When I transitioned from the F-111 to the F-16 back in '87, I learned that the early test engagements between the F-15 and F-16 were immediately classified, not even pilots who were assigned to the jets were allowed to know. Just because you have a 'Top Secret' clearance, that does not mean you can waltz into any office and demand access to anything. You must have a 'need to know' even for lower clearance material. A clerk can deny you next month's assignment even though that list is only rated 'Confidential' if you have no business on knowing who is going where.

Anyway, the reason was that how the pilots of each jet counter-moved each other would reveal advantages and disadvantages regarding their flight envelopes.


These test engagements are rigged, and that is a good thing. Rigged tests are variables controlled so that you can better study the aircraft within a narrow field of environment. No different than if you designed a new tire where you incrementally test on dry pavement, then gravel, then sand, then wet, etc. The results of the increasing expanding test engagements eventually contribute to combat doctrines unique to the aircraft.

With 'stealth' vs 'stealth', there is no telling what was found specifics to the capabilities of each jet. What this mean is that we already have a tactical advantage in knowing certain combat situations where 'stealth' have clear superiority and where not so. You cannot have this knowledge in 'stealth' vs 'non-stealth'.

Russia? Dismissed. The Russian fanbois will not like it, but that is the harsh reality.

China? Ten laps behind and not closing, no matter how much the Chinese members and their friends may protest.
Talk all the nonsense u want but what war have you won since ww2?
. . .
Talk all the nonsense u want but what war have you won since ww2?
Lets see.
-Cold war
-Afghan Russian war ( don't tell me it is just afghans and pakistan, because wars with partnership are still victories)
-Constantly winning in middle east by keeping the status quo and keeping Israel strong (partnership again).
-Look at the overall landscape who is the most dominant power, with the 'most say' in the world right now? That is the not just the effect of size, economy it is also military muscle. To underline it is a very well rounded influence.
-It is natural for groups/nation/people to reach out to little straws of victories, but the facts remain.

My two cents.
Absolutely possible when other jets cannot notice an F-35 until it is too close (< 20 miles) even under very complex set of arrangements such as RED FLAG.
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The writers noted that the F-35 is doing well in deployments and has racked up “a 28:1 kill ratio at recent Red Flag exercises in Nevada.” More than 380 F-35s are now flying with all three US services—the Navy recently having declared initial operational capability—and in 17 locations worldwide, the letter noted.

http://airforcemag.com/Features/Pages/2019/May 2019/Retired-Generals-Press-Congress-to-Fund-More-F-35s-Discourage-Legacy-Buy.aspx
Only one thing comes to mind after reading this, Yeah right!
This overly priced toy is just being paraded around as this jet is too big to fail, nothing else.
Well f35 currently is proving to be a beast but scenarios do matter ... so what r the scnarios in which they were being used ...

For example putting a 5th generation against 4th generation ... results r obvious ... this is similar to putting f16s against f86s or stat fighter ...

The real test would have been performance against other stealth fighters ...

Secondly while strength of f35 is stealth based but what if the chinese claims r also true that they have a working radar capable of early detection of stealth aircrafts ? (Kindly note that i am taking claims from both the countries on its face value)

Offcourse in any case f35 is going to dominate the rest of the world for atleast a decade or 2 but real test of f35 will be against china ... will it give similar kill ratio when pitted against j20 in a highly dense electeonic warfare environment with active and passive sensors ? The moment f35 open the radars for target aquisition it will expose herself to the adversary and stealth will be gone unless f35 is being used in a strike mode ... kindly dont cosider awacs role as they were not be flying close to the danger zone otherwise would be takenout with VLRAAM

Will the kill ratio be same ? I think it will not even closer ... kindly share your peofessional analysis without national biases...
Recommended read: https://www.forbes.com/sites/lorent...-the-f-35-fighter-story-you-havent-heard/amp/

F-35's radar system can perform full volume search for potential targets in under 3 seconds, then 'active search' comes to an end, and the aircraft immediately fall back to its passive set-of-sensors for the rest.
The writers noted that the F-35 is doing well in deployments and has racked up “a 28:1 kill ratio at recent Red Flag exercises in Nevada.” More than 380 F-35s are now flying with all three US services—the Navy recently having declared initial operational capability—and in 17 locations worldwide, the letter noted.

http://airforcemag.com/Features/Pages/2019/May 2019/Retired-Generals-Press-Congress-to-Fund-More-F-35s-Discourage-Legacy-Buy.aspx
Bullshit.... Has it engaged with indian mig21?? :D
Lets see.
-Cold war
-Afghan Russian war ( don't tell me it is just afghans and pakistan, because wars with partnership are still victories)
-Constantly winning in middle east by keeping the status quo and keeping Israel strong (partnership again).
-Look at the overall landscape who is the most dominant power, with the 'most say' in the world right now? That is the not just the effect of size, economy it is also military muscle. To underline it is a very well rounded influence.
-It is natural for groups/nation/people to reach out to little straws of victories, but the facts remain.

My two cents.
What a knob of an answer. That's why they lost Korea Vietnam Iraq Syria Afghanistan I could go on but what's the point. Stupid is stupid

Every single one.

You are correct. The F-35 is a terrible fighter because it does not have an official name.
Oh yes. Vietnam you won?
Afghanistan is won? That's why you are begging the Taliban and Pakistan
Iraq you won?
Syria won?
I will give you Grenada as your 5th fleet out manoeuvred the one policeman on the island armed with a truncheon
What a knob of an answer. That's why they lost Korea Vietnam Iraq Syria Afghanistan I could go on but what's the point. Stupid is stupid
Korean peninsula:-

Primary objective of the Korean War was to LIBERATE South Korea from North Korea, and US-led forces accomplished this objective. However, US-led forces did not stop at this point and invaded North Korea in order to dissolve it and reunite it with South Korea (secondary objective), but China dispatched its armies to thwart this move and US-led forces retreated to South Korea. So no - this wasn't a defeat because primary objective of this conflict was accomplished regardless.


Vietcong took over the US-backed South = Defeat (Americans admit this openly)


Two wars in total [1] and [2]

[1] Persian Gulf War (1991) = SUCCESS STORY (Liberation of Kuwait from Iraq)

[2] Operation Iraqi Freedom (2003 - 2011) = SUCCESS STORY (Regime change and subsequent political reforms)


Two wars in total [1] and [2]

[1] Operation Cyclone = SUCCESS STORY (Defeat of USSR in Afghanistan*)

*Pakistan involved.

[2] Operation Enduring Freedom (2001 - 2014)

Al-Qaeda Network = ROUTED (Primary target)

However, Afghan Taliban re-surged by 2015 and continue to challenge the writ of US-backed Afghan government. Now, Trump administration and Afghan Taliban are negotiating a political resolution for this CHAPTER OF VIOLENCE.



ISIL Network = ROUTED (Primary target)

Syria carved up into spheres of influence by Russia, Turkey and US for indefinite period.



US-led forces have DELIVERED in different theaters over the course of years, but what American politicians choose to do with these theaters, is the point. I think @gambit have reiterated this point time-and-again.

Oh yes. Vietnam you won?
Afghanistan is won? That's why you are begging the Taliban and Pakistan
Iraq you won?
Syria won?
I will give you Grenada as your 5th fleet out manoeuvred the one policeman on the island armed with a truncheon
See above.

Modern-era conflicts are very complex affairs, but 'outcome' matters.

Korea; Vietnam; Afghanistan; Iraq = each theater was a means to an end in the greater game of containing USSR and eroding its reach to WARM WATERS across the board (COLD WAR)

Outcome of the COLD WAR = USSR collapsed (USA won)

US have accomplished a lot under the shadow of its War On Terror crusade as well = created many jobs for its nationals; stimulated American Military Industrial Complex; devised and tested new warfare doctrines in different theater of operations; toppled several regimes in different regions which were deemed as a threat to American interests (Afghanistan; Iraq; Somalia; Libya); and played a vital role in defeating some of the most powerful terrorist organizations across the board (Al-Qaeda Network*; TTP*; and ISIL).

*Pakistan involved.
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Korean peninsula:-

Primary objective of the Korean War was to LIBERATE South Korea from North Korea, and US-led forces accomplished this objective. However, US-led forces did not stop at this point and invaded North Korea in order to dissolve it and reunite it with South Korea (secondary objective), but China dispatched its armies to thwart this move and US-led forces retreated to South Korea. So no - this wasn't a defeat because primary objective of this conflict was accomplished regardless.


Vietcong took over the US-backed South = Defeat (Americans admit this openly)


Two wars in total [1] and [2]

[1] Persian Gulf War (1991) = SUCCESS STORY (Liberation of Kuwait from Iraq)

[2] Operation Iraqi Freedom (2003 - 2011) = SUCCESS STORY (Regime change and subsequent political reforms)


Two wars in total [1] and [2]

[1] Operation Cyclone = SUCCESS STORY (Defeat of USSR in Afghanistan*)

*Pakistan involved.

[2] Operation Enduring Freedom (2001 - 2014)

Al-Qaeda Network = ROUTED (Primary target)

However, Afghan Taliban re-surged by 2015 and continue to challenge the writ of US-backed Afghan government. Now, Trump administration and Afghan Taliban are negotiating a political resolution for this CHAPTER OF VIOLENCE.



ISIL Network = ROUTED (Primary target)

Syria carved up into spheres of influence by Russia, Turkey and US for indefinite period.



US-led forces have DELIVERED in different theaters over the course of years, but what American politicians choose to do with these theaters, is the point. I think @gambit have reiterated this point time-and-again.

See above.

Modern-era conflicts are very complex affairs, but 'outcome' matters.

Korea; Vietnam; Afghanistan; Iraq = each theater was a means to an end in the greater game of containing USSR and eroding its reach to WARM WATERS across the board (COLD WAR)

Outcome of the COLD WAR = USSR collapsed (USA won)

US have accomplished a lot under the shadow of its War On Terror crusade as well = created many jobs for its nationals; stimulated American Military Industrial Complex; devised and tested new warfare doctrines in different theater of operations; toppled several regimes in different regions which were deemed as a threat to American interests (Afghanistan; Iraq; Somalia; Libya); and played a vital role in defeating some of the most powerful terrorist organizations across the board (Al-Qaeda Network*; TTP*; and ISIL).

Korean peninsula:-

Primary objective of the Korean War was to LIBERATE South Korea from North Korea, and US-led forces accomplished this objective. However, US-led forces did not stop at this point and invaded North Korea in order to dissolve it and reunite it with South Korea (secondary objective), but China dispatched its armies to thwart this move and US-led forces retreated to South Korea. So no - this wasn't a defeat because primary objective of this conflict was accomplished regardless.


Vietcong took over the US-backed South = Defeat (Americans admit this openly)


Two wars in total [1] and [2]

[1] Persian Gulf War (1991) = SUCCESS STORY (Liberation of Kuwait from Iraq)

[2] Operation Iraqi Freedom (2003 - 2011) = SUCCESS STORY (Regime change and subsequent political reforms)


Two wars in total [1] and [2]

[1] Operation Cyclone = SUCCESS STORY (Defeat of USSR in Afghanistan*)

*Pakistan involved.

[2] Operation Enduring Freedom (2001 - 2014)

Al-Qaeda Network = ROUTED (Primary target)

However, Afghan Taliban re-surged by 2015 and continue to challenge the writ of US-backed Afghan government. Now, Trump administration and Afghan Taliban are negotiating a political resolution for this CHAPTER OF VIOLENCE.



ISIL Network = ROUTED (Primary target)

Syria carved up into spheres of influence by Russia, Turkey and US for indefinite period.



US-led forces have DELIVERED in different theaters over the course of years, but what American politicians choose to do with these theaters, is the point. I think @gambit have reiterated this point time-and-again.

See above.

Modern-era conflicts are very complex affairs, but 'outcome' matters.

Korea; Vietnam; Afghanistan; Iraq = each theater was a means to an end in the greater game of containing USSR and eroding its reach to WARM WATERS across the board (COLD WAR)

Outcome of the COLD WAR = USSR collapsed (USA won)

US have accomplished a lot under the shadow of its War On Terror crusade as well = created many jobs for its nationals; stimulated American Military Industrial Complex; devised and tested new warfare doctrines in different theater of operations; toppled several regimes in different regions which were deemed as a threat to American interests (Afghanistan; Iraq; Somalia; Libya); and played a vital role in defeating some of the most powerful terrorist organizations across the board (Al-Qaeda Network*; TTP*; and ISIL).

*Pakistan involved.
After the cut and paste read the crap you wrote
After the cut and paste read the crap you wrote
And what 'crap' I have wrote? I study history and do research, all of my points are valid and address your query.

Do you seriously believe US have not won a war since WW2? Educate yourself and don't ask silly questions.
f35 was crashed n japan and it crashed multiple times in recent years so it is not best jet and in real combat it may give different results than in exercise.28:1 seems that it killed mosquitoes instead of jets and seems unrealistic
New jet, its takes time for pilots and ground crews to familiar with F-35 @Yaseen1
How about we turn that around? But then again, the Soviet fighters did not do too well in Desert Storm
Mostly against old/ early 4th gen jet, and ill trained Iraqi armed forces @gambit :)
And what 'crap' I have wrote? I study history and do research, all of my points are valid and address your query.

Do you seriously believe US have not won a war since WW2? Educate yourself and don't ask silly questions.
Leave/ignore @snow lake @LeGenD bro he is a troller :angel:
US already has 380+ F-35s? thats insane, US has almost 600 stealth fighters

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