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F-35 meets J-20 over South China Sea

No, we're different.
China depends on Global trade, so we need a peaceful trade environment.
USA is a domestic demand economy. You need to expand domestic demand. War is an important domestic demand.
That is true.

China's peaceful ways are painfully obvious.

You lived for several decades and thought you could accuse an ancient civilization of warmongering.
Your entire country was founded on the corpes of American Indians by the way.🤫🤫🤫

Please be careful. You are up against someone with an historical grounding. These people already know that you have lived for several decades, it may even be that your date of birth and vital stats are in some database somewhere.

It must be disquieting to be in a sniper's crosshairs.
Spare me the propaganda. Most likely, I am old enough to be your father. I lived thru the time when China was always eager for war. You guys ain't no different than US, pal. :rolleyes:
Are you kidding ? When was China eager for war ? All the wars China fought in the last century were defensive unlike the USA which is always the the aggressor invador. You Yankees wedged nearly every war in the world since WW II , USA is definitely the war monger nation, not the other way around on China or other country, period !
The stealth fighter is not something magical of that high tech. You can read it in a lot of radar books. Basically just

1. reduce the number of parallel independent planes.
2. Use DCS (F22 has no DCS)
3. gold plate cockpit
4. smoothen the aircraft surface (no nails or nuts)
5. Use radar absorbant paint

And stealth technology is optimized only for X Band radar. If you have a VHF radar, you can see it.

Base on all these, J20 is very good.

id assume its stealthier than a B2?

do radars go into the plane as well and reflect off of internal structure?
id assume its stealthier than a B2?

do radars go into the plane as well and reflect off of internal structure?

The more perfect stealth planes external shape is F117. Everyone can copy this plane and get very good results. Very little "planes" on 2D projection.

Unfortunately no DSI and aerodynamics sucks. So it is very vulnerable.

So any modern aircraft that have shape converge to F117 will be very stealth.


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Yeah, what can you French make anything 5th gen stealth aircraft ? A pile of garbage.

agree we make terrible overpriced fighters and sell it to India...you're welcome :enjoy:
The more perfect stealth planes external shape is F117. Everyone can copy this plane and get very good results. Very little "planes" on 2D projection.

Unfortunately no DCS and aerodynamics sucks. So it is very vulnerable.

So any modern aircraft that have shape converge to F117 will be very stealth.

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why not make drones like this then
This is news mainly it's the first time usaf meets J20. PLA has been meeting f22 in ECS without J20 since 10 yrs ago.
And the trend in the air over there is clear to see.
There is no point in discussing RCS here. It's just a cycle where my plane is better than your plane. No one can provide valuable information.

Moreover, on patrol missions, both sides are supposed to be carrying RCS amplifiers, which is unlikely to reveal true stealth. This news just goes to show that there are already a lot of military exchanges going on behind the scenes between The US and China. And through this kind of communication, both sides can assess each other's strength more accurately. I believe this is also a way to prevent war. And the way Americans now manage conflict says a lot.

If the PLA were as weak as some claim, would the Americans be so peaceful?If the J20 is already at least as capable as the F-35, can China's other fighters be considered at least as capable as the US fighter? PAF's purchase of J10C is more reasonable.
Do you not consider the J-20 a formidable threat to your 5th generation platforms?
I do not. Am not saying the J-20 can be dismissed. But am saying that the phrase '5th generation' contains more than just the platform. Low radar observability has the same operational gap from '4th gen' as the jet engine has from piston. A seasoned pilot familiar with piston engines will be outclassed by a new pilot in a jet. The human factor is always important, but that is precisely the point. The pilot is able to recognize the technical advantages and exploit them, especially when the technological gap is immediately evident, such as transitioning from propeller to jet where the jet engine created an entirely new aviation regime, from airframe design to flight behaviors, the analogy here is parallel branches in an evolutionary tree of a particular species.

Likewise, low radar observability created a separate branch of combat operations from that of 4th gen platforms, and by that, it includes even the enemy. If you know that will be facing 'stealth', you must change your tactics.

Remember the OODA loop? Observation -- Orientation -- Decision -- Action.

To effectively answer your question, it is TTP. Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures. The US have nearly forty yrs of combat Tactics for our 'stealth' platforms started with the F-117. No one else equals. So to answer your question, the J-20 is a technical threat, but not a tactical threat which is largely HUMAN sourced. You can stop here or continue below.

Tactics is high level or in the context of military aviation, it is the squadron level. Obviously, a bomber squadron would have different tactics than a fighter squadron. The point about tactics is the question: What have the squadron done to maximize all the technical features of its aircraft. This is policy or management level, if you will. We can take this up to wing level as well, but policy at the lower squadron level is the most flexible.

Techniques is one more lower level at the four-ship unit. In combat, if you are alone, you are prey. It applies to the soldier as well as the airman. It could be a four-ship or a pair, but what techniques did the squadron create so that fighters in combat formations can maximize the aircraft's capabilities. The introduction of precision guided munition (PGM) affects techniques or how to deliver bombs. IR missile is best in a tail chase situation so what can a lead and wingman do in that situation.

Procedures is at the individual pilot level like the OODA loop. What does the pilot know of his aircraft and this is where technical education is stressed. If you put an F-16 pilot into a Sopwith Camel, he would not know what to do with the 'Mixture' knob. Conceptually, I know that 'Mixture' has to do with the fuel-air ratio and the knob controls that ratio. But I would not know when and how to use it effectively. I have no practical education of that technology, old as it is. Similarly, if you put a MIG-29 pilot into an F-16, from a jet with poor cockpit ergonomics into a jet where the pilot rarely have to take his hands off the stick and throttle, you will have a pilot who can fly but not as well as a pilot who is fully familiar with the uniqueness of the F-16.

Reverse it...

Procedures governs the cockpit actions or behaviors of the pilot so that he can effectively coordinate his aircraft with others to execute certain Techniques that are unique to the aircraft so that the squadron or wing can create Tactics that will increase the odds of winning a war, or at least the air portion of a war.

Put all of this together...

Can a B-17 maneuver like a P-51? Obviously not. But a fully loaded F-15E can carry the bomb load of a B-17 and still maneuver like a P-51. Then once the bombs are gone, the F-15E can outmaneuver the P-51. You have a platform that combined the best of previous generations and even surpass them under certain conditions. If you are the wing or squadron commander and if you cannot create combat tactics based on these unique capabilities, you should be court martialed.
It means the general is mildly surprised that the J-20 pilots were not what we call 'hot dogging' it. Flying straight and level in view of potential adversaries is expected of disciplined pilots. Remember that one of their guys was 'hot dogging' near a lumbering four engines prop jobber and smacked into the bigger aircraft, killing the Chinese pilot. Re Hainan Incident.
That was quick to attract a cheerleader. Lol. The question is how did China detect a stealth F35 and flew next to it, judging that it was at the East China Sea, its most likely detected and escorted away.
Our training squadrons at MacDill never had any opportunity. We hosted individuals for training and quals, but not entire unit.
This was probably before the squadrons moved to Luke.
The question is how did China detect a stealth F35 and flew next to it, judging that it was at the East China Sea, its most likely detected and escorted away.
You assumed that China detected the F-35. I expect you will bring up the general's comment about the KJ-500 but even that is an assumption.
You assumed that China detected the F-35. I expect you will bring up the general's comment about the KJ-500 but even that is an assumption.
Hmmm let me get it right, flying near east China and they detected Chinese planes with KJ500 on the roll too. So you mean to say they detected the plane from okinawa and flew to Chinese Borders to intercept it. Lolololol, no wonder your knowledge of jet fighter is better than all Chinese here. Lol
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