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F-35 Isreal stealth aircraft detected by air traffic control radar near Lebanon !

Israel is the first nation in the world to add F-35 aircraft that are fitted with ECM / jammer pods.

Israel's military has made it clear that it has little faith in these systems in light of the constantly improving anti-aircraft technologies deployed against it, in contrast to how the U.S. military developed the F-35 to mainly rely on its stealth capabilities for survivability. As a result, Israel insisted that its Air Force be granted permission to equip its F-35A fighters with homegrown electronic warfare systems to improve their survivability and complement their stealth abilities. Though this request was initially denied, the U.S. eventually agreed to the request of its ally. Israel based its own derivative, the F-35I, on the original F-35A despite having doubts about the F-35's performance.
LOL a particular Air Force source? Is your source a Major General quote? Did he provide you a report?

In contrast, I worked for the NSA and DOD, I have Class 3 NSA clearance and TS/SCI clearance in the DOD, I have KNOWN people in real life who are in various command, including General, Colonel, and LTC, and if I hadn't been discharged from the US Military, I would have been a Lieutenant Colonel myself, and you're claiming you have more "access" than me? LOL
When i said that DAS RWR can't help stealth jet, it always does to defend stealth jet from AAM and SAMs by detecting missile/impact points etc etc by detecting from these devices stealth jet releasing its chaff/flares @blackuday

EA 18G is not a stealth jet but this doesn't mean stealth jets haven't these system they all have ECM/EW/ECCM @blackuday

Not only stealth 5th gen jets but all 4th gen/4.5 gen jet have it i already showed my prove @blackuday :p:;):enjoy:
You cannot claim to be a US DEA agent and have better knowledge of the F-35 than a Russian expert in air defence since they are two very different things.
I would have assumed you were the US president by the way you troll, lol.

Would America deploy a white man who does not speak Vietnamese to infiltrate the Vietnamese espionage outfit if it wanted to spy on Vietnam? Or a Vietnamese person who was born in America but spent a lot of time studying and living there? PS: I was born in the USA.

Man, Since you lack clearance and I do not believe your "quote," how do you know the F-35 does not have a transponder? How do you know that the F-35 lacks an EW suite? You said that; Gen Hostage did not mention any of that, so you are also a liar.
I would have assumed you were the US president by the way you troll, lol.

Would America deploy a white man who does not speak Vietnamese to infiltrate the Vietnamese espionage outfit if it wanted to spy on Vietnam? Or a Vietnamese person who was born in America but spent a lot of time studying and living there? PS: I was born in the USA.

Man, Since you lack clearance and I do not believe your "quote," how do you know the F-35 does not have a transponder? How do you know that the F-35 lacks an EW suite? You said that; Gen Hostage did not mention any of that, so you are also a liar.
You are a bit late to this thread...
Okay! As a result, you have said that RWR and DAS cannot aid stealth aircraft. When you argue with me, you lose.
Did you imply that any aircraft equipped with ECM, RWR, DAS, etc. will be stealthy?
Not exactly.

Enemy units will know an enemy aircraft exists, however, there will be a lot of radar targets due to the ECM jammer.
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