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F-35 is Liaoning's worst nightmare, says Global Times


Apr 11, 2012
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The US F-35 Joint Strike Fighter is capable of combating China's first aircraft carrier, the Liaoning, reports Huanqiu, the website of China's nationalistic Global Times tabloid.

In a hypothetical aircraft carrier battle between China and the United States, the main fighter jets would include the United States' F-35C fifth-generation multirole fighter developed by Lockheed Martin and China's J-15 carrier-based jet developed by Shenyang Aircraft Corporation.

The F-35 is equipped with extremely powerful offensive capabilities for both land and sea combat, with a weapons load of eight tonnes and the capacity to carry four AIM20C and AIM-9X mid-range and short-range air-to-air missiles.

In an attack on the Liaoning the F-35 could carry joint strike missiles developed in Norway, which have a range of 290 kilometers. The J-15, on the other hand, could carry two YJ8-3 anti-missiles with a range of only 180 km.

In terms of radar technology, the US has the clear upper hand with its AN/APG-81 AESA radar developed by Northrop Grumman, which has a thousand transceivers with the ability to simultaneously search for 23 moving targets, including 19 targets in just 2.4 seconds, after which it would turn to tracking mode.

Even against China's J-20, the stealth, twin-engine fifth-generation fighter aircraft prototype being developed by Chengdu Aerospace Corporation, the F-35 would still be the first to detect its opponent due to its superior radar.

Observers are asking whether the Japan Air Self-Defense Force will make modifications to its F-35A jets to use the domestically developed AAM-4 and AAM-5 medium-range active radar-guided air-to-air missiles or if they will use US missiles given the differences in dimensions.

The problem for Japan is the cost of the F-35A, which could mean fewer aircraft if the price continues to rise. The price of the F-35A was US$111.6 million back in 2010, while the F-35B cost US$109.4 million and the F-35C was priced at US$142.9 million; since then the average price of one F-35 has risen to as high as US$228 million, according to some sources.

F-35 is Liaoning's worst nightmare, says Global Times|Politics|News|WantChinaTimes.com
Alot of stupid things in this Article.

Even against China's J-20, the stealth, twin-engine fifth-generation fighter aircraft prototype being developed by Chengdu Aerospace Corporation, the F-35 would still be the first to detect its opponent due to its superior radar.

What a baloney, First mistake nobody knows the AESA radar of J-20 [which is currently in prototype stage] how does the author assume J-20s not yet reveled AESA radar information [perhaps never will be revealed] is not equally good or superior to detect F-35 first. China is also working on multiple Active BVR medium and long range missiles they're not sitting idle.

Article is nothing short of next episode of drama with no real information on hands, regardless if the writer is Chinese/Taiwanese or someone else.
Alot of stupid things in this Article.

What a baloney, First mistake nobody knows the AESA radar of J-20 [which is currently in prototype stage] how does the author assume J-20s not yet reveled AESA radar information [perhaps never will be revealed] is not equally good or superior to detect F-35 first. China is also working on multiple Active BVR medium and long range missiles they're not sitting idle.

Article is nothing short of next episode of drama with no real information on hands, regardless if the writer is Chinese/Taiwanese or someone else.

Precisely. It just a trolling article which the Indian loves to post to denounce their own intelligent level. :lol:
Troll point by writer...
Even against China's J-20, the stealth, twin-engine fifth-generation fighter aircraft prototype being developed by Chengdu Aerospace Corporation, the F-35 would still be the first to detect its opponent due to its superior radar.

Argument: J-20 AESA radar and other Electronics are classified thus no Information would ever be available so how would in future F-35's radar be superior.

The US F-35 Joint Strike Fighter is capable of combating China's first aircraft carrier,

Yes capable so is J-15 combating US ACs in the region and also navalized J-20 is planned, although J-31 is not yet decided but there are strong possibilities. If the idiot writer is considering hypothetical scenario so than why not add J-20 to the scene in addition to J-15, writer is trolling.

In an attack on the Liaoning the F-35 could carry joint strike missiles developed in Norway, which have a range of 290 kilometers. The J-15, on the other hand, could carry two YJ8-3 anti-missiles with a range of only 180 km.

In War everything is fair, China has developed/fielded and is developing deploying more long range assets/weapons against..so would US non has upper hand.

Overall not so brilliant article, writer is poor at the subject, writer needs to be told and shown the map.
Precisely. It just a trolling article which the Indian loves to post to denounce their own intelligent level. :lol:

don't shoot the messenger.its all over the net...

State Media: China Can’t Stop the F-35 | The Diplomat

plus,it is reported that its from Huanqiu,China's own mouthpiece.so stop showing your high IQ level and post on topic.

lick this....

外媒:日本F35是中国航母克星 可率先发现歼20 _军事_环球网

According to military reports] [ Global Canada, "Chinese Defense Review," April 25 reported showdown between China and the U.S. aircraft carrier , the aircraft is of course the main F-35C and the F -15, this is a different generation of aircraft , F- 35C wing area increased empty weight of 15.8 tons , but did not lift device , the machine more fuel than the B -type machine , to 8,890 kg , more than the F-35A, combat radius to 1,180 kilometers , the J-15 uses when ski-jump take-off , the fuel must be limited to the machine , it is impossible loaded with nine tons , from this point of view , this issue carefully considered in the combat radius , J-15 than the F-35C does not account for significant upper hand. The payload , F-35C higher.First, air- engaged , F-35C in the event of the F -15, the first to discover , and then use a range of up to 100 kilometers AIM120D pre-emptive attack. After entering the short-range air combat , Su33 / F -15 mobility better than F-35C: Su27/J11B of up to 1.07 weight ratio , wing loading of 377 kg / m ; F-35B / C wing loading were 499,410 kg / m , respectively overload 7,7.5 G. F-35C with off-axis launch capabilities AIM9X how much can be remedied ? Is unknown. The big unknown is that : F -15 able to find a wide range of distances F-35C?But the J-20 , No. 2011 F-35 aircraft and one thing is similar , are installed lookalike EOTS AN/AAQ-40 electro-optical targeting system with infrared detection , tracking, laser irradiation , ranging functions.F-35A/B/C have a very powerful ground and sea attack, is bound to be the biggest killer " Liaoning " aircraft carrier . Weapons load of 8 tons, seven pylons all closed, when the air-to- model, can carry four AIM120C and medium-range AIM-9X short-range air to air missile . In the attack " Liaoning " aircraft when , F-35A/B/C equipped with the Joint Strike Missile (JSM), which was developed in Norway , a range of 290 km , sea-skimming mode . Television pictures showed the J-15 when used for air-to -ship attack , carrying a range of 180 km 2 of YJ8-3.Radar technology, the absolute leader in the United States , AN/APG-81 AESA radar has long been practical, it is actually a miniaturized APG-77 (F22) with the APG-80 (F16E) hybrid technology, with a diameter of 70 cm, 1000 transceiver has the ability to track moving targets on the ground , on one square meter RCS air target detection range of 150 kilometers, while searching 23 goals, 19 of which search just 2.4 seconds goal to complete all target search function within nine seconds , then turn the whole target while tracking mode.In the F-35 has a body of six AAQ-37 DAS passive infrared image sensor , with the pilot's helmet-mounted display , you can see 360 degrees external environment , this technology , I believe that will be gradually equipped with J-20 , China in this catching up quickly.F-35 cockpit several times publicly , using two large color LCD display, each display can be divided into four intervals , China on display at the Zhuhai air show a similar display , meaning the J-20 , J- -31 equipped with similar systems.Now observe whether F-35A Air Self-Defense Force will be used to integrate domestic AAM-4 and AAM-5? Taking into account the difference in the size of the US-Japan missile , unless changed, otherwise the Japanese version of the F-35A will be based in the American air missiles . F-35 can carry ammunition is colorful , including SDB Small Diameter Bomb , all kinds of JDAM satellite , laser, TV -guided munitions , HARM, JSOW -ground missiles.First to find the J-20When the J-20 encounter , F-35A/B/C can be found in the enemy , is basically determined after three fighter AESA radar is fully capable of the first to discover the huge body , with the front wing of the F -20, AIM120D empty missiles from 2012 began to improve , evolve into FMRAAM ( future medium-range air to air missile ) , requires increased to 100 km range , using GPS / IMU induction , the installation of two-way data link .The question now is F-35A prices , continued bullish result , it is possible to make Japan, South Korea to reduce purchases , high prices , and the lack of air superiority capability shortcomings , whether we can really meet the Japanese deal with the F -20, F-11B , J-15 needs ? Need to look at F-35 final performance , F-35A/B/C in 2010, the price of 1.116,1.094,1.429 billion. It is said that 42 F-35A for Japan 's offer of $ 10 billion ( not officially recognized ) , sources claimed that the average unit price may eventually reach $ 228 million .In addition , properly , planning to deliver F-35A of the U.S. has been delayed several times , so 2016 is able to timely obtain ASDF F-35A? This is unknown. Delayed delivery of one year is totally unexpected . ( Known far north )

using google translate
One more reason Chinese media is absolutely the worst source regarding anything military related.
don't shoot the messenger.its all over the net...

State Media: China Can’t Stop the F-35 | The Diplomat

plus,it is reported that its from Huanqiu,China's own mouthpiece.so stop showing your high IQ level and post on topic.

lick this....

外媒:日本F35是中国航母克星 可率先发现歼20 _军事_环球网

According to military reports] [ Global Canada, "Chinese Defense Review," April 25 reported showdown between China and the U.S. aircraft carrier , the aircraft is of course the main F-35C and the F -15, this is a different generation of aircraft , F- 35C wing area increased empty weight of 15.8 tons , but did not lift device , the machine more fuel than the B -type machine , to 8,890 kg , more than the F-35A, combat radius to 1,180 kilometers , the J-15 uses when ski-jump take-off , the fuel must be limited to the machine , it is impossible loaded with nine tons , from this point of view , this issue carefully considered in the combat radius , J-15 than the F-35C does not account for significant upper hand. The payload , F-35C higher.First, air- engaged , F-35C in the event of the F -15, the first to discover , and then use a range of up to 100 kilometers AIM120D pre-emptive attack. After entering the short-range air combat , Su33 / F -15 mobility better than F-35C: Su27/J11B of up to 1.07 weight ratio , wing loading of 377 kg / m ; F-35B / C wing loading were 499,410 kg / m , respectively overload 7,7.5 G. F-35C with off-axis launch capabilities AIM9X how much can be remedied ? Is unknown. The big unknown is that : F -15 able to find a wide range of distances F-35C?But the J-20 , No. 2011 F-35 aircraft and one thing is similar , are installed lookalike EOTS AN/AAQ-40 electro-optical targeting system with infrared detection , tracking, laser irradiation , ranging functions.F-35A/B/C have a very powerful ground and sea attack, is bound to be the biggest killer " Liaoning " aircraft carrier . Weapons load of 8 tons, seven pylons all closed, when the air-to- model, can carry four AIM120C and medium-range AIM-9X short-range air to air missile . In the attack " Liaoning " aircraft when , F-35A/B/C equipped with the Joint Strike Missile (JSM), which was developed in Norway , a range of 290 km , sea-skimming mode . Television pictures showed the J-15 when used for air-to -ship attack , carrying a range of 180 km 2 of YJ8-3.Radar technology, the absolute leader in the United States , AN/APG-81 AESA radar has long been practical, it is actually a miniaturized APG-77 (F22) with the APG-80 (F16E) hybrid technology, with a diameter of 70 cm, 1000 transceiver has the ability to track moving targets on the ground , on one square meter RCS air target detection range of 150 kilometers, while searching 23 goals, 19 of which search just 2.4 seconds goal to complete all target search function within nine seconds , then turn the whole target while tracking mode.In the F-35 has a body of six AAQ-37 DAS passive infrared image sensor , with the pilot's helmet-mounted display , you can see 360 degrees external environment , this technology , I believe that will be gradually equipped with J-20 , China in this catching up quickly.F-35 cockpit several times publicly , using two large color LCD display, each display can be divided into four intervals , China on display at the Zhuhai air show a similar display , meaning the J-20 , J- -31 equipped with similar systems.Now observe whether F-35A Air Self-Defense Force will be used to integrate domestic AAM-4 and AAM-5? Taking into account the difference in the size of the US-Japan missile , unless changed, otherwise the Japanese version of the F-35A will be based in the American air missiles . F-35 can carry ammunition is colorful , including SDB Small Diameter Bomb , all kinds of JDAM satellite , laser, TV -guided munitions , HARM, JSOW -ground missiles.First to find the J-20When the J-20 encounter , F-35A/B/C can be found in the enemy , is basically determined after three fighter AESA radar is fully capable of the first to discover the huge body , with the front wing of the F -20, AIM120D empty missiles from 2012 began to improve , evolve into FMRAAM ( future medium-range air to air missile ) , requires increased to 100 km range , using GPS / IMU induction , the installation of two-way data link .The question now is F-35A prices , continued bullish result , it is possible to make Japan, South Korea to reduce purchases , high prices , and the lack of air superiority capability shortcomings , whether we can really meet the Japanese deal with the F -20, F-11B , J-15 needs ? Need to look at F-35 final performance , F-35A/B/C in 2010, the price of 1.116,1.094,1.429 billion. It is said that 42 F-35A for Japan 's offer of $ 10 billion ( not officially recognized ) , sources claimed that the average unit price may eventually reach $ 228 million .In addition , properly , planning to deliver F-35A of the U.S. has been delayed several times , so 2016 is able to timely obtain ASDF F-35A? This is unknown. Delayed delivery of one year is totally unexpected . ( Known far north )

using google translate

Pointless, when west has limited knowledge of China's Capabilities.

The biggest crap in this article is F-35s attacking Chinese AC....any attack is aggression thus opposite side would also Attack at ACs located in the vicinity. Easier said than done.
This would be good opportunity to test f-35's. Only the best of the best for our Japanese brothers.
Lockhead Martin must have bribed GT to promote their joke metal kites, which has so far costed >1 trillion in development costs, has tried to do everything (air-to-land, air-to-sea, stealth), and yet has performed miserably in field trials. What a corrupt world we live in. And the victims will be the hapless idiot countries who used their tax revenue on these jokes instead of building schools so their citizens can be something other than rice farmers.
Doubt it. Type 052D and the future Type 055 would make mincemeat out of F-53C, should the latter make it past J-15.

In an attack on the Liaoning the F-35 could carry joint strike missiles developed in Norway, which have a range of 290 kilometers. The J-15, on the other hand, could carry two YJ8-3 anti-missiles with a range of only 180 km.

YJ-83 is replaced by YJ-12 which has 400 km range.
Learn to spell first, and secondly China shouldn't mess with the way of the samurai. US is only holding back Japan against you.

We won't crush the Japs like we did in WW2. We will exterminate that Jap species next time we fight.

Japan has nothing to hurt the PLA. NOTHING. All their Naval ships are downgraded old junk. Few dozen nukes and Jap race is murdered permanently.

Try harder, much much harder.
Doubt it. Type 052D and the future Type 055 would make mincemeat out of F-53C, should the latter make it past J-15.

YJ-83 is replaced by YJ-12 which has 400 km range.

If you can see it and reach it out first. Most new anti-ship missiles or cruise missiles have 500km + range. Even 1000 km range.

We won't crush the Japs like we did in WW2. We will exterminate that Jap species next time we fight.

Japan has nothing to hurt the PLA. NOTHING. All their Naval ships are downgraded old junk. Few dozen nukes and Jap race is murdered permanently.

Try harder, much much harder.

Downgraded old junk? Now we are dealing with a crazy person here.
No need for dick measuring contest. China does not reveal the statistics to its most critical weapons systems so making guesses to hypothetical scenarios is pointless. The Chinese like to play cat-and-mouse games to keep adversaries guessing about their true capabilities. Sometimes they downplay their military might and other times they may talk it up, depending on what objective they are aiming to achieve and to whom they are directing it at. As a general rule, China downplays their military in relation to the USA's because they do not want to alarm or antagonize America, who are the only power who can and would want to confront China. Against lesser militaries, they do not need to use the same kind of pretense and subterfuge.
Yes the F-35 is our worst nightmare, Japan should really buy more of it. We really do not have anything that can go against the F-35. Honestly.
It's just a puff piece to try and sell more flying turkeys.
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