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F-23P or OHP for PN

Your Choice ???

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Oct 30, 2012
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Every once in a while, someone brings up Pakistan Navy's plans for a acquiring OHPs and upgrading them with the Turkish GENESIS.

I want to know if our professionals here think that this is a good idea. if not then I would like to know if an upgraded and upsized version of F-22P would be a better solution.

TF-100 Class Frigate


@Penguin @Neptune @Munir @Oscar @Dillinger@Kaan @DESERT FIGHTER
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Why we want F-23P?? we can have customized Type54B which as per many Chinese posters in many forums have said is on the horizon.

F-22P is good and well made ship but they are small for our future needs and lack area air defense capability, although it has very good Anti Ship & Anti Sub capability.

please post specifications of both OHP & F-23P, so before voting one can know which one is better.
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if we can get 4 OHPs and upgrade them to their potential then it will be great, specially if we can make them area air defense ships so they can provide good air cover to the fleet as F-22P have good capability to hit surface and subsurface fleet of enemy but only have point air defense.
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can we fit MK-13 type missile launcher in front area of F-22Ps removing FM-90s so they can fire long range air defense missiles and surface missiles as per need?

Without Funds you can't have either...If ever funds are available modified Type 54A should be priority instead of F-22P II/ F-23P whatever you name it. Also upgrade F-22P heavily instead of OPH.
F-23P or OHP ???

One IS old and second one not good as compare to advance frigate presents in world.:agree:
i think more OHP will not be good idea , because for upgrade or do anything we need uncle sam permission ...
i think best to go for Chinese ships ..but whatever we go for , should have VLS and potent Sam system
current F-22Ps are not huge to acomodate MK41 type VLS, for that it need a major refit and best place to put them will be where 802s are placed. Therefore to put more in new F-22Ps they need to be bigger in size or things will be squeezed or it have to be more automated so less crew is required and those places can be used.

On the other hand OHPs are bigger and they were meant for ocean escort so they can be fitted with much more goodies and on this forum someone said that they are better than F-22P design wise. (i think may be @Penguin said that).

Also OHPs can be our future mini AEGIS type ship if we can get tech from west, at least in class of SPY-1F/K radar, ESSMs, RIMs / Phalnax 1-B for air defense.

AN/SPY-1 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Can we get these for OHPs if economy gets better?

Aster (missile family) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Displacement:2,624 tons (light)

2,640 tons std
3,426 tons full

2,616 tons standard;
3,460 tons full load

2,500 tons (later 2,790 tons) standard
2,962 tons (later 3,300 tons) full load

2,750 tons (standard)
3,250 tons (full load)

F22P Zulfiquar
Displacement:2,500 tonnes (standard)
3,144 tonnes (full load)

F22P's size seems to fit quite well, considering the ships PN has operated before. I'm not convinced of the need for a bigger ship. As is evidenced by the refit of the Thai navy's Naresuan class, which was built in China (as F25T) and is also a Type053 frigate derivative, a ship of this size can well fit an Mk41 tactical length 8-cell VLU. That ship was fitted for but not with, and is currently undergoing refit which will have it fitted along with various new electronics. ESSM would give about the same range as the SM1 the OHP used to carry. Besides, in addition to Mk41 there is the Mk48/57 used on e.g. Danish Stanflex ships, which allows installation of 1 or 2 x 6-cell launcher (i.e. with duo packed ESSM > 12-24 missiles). And finally, LMCO developed the Single Cell Launcher (SCL) . This design provides for a flexible system that is easily configurable particularly where size and space concerns are paramount, such as for smaller, lighter ship classes like those found in many international navies.

You could add say 2-4 SCL units (> 8 to 16 ESSM, or active radar homing 2-4 SM6) to F22P, even leaving HQ7 in place. You would mainly have a problem finding a good spot for an additional missile director / illuminator


During refit


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