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F-22P sailing home


Jan 2, 2009
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According to information from chinese military forums, the F-22P 251 will finish it's test in China and be delivered to Pakistan Navy soon.

Here's a picture of F-22p 251 in Huangpu, Shanghai, Feb 22th.

Great news. I hope it arrives before the AMAN 09 exercise.
Cant wait for them to come home!!
I think Pakistan will soon be able to built F-22P or bigger frigate with Chinese help.
I think Pakistan will soon be able to built F-22P or bigger frigate with Chinese help.

Yeah, Soon Inshallah (God willing). I hope Pakistan will be able to Develop even Destroyers as well with the help of the Chinese.
the first F-22P should be sailing for home in the next 2-3 months. the capt. of the boat is already in china for sea trials.
did weapons have been installed on it i hope sea sparrow should be installed on it too and how about other 3 ships when we get them
This will be a good addition to the pak navy fleet.Now all we need are some good destroyers.

The F-22P uses the Chinese development of Russian AK-176M 76.2 mm as its main gun. instead of the Chinese 100 mm counterpart. The main difference between the original Russian gun and its Chinese development is that the latter adopts a stealthy turret. Physically, the F-22P has a stealthier platform as it uses many of the Type 054 frigate's Radar Cross Sectional (RCS) reduction concepts. The high rate of fire of the main gun also provides a secondary defense against antiship missiles.

Look at the attatchment.
Sources says that 2 more F-22 P will be delievered in 2010
can any body provide the specs of current Pakistani naval destroyers and frigates and this F22p frogate.
I just wana know what this thing is capable of in electronic warefare and intelligance gathering scenarios .
And does this frigate can defend itself if Harpoon missiles are fired at it from an attacking aircraft.
And what are its sonar capabilities in detecting some extreemly polite subs like the class wolf sub of the US navy.

can anybody plz :
Sources says that 2 more F-22 P will be delievered in 2010

NAVY News - Press Release 3


The second F-22P Frigate being built for Pakistan Navy was successfully launched at Hudong Zhonghua Shipyard, Shanghai on 31 Oct 08. The ship will be named PNS SHAMSHEER on joining Pakistan Navy Fleet in January 2010.

Chief Guest of the launching ceremony was Mr Zafaruddin Mahmood, Consul General of Pakistan. It was also attended by PN Mission members, families at Shanghai and officials from Chinese PLA (Navy).

In October 2005, Ministry of Defence Production had signed a contract with China Shipbuilding and Trading Company (CSTC) for construction of four F22P frigates for Pakistan Navy with Transfer of Technology (TOT). Three ships are to be built in China whereas the fourth ship will be constructed at Karachi Shipyard.

Currently, the first ship (to be named PNS ZULFIQUAR) is under trials and due to be delivered to Pakistan Navy by end July 2009.

Construction of third Ship (to be named PNS SAIF) is also progressing at a fast pace.

The F-22P frigates are equipped with state of the art weaponry and sensors. The construction project is to be completed by 2013. Addition of these ships will strengthen the PN fleet with much needed advancement and prowess.
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