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F-22 Priced at $290 Million Each for Japan


May 15, 2009
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Sen. Dan Inouye (D-Hawaii) has told the Japanese government that a fleet of 40 Raptors – desensitized for foreign military sales – would cost about $11.6 billion with deliveries of combat-ready stealth fighters beginning in 2014.

But while congressional support for the F-22 is creating a lot of political interest and support, aerospace industry analysts say it’s all just rhetoric unless someone in the executive branch – preferably from the White House -- steps up to support extended Raptor production and export of the stealthy, 5th generation fighter. So far, that has not happened.

However, some very heavy hitters are supporting both continued production and sales to Japan, in particular. Sen. Dan Inouye (D-Hawaii) and Rep. John Murtha (D-Pa.) are pushing both in public and behind the scene.

The cost of preparing the F-22 for export was detailed in a letter from Inouye, chairman of the Senate Appropriations Committee, to Ichiro Fujisake, Japan’s Ambassador to Washington. Starting with the assumption of a letter of agreement in early 2010, major development would take “approximately four years, followed by ground and flight testing,” the letter says. Procurement of long-lead materials would begin in 2011 with production to begin in mid-2014, The first mission capable aircraft could be delivered to Japan in 2017.

“The estimate for non-recurring development and manufacturing cost is $2.3 billion,” the letter continues. “The actual cost to produce forty aircraft is approximately $9.3 billion, bringing the total to $11.6 billion. Spreading that cost over an estimated forty aircraft leads to an average aircraft cost of $290 million.” An associated letter to Defense Secretary Robert Gates said the figures were calculated using “information which was provided by the Air Force,” Inoyue’s second letter says. “I believe the Government of Japan is likely to be interested in purchasing the aircraft even at the relatively high price which has been estimated.”

The Pentagon is paying $142.5 million per aircraft as part of a multi-year contract. Aerospace industry analysts say that any break in F-22 production would add extra costs.

Meanwhile, the White House’s Office of Management and Budget was drawing a number of lines in the sand marking disagreements with the House passage of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal 2010.

A Statement of Administration Policy contends that OMB will recommend a veto of the proposed legislation if it includes $369 million in advanced procurement funds for F-22s in Fiscal 2011 or addition of $603 million for an alternative engine program for the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter.

“This is nothing unusual,” says the industry analyst. “It happens every time” there is new defense legislation.

There were other points of contention without the veto threat attached:

Restrictions on the Missile Defense Agency limiting U.S. engagements with NATO and European allies regarding missile defense.

The need to add proposals to build the capacity of partner nation special and conventional forces in order to improve and increase coalition participation in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Requirements to maintain the strategic airlift fleet at 316 aircraft and restrictions on retiring C-5s.

Restrictions on the Futenma Replacement Facility in Okinawa that would broach agreements reached with Japan and put the international agreement on the facility at risk.

Restrictions on accelerated aircraft retirement by the U.S. Air Force.

Reduction of $163 million in funding for the Army’s Extended Range Multi-Purpose UAV which would result in a 50% cut in systems planned for Fiscal 2010.

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so japs getting f-22s :enjoy:
If japs get F22, then it would be easy for them to beat the crap out of N.Koreans just incase a war broke out. However, $290 million does sounds like too much money to me!
If japs get F22, then it would be easy for them to beat the crap out of N.Koreans just incase a war broke out. However, $290 million does sounds like too much money to me!

290 million is just dirt for japs ....its nothing for them their industry is well oiled and strong to support its quests and remember japs are not supposed to attack any nation until something really grave happens on its territory ...thats why their armed forces like air force for example is called JAPAN AIR SELF DEFENCE FORCE (JASDF)

Japan would be better of developing its own stealth plane (which its only half-committed to). Or better yet join hands with China. Japan is warming up with her Asian brothers and sisters, only a few idiots are left in power. If only Japan realized the stupidity of her actions, the nation will prosper so much more!

I've noticed they've slowly smartening up, but too little too late it seems!
So it is suggested that Japan should join hands with China to develop the stealth jet.... But USA will provide Japan with the jet as early as 2017, how early can China do this?
So it is suggested that Japan should join hands with China to develop the stealth jet.... But USA will provide Japan with the jet as early as 2017, how early can China do this?

I believe that is why the US suddenly offered japan the F-22, they don't want Japan to develop their own indigenous stealth. Regarding how early China can produce their own stealth only speculation abound, no confirmed date. Currently there are two key areas being diligently worked on by all major powers and they are:

(1) Next generation UAV using advanced AI. Phasing out the pilot completely, eventually making ground control obsolete.

(2) Advanced missile defence/offence shield. Beyond the capabilities of the S-300 and Patriot.

If any of the above is accomplished, it will usher absolute advantage to the nation that possesses such capability. It will render AC and F-22 obsolete.
I believe that is why the US suddenly offered japan the F-22, they don't want Japan to develop their own indigenous stealth.
Or more likely that between close allies that shares a common enemy, selling Japan F-22s would immediately boost Japan's air capability.

Regarding how early China can produce their own stealth only speculation abound, no confirmed date.
Probably never will be.

bye :wave: bye

Currently there are two key areas being diligently worked on by all major powers and they are:

(1) Next generation UAV using advanced AI. Phasing out the pilot completely, eventually making ground control obsolete.

(2) Advanced missile defence/offence shield. Beyond the capabilities of the S-300 and Patriot.
All the major powers? Would that include US?

If any of the above is accomplished, it will usher absolute advantage to the nation that possesses such capability. It will render AC and F-22 obsolete.
Correct...But keep in mind that currently the US is at least one generation ahead of BOTH Russia and China in low-observable aircrafts, manned or unmanned. More like two generations. It is US who introduced the world to 'stealth'. It is US who demonstrated that it is possible to operationally deploy two distinct methods of RCS reduction -- angled faceting and exploiting the 'creeping wave' effect with curved surfaces. Plus we got Area 52...er...I mean Area 51.

With the F-22 and F-35, each is 'self-aware' of its aspect angle with respect to the radar scanning it and each will adjust its aspect angle, as much as mission allowed, to present the lowest possible RCS angle to that radar. All without pilot inputs. This avionics system is smart, so to speak, and will get smarter.
Perhaps, difficult to predict the future. US is losing it's so-called "allies" left, right and center. There's a strong group that resent what they are doing in Okinawa, and the Hiroshima/Nagasaki incidents. Remember all humans have their pride and dignity, and being "used" by others don't quite help.

Also F-22 are "stealthy" not "stealth", a big difference. Low frequency radars can detect them quite well, with or without their angling. That has been proven in Balkans.
Perhaps, difficult to predict the future. US is losing it's so-called "allies" left, right and center. There's a strong group that resent what they are doing in Okinawa, and the Hiroshima/Nagasaki incidents. Remember all humans have their pride and dignity, and being "used" by others don't quite help.
But how does this affect US ability to do research and development further in low-observable aircrafts?

Also F-22 are "stealthy" not "stealth", a big difference. Low frequency radars can detect them quite well, with or without their angling. That has been proven in Balkans.
The moment I read that, I can tell you are in no position to debate me even on basic radar principles, let alone 'stealth'.

But if low freqs are the solution to defeat US 'stealth' aircrafts, then please, for the benefit of the readership, do explain the statistics...

NATO flew about 21000 sorties over Yugoslavia. Of those were about 5000 Suppression of Enemy Air Defense (SEAD) which would have aircrafts often low and slow to entice ground missileers. And yet only TWO aircrafts were shot down? An F-16 and one F-117. Plus there were about sixty B-2 sorties flown from Whiteman AFB in CONUS. The B-2 is a much larger aircraft than the F-117. So if low freqs is supposed to work so well against the F-117, then why not even one B-2 shot down?

Try critical thinking next time.
But how does this affect US ability to do research and development further in low-observable aircrafts?

The moment I read that, I can tell you are in no position to debate me even on basic radar principles, let alone 'stealth'.

But if low freqs are the solution to defeat US 'stealth' aircrafts, then please, for the benefit of the readership, do explain the statistics...

NATO flew about 21000 sorties over Yugoslavia. Of those were about 5000 Suppression of Enemy Air Defense (SEAD) which would have aircrafts often low and slow to entice ground missileers. And yet only TWO aircrafts were shot down? An F-16 and one F-117. Plus there were about sixty B-2 sorties flown from Whiteman AFB in CONUS. The B-2 is a much larger aircraft than the F-117. So if low freqs is supposed to work so well against the F-117, then why not even one B-2 shot down?

Try critical thinking next time.

Yes, but how many of those sorties involved the F-117 or B-2? Also they were also pre-occupied with a land war. I'm not denying they are 'stealthy', just have doubts about all they hype. :what:
Yes, but how many of those sorties involved the F-117 or B-2? Also they were also pre-occupied with a land war. I'm not denying they are 'stealthy', just have doubts about all they hype. :what:
What difference does it make? If low freqs is supposed to work so good against the F-117, then it should work ten times better against 'non-stealth' aircrafts. So discard the F-117 and the B-2 for now. Why, out of 21000 sorties, only ONE F-16 was shot down? That is not a combat record to boast about.
If japs get F22, then it would be easy for them to beat the crap out of N.Koreans just incase a war broke out. However, $290 million does sounds like too much money to me!

the 290 million is not an accurate figure. the price quoted is the cost of aircraft with research and development involved.
If japs get F22, then it would be easy for them to beat the crap out of N.Koreans just incase a war broke out. However, $290 million does sounds like too much money to me!

they dont need f22s to fight the north koreans all powers near north korea can defeat it in an all out war, yes even if they used nukes, million man army with no fuel cant go very far, infact without nukes the only country that would suffer extensive damage from war with the north would be south korea. even if the nuke are a go they cant tip their missles with it et, thus the only means are bomber or on ground, since every other air power near by can own their air force quite easily in the end ground may be the only option meaning limited damage and most likely on their own soil

**notice i didnt say occupy, only talking about military victory
40 F22 for Japan will gurantee Air Superiority over main land Japan against any agressor primarily China of course.

The F22 kill ratios against F15/F16 is like 10-1
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