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F-22 Priced at $290 Million Each for Japan

If Israel gets the Raptor the Arabs will be going for nukes soon.This is not an advanced F-15 or an F-16 we are talking about here.

I was under the impression than the US Congress voted to stop funding for additional F-22s and also opposed to export the aircraft.
If Israel gets the Raptor the Arabs will be going for nukes soon.This is not an advanced F-15 or an F-16 we are talking about here.

I was under the impression than the US Congress voted to stop funding for additional F-22s and also opposed to export the aircraft.

If Arab countries go for nukes it is because Iran is. Most of them fear Iran more then Israel. And Congress is considering allowing the export of the f-22 but only to our closest allies. And even then they wouldn't have the same sensitive equipment. (computers)
If Arab countries go for nukes it is because Iran is. Most of them fear Iran more then Israel. And Congress is considering allowing the export of the f-22 but only to our closest allies. And even then they wouldn't have the same sensitive equipment. (computers)

dude no offence where you come up with these stuff my friends who are from Jordan and ready to go for Nukes if Raptor comes into play to counter-Israel whether today or tommorow we are going to reclaim our Holy Land so sit tight Inshallah Iran will get nukes demostration in New York by Paid actress in front of Iran's embassy is not going to help.
If Israel gets the Raptor the Arabs will be going for nukes soon.This is not an advanced F-15 or an F-16 we are talking about here.

I was under the impression than the US Congress voted to stop funding for additional F-22s and also opposed to export the aircraft.

While promulgating the point that the Arabs might go for nukes if Israel got the Raptor - you are forgetting the fact that the Arab countries neither have the capability or the technological know how to build a simple bomb let alone a nuke.

The Israelis enjoy unmatched military superiority in the Middle East and this situation is likely to continue for another decade and a half easily, with their current force levels. So even if Israel does not get the Raptor for another decade or so, they can still very easily take care of their security threats in the near future.
While promulgating the point that the Arabs might go for nukes if Israel got the Raptor - you are forgetting the fact that the Arab countries neither have the capability or the technological know how to build a simple bomb let alone a nuke.

The Israelis enjoy unmatched military superiority in the Middle East and this situation is likely to continue for another decade and a half easily, with their current force levels. So even if Israel does not get the Raptor for another decade or so, they can still very easily take care of their security threats in the near future.

does India had that technology a decade before India isnt that technological advance you barely have 1 operational nuke.Arab has $$$$ they can just buy it off maybe Pakistan should help them set up Nuclear Reactors and give them the sophisticated technology required to build a nuke.
dude no offence where you come up with these stuff my friends who are from Jordan and ready to go for Nukes if Raptor comes into play to counter-Israel whether today or tommorow we are going to reclaim our Holy Land so sit tight Inshallah Iran will get nukes demostration in New York by Paid actress in front of Iran's embassy is not going to help.

your sentence structure is a little jumpy there my friend. you might want to rewrite everything so people can understand what you are saying.
If Israel gets the Raptor the Arabs will be going for nukes soon.This is not an advanced F-15 or an F-16 we are talking about here.

I was under the impression than the US Congress voted to stop funding for additional F-22s and also opposed to export the aircraft.

and if the arabs all go for nukes then

1. perfectly justifies the acquisition of the F22's
2. will see the F22's in action, bombing sites that have anything to due with nukes
3. and why isnt this like a F15/16 most of the middle east still cant bring down a f15 anyways. and at the time of induction F15/16 were some of the most advance aircrafts available
and if the arabs all go for nukes then

1. perfectly justifies the acquisition of the F22's
2. will see the F22's in action, bombing sites that have anything to due with nukes
3. and why isnt this like a F15/16 most of the middle east still cant bring down a f15 anyways. and at the time of induction F15/16 were some of the most advance aircrafts available

F-22 is a air superiority fighter mainly. Israel will have the F-35 for ground targets. Though I still doubt they will get the F-22 in the end. in this world economy there are just to many financial constraints.
does India had that technology a decade before India isnt that technological advance you barely have 1 operational nuke.Arab has $$$$ they can just buy it off maybe Pakistan should help them set up Nuclear Reactors and give them the sophisticated technology required to build a nuke.

here is a interesting link that describes estimates of Pakistan and India's Nuke numbers.

It's older material but should give a idea of numbers.
does India had that technology a decade before India isnt that technological advance you barely have 1 operational nuke.Arab has $$$$ they can just buy it off maybe Pakistan should help them set up Nuclear Reactors and give them the sophisticated technology required to build a nuke.

Calm down kid. India has had the nuke technology for nearly 4 decades now. The first nuclear test where conducted by India way back in 1974, at that time Pakistani scientist did not even know properly what nuclear technology was. As clearly evident from the absence of any nuclear program in Pakistan till India exploded the bomb.

And what is all this talk about India having just 1 operational nuke, even the most ignorant members of this forum will not make such stupid statements. But then you surely seem to be a class apart.

Just having $$$ does not mean you can buy anything. Technologies like Nuke Tech a certain amount of IQ & acumen to develop, which the Arabs clearly lack. That's precisely why Israel just holds them by their balls.

And about Pakistan selling Nuke Tech to the Arabs - heard of the AQ Khan fiasco!!

clearly you seem to have a lot to learn. and next time suppress the urge to shoot first and talk later - you just end up making a fool of yourself.
F-22 is a air superiority fighter mainly. Israel will have the F-35 for ground targets. Though I still doubt they will get the F-22 in the end. in this world economy there are just to many financial constraints.

well its still handy for taking out sam sites but yea i doute anyone is getting the F22 anytime soon
Well one thing is for sure any sale of F-22 in a particular region would definitely trigger an arms race.
Calm down kid. India has had the nuke technology for nearly 4 decades now. The first nuclear test where conducted by India way back in 1974, at that time Pakistani scientist did not even know properly what nuclear technology was. As clearly evident from the absence of any nuclear program in Pakistan till India exploded the bomb.
FYI PAEC was establisehd before 1965.I hope Dr Abdus Salam rings a bell in your mind.He helped setting up PAEC along with Dr Munir..
FYI PAEC was establisehd before 1965.I hope Dr Abdus Salam rings a bell in your mind.He helped setting up PAEC along with Dr Munir..

Oh i didn't know that, the lack of any visible progress by Pakistan in the nuclear field compared to India till 1974 made me assume, the absence of any program. Thanks for the info. Yes Dr Abdus Salam does ring a bell, he won the Noble Prize, didn't he??
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