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F-18 stealthier can we make JF-17 like this

How about we just sell you the single engined stealth fighter we have in development. Or we can always loan our pilots and J-20 to Pakistan.
How about we just sell you the single engined stealth fighter we have in development. Or we can always loan our pilots and J-20 to Pakistan.

lets finished developing the planes and equip ourselves before talking about loaning to other people
I think first mature in JF-17 in every direction then towards stealth.
It cracks me up when a single individual on the internet thinks they are smarter than thousands of aerospace pHD's and industry titans.

There are many fanboys who just know the name of "FEW" aircrafts only and know nothing abt other aircrafts capabilities. :coffee:
There are many fanboys who just know the name of "FEW" aircrafts only and know nothing abt other aircrafts capabilities. :coffee:

Please do not derail this thread...:disagree:

back to topic

one could make a Silent JF-17 but the SuperHornet also have Active stealth with its high tech avionics and LIP AESA, but we could do that in due time...:china:
With a lot of effort and considerable cost you could lower RCS to a level like the F16. The questions is whether that would make the difference. I do not think so. And stealth is more suited for medium sized plane with dual engines and a bay.
But according to me....there is only VLO...stay hidden till the last moment.
I think while its true we can't mass produce 500 stealth planes but we can surely make 12 stealth special mission JF17-S fighters

I think we just need a creative design on hiding the weapons , and a non reflective canopy, infact I support a 100% hiddent cannoppy , fighter flies blindly with avionics alone

But an alternative would be to get Chinese stealth fighter :P 10 fighters
we should think something new!!!
We should devolp something to easily counter a stealth jet. If we can do that then there is no need to build our own.

*bring a change*
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