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F-18 stealthier can we make JF-17 like this

AIR_F-18_Super_Hornet_International_Roadmap_Concept_lg.j  pg

1st video is v good specially the part in which he explain weapon bay....very good idea....:usflag: well done America
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Pretty good read, under shaping:
Stealth design of airplanes / stealth aircraft

Sphere and rounded cones are generally big no-do's.

You can put all the make up and decorations you want on a dog, but at the end it's still a dog. Same way that you can try to manage a plane's radar signature all you want, but it's still a 4th Gen and will never match a true 5th Gen designed from the beginning to be VLO. Just that rounded nose cone is going to be a big source of return.

Boeing is just trying to cash in on the market by advertising F-15SE and the Super Hornet, gaps created by delays in F-35 program and the cancellation of F-22 orders.

Your source does not mention a cone - not once. How did you conclude a cone is a "no-do"?

Experiments performed on a large conical PCE (perfect electrical conductors) using a X-Band and S-Band transmitter concluded the returns from a cone shaped PCE at zero to +/- 70 deg azimuth or nose on was found to be below the sensitivity of the receiver at distances as small as 200 ft. I can assure you the nose cone of a F/A-18 isn't a PCE and if the radar is removed from the aircraft the return from its nose cone(head on) will be insignificant.
"Rome wasn't built in a day?" JF17 is just a start and obviously it cant have all the goodies...May be 10 years from now Pakistan may conceive home made stealth tech....But the question remains...how effective are all those botch job stealth cropping up all over? Unless it a billion dollar F22,i don't think a low cost stealth will make any difference in the effectiveness of the Airplane.While the Plane manufacturers may spend hundreds of millions in redesigning parts,a radar manufacturer can tune their radar at 100th of the cost to be more effective against low RCS planes.
about JF17 - The quality and equipment of the aircraft is not so called state of the art and also not fulfill international requirements and standards at least not now. So we don't have such good healthy customer right now. Might be soon but not yet. How we will invest more in such aircraft till we don't know how much this aircraft will be good for us ...
Is there a figure on how much the proposed weapons pod for the SH weighs?? Its probably a decent amount. Is the centerline pylon on the JF-17 capable of handling a weapons pod of this size?? The pod looks like it has a pretty big limitation on it. There's no way those bay door open up fully when the SH is on the ground, the entire unit will probably have to be changed once the munitions are depleted.
about JF17 - The quality and equipment of the aircraft is not so called state of the art and also not fulfill international requirements and standards at least not now. So we don't have such good healthy customer right now. Might be soon but not yet. How we will invest more in such aircraft till we don't know how much this aircraft will be good for us ...

I disagree...
The quality is very good,specially for the price...Its nt selling that much because well established and powerful sellers are there with their well advertised products to sell and its hard for a novice like Pak/china's JF17 to compete.
about JF17 - The quality and equipment of the aircraft is not so called state of the art and also not fulfill international requirements and standards at least not now. So we don't have such good healthy customer right now. Might be soon but not yet. How we will invest more in such aircraft till we don't know how much this aircraft will be good for us ...

Wasn't BD gunna but few jf-17s?
For something like f-18, radar signatures can definitely be reduced, but the aircraft itself can't become stealth aircraft like the f-35/f-22.

The horizontal stabilizers themselves are a big giveaway. In a research that was initially conducted by a Russian found that to reduce signature, an aircraft needs to have as few edges in its design as possible (when viewed from below). This is why delta-wing aircraft like mirage-2000 have a slightly smaller signature.

Then there's the problem of external hard-points and weapons/fuel-tanks which increase the signature tremendously.

The presence of AWACS also increases the chances of detecting enemy stealth fighters.

So when Boeing says that the can make the f-18 stealthier, they're probably kidding. The design and external hard-points will give it away.
Wow thats one sexy plane.
3 years ago i predicted SH will win the contract.
2 years ago i proposed an idea of a internal weapons bay on pylons and looks like the Boeing nicked it from me :D
Wow thats one sexy plane.
3 years ago i predicted SH will win the contract.
2 years ago i proposed an idea of a internal weapons bay on pylons and looks like the Boeing nicked it from me :D

Dont rule out the Rafale and the EFT...they both are also running hand to hand with the F 18. And offering partnerships and technologies far more than what Boeing or the LM can offer. Remember, EF and Rafale have an already stealthy airframe so adding these to it will make them more stealthier.

And Boeing has been ranting about a stealthy block II F 18 for more than half a decade now.
the aerodynamic shape of the weapons on the hard points should be effective , yet should cause less increases in rcs --- this might be where the jf17 engineers be working on
Dont rule out the Rafale and the EFT...they both are also running hand to hand with the F 18. And offering partnerships and technologies far more than what Boeing or the LM can offer. Remember, EF and Rafale have an already stealthy airframe so adding these to it will make them more stealthier.

IAF has already selected SH and they are just trying to milk Boeing for the best bang for the bucks deal by playing around with other air crafts.

And Boeing has been ranting about a stealthy block II F 18 for more than half a decade now.
And I was talking about "INTERNAL BAY" that it carries on the pylons.
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