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F-16 Block 15MLU/50/52 Fighter

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Nope nothing was better.

We have to get platforms that can defeat Indian birds. These platforms cannot defeat Indian birds. They can maybe put up a good fight if we have them in large numbers, but we're buying 4 of them, maybe 10 even.

It's better to spend your time and money on something worthwhile. Hence in this case nothing was a better possession to have.
Nope nothing was better.

We have to get platforms that can defeat Indian birds. These platforms cannot defeat Indian birds. They can maybe put up a good fight if we have them in large numbers, but we're buying 4 of them, maybe 10 even.

It's better to spend your time and money on something worthwhile. Hence in this case nothing was a better possession to have.

I beg to differ Asim, check Blain, Haider and Mark's posts to see what advantage PAF will get from these birds. PAF will end up flying approx 100 Block 52 F-16's including many MLU3 birds and might acquire even more in future.

Block 52 F-16C/D is capeable to put a good fight against the MKI and certainly outclasses the rest of IAF inventory. We need them now to close gap till the JF-17, J-10/Fc-20 and possibly J-11 will come in numbers.
how comparable is the jf17 to the f 16? are they as good as these old 90s era birds that wer getting?
So is the J10 better than these F-16s in terms of dogfighting ability? And the JF-17 about equal?
how comparable is the jf17 to the f 16? are they as good as these old 90s era birds that wer getting?

It is as comparable to the block 15 F-16s.
It is as comparable to the block 15 F-16s.

I dont think so! the aerodynamic changes in JF-17 (DSI, LEX design etc) made it much better than F-16 of 80's. the KLJ-7 radar is said to be as good as later versions of APG 68. the only problem is that JF17 is a Light weight fighter.
Light weight fighter is fine. That is why we are procuring in large numbers. With air-to-air refueling.. the job will be much easier.
^^^why r we repeating these discussions. and why is this thread being allowed. pls merge it in the F-16 main thread.
I dont think so! the aerodynamic changes in JF-17 (DSI, LEX design etc) made it much better than F-16 of 80's. the KLJ-7 radar is said to be as good as later versions of APG 68. the only problem is that JF17 is a Light weight fighter.

Noone knows the true capability of the JF-17. They maybe even equalvent to the block 30 or 40 for that matter, but what is speculated is that it falls in the same category as a block 15 does. Remember before it was said that JF-17 is 80% as capable as a block-15 F-16. My opinion is that with those modifications that you just listed above it is now equalivent to block -15.
Noone knows the true capability of the JF-17. They maybe even equalvent to the block 30 or 40 for that matter, but what is speculated is that it falls in the same category as a block 15 does. Remember before it was said that JF-17 is 80% as capable as a block-15 F-16. My opinion is that with those modifications that you just listed above it is now equalivent to block -15.

my dear friend, F-16 block 15 is a BVRless plane. that speculation is correct for payload but avionics are as good as block 40
my dear friend, F-16 block 15 is a BVRless plane. that speculation is correct for payload but avionics are as good as block 40

Who said so?? just because PAF F-16s don't carry BVR missiles does not mean block 15 is a "BVR less" fighter..
Who said so?? just because PAF F-16s don't carry BVR missiles does not mean block 15 is a "BVR less" fighter..

i think 23rd march is correct. F-16A/B block-15 does have the BVR capability as long as the missiles are made available (which they r going to be)
f-16 crashes by PAF with #and date

Serial No. Cause Date
85-609 WILDBOAR HIT 16-12-86
85-720 MISSILE HIT 28-04-87
84-712 DISORIENTATION 04-09-89
85-723 ENGINE FAILURE 16-06-91
85-725 ENGINE FAILURE 27-10-91
84-607 BIRD HIT 10-11-93
85-721 G-LOC 25-04-94
82-701 BIRD HIT 22-10-94
Who said so?? just because PAF F-16s don't carry BVR missiles does not mean block 15 is a "BVR less" fighter..

according to me F-16A uses APG 66 Radar having tracking range of 30 km. JF-17 's KLJ-7 Radar have much better range than that. correct me if m wrong
according to me F-16A uses APG 66 Radar having tracking range of 30 km. JF-17 's KLJ-7 Radar have much better range than that. correct me if m wrong

APG-66 has a range of 80NM. Which is more than enough for more than 80% of the BVR engagements. PAF F-16s are blk15 OCUs. Here is a bit more on the OCU's radar fit and weapons integration:

The APG-66 is a modest air intercept radar. It uses a slotted planar array antenna with 32.6 dB gain in its nominal I/J band operating range, with peak sidelobes at -31 dB in azimuth and -26dB in elevation. The radar is a two stage superhet with intermediate frequencies of 670 MHz and 56 MHz, the lower frequency is digitised and handled by a programmable signal processor. The radar is pulse Doppler with low, medium and high PRFs selected for varying target/engagement geometries. The APG-66 has nominal range of up to 80 NM, with an azimuth scan out to +/- 60 degrees.

The OCU upgrades to the radar include a facility to slave the seekers of the all aspect AIM-9P-4 Sidewinder to the antenna boresight for dogfight acquisition, and facilities for datalink control of Amraam and alternately, if fitted, can support a continuous wave illuminator for the AIM-7 Sparrow (or similar CW SARH missile). The radar's basic air-air search modes are Uplook and Downlook Search, the latter providing for the the detection of fighter size targets in clutter at 29 NM or better. There are several acquisition modes. Manual modes are Single Target Track and Situation Awareness (STT combined with track while scan on remaining targets), automatic modes comprise four Air Combat Manoeuvring (ACM) modes. These provide for HUD acquisition, vertical acquisition, boresight acquisition and a slewable 60x20 scan acquisition (modes not unlike those in the APG-65).
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