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Eygpt .. where the lies keep on coming

military coup never gives democracy and gives death and that what happened
Careful with the "never" bit. Sometimes coups do bring democracy. In this case, however, I don't expect the military to be faithful to their declared aim as much as I expect the activists to remain faithful to pursuing their goals.
Careful with the "never" bit. Sometimes coups do bring democracy. In this case, however, I don't expect the military to be faithful to their declared aim as much as I expect the activists to remain faithful to pursuing their goals.
it never happened and will never happen military coup brings democracy only if you are stupid to believe that like egypt 1952 military coup bring dictatorship after dictatorship and ended by mubarak fulls and now the military dictatorship back and that clear after killing 52 person praying in front of republican guard palace ( HQ )
it never happened and will never happen military coup brings democracy only if you are stupid to believe -
Three exceptions I can think of: the "Glorious Revolution" of 1688 which booted out James III in favor of William III (who didn't care about what parliament did domestically as long as it gave him resources to fight Louis XIV), the ouster of Mussolini from office, and one of the Nigerian coups a few years back where the general did indeed shock everybody by yielding power to civilians.

The James III situation is perhaps the closest parallel since it also involved the executive (king) undermining state institutions first. Turks will perhaps cite Ataturk overthrowing the Ottomans as another example.
Three exceptions I can think of: the "Glorious Revolution" of 1688 which booted out James III in favor of William III (who didn't care about what parliament did domestically as long as it gave him resources to fight Louis XIV), the ouster of Mussolini from office, and one of the Nigerian coups a few years back where the general did indeed shock everybody by yielding power to civilians.

The James III situation is perhaps the closest parallel since it also involved the executive (king) undermining state institutions first. Turks will perhaps cite Ataturk overthrowing the Ottomans as another example.

in arab world military coup = dictatorship
and we the Tunisians we thank god for having a great army that never interfere in politics
Tunisians don't consider themselves Arabs? :what:

i mean the rest of the Arab world except Tunisia our army far from politics because he have one mission is protect Tunisia and some times make roads and build bridges and houses and do peace keeping and some Tunisians consider themselves not Arab
i mean the rest of the Arab world except Tunisia our army far from politics because he have one mission is protect Tunisia and some times make roads and build bridges and houses and do peace keeping and some Tunisians consider themselves not Arab
Well, why not allow Egyptians the same privileges? Support the Egyptians' efforts to push the Army out of politics as well as the Egyptians' right to consider themselves Egyptians before they are Arabs? Maybe they won't get a dictatorship this time - maybe the streets will get it right the second time 'round.
Well, why not allow Egyptians the same privileges? Support the Egyptians' efforts to push the Army out of politics as well as the Egyptians' right to consider themselves Egyptians before they are Arabs? Maybe they won't get a dictatorship this time - maybe the streets will get it right the second time 'round.

me i support the legitimacy of President Morsi and i don't care about his party he come by election he go by election ( not a military coup )
me i support the legitimacy of President Morsi and i don't care about his party he come by election he go by election ( not a military coup )
With the dissolution of the lower parliament Morsi couldn't be impeached and with his declarations he tried to establish dictatorial powers; it's seemed most unlikely there would ever be another election. What was left other than a coup?
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