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Eygpt .. where the lies keep on coming

Uhm.....for what?

Well, I get your point ,but I share the same opinion people share here. He's only bee in office for a year, a dramtic change takes ages. However, Morsi tried to play up with the constitution to grant him more power.

Erdogoon is terrified of the same thing happening to him. And since Turkish press is a government mouthpiece, todayszaman article should be of no surprise.

TodaysZaman sucks up to the Conservative party in Turkey.
@Juice, are you saying you would support US Army to bring down a democratically elected US President through a Coup d'état ?

If not , why the Double standards and Hypocrisy ?
Not possible in the US(a coup,or in Europe)
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It's been a little more than two years since the downfall of Hosni Mubarak and the crowds are back at the Tahrir Square in Cairo, the center stage of all protest activities in Egypt. In fact, the crowds have managed to better their past records with the past four days seeing a swelling of the ocean of humanity gathered there, which estimates put at a whopping 17 million. No wonder then that Morsi was ousted within just a mere four days or so.
The reason why it all happened so fast has to be those who have the most influence, those whose actions matter the most - in this case that means the Egyptian army, led by General al-Sisi.

It has been stated before that the army does not want to get too deeply in the politics. So their solution is to walk over it. This is what they have done before, and this is what they did when President Morsi was overthrown.

Politics is a factor capable of being both a bridge builder, and also the thing prolonging the problems. See it good or bad, skipping the politics part is what allowed the revolution happen so fast in Egypt.
this was planned by mossad to put the army ( in here side ) to rule the country so muslim brotherhood ( enemy with Israel friendly with hamas ) don't rule so go to hell egyptian tyrant army
me i like any one enemy with Zionist nation
this was planned by mossad to put the army ( in here side ) to rule the country so muslim brotherhood ( enemy with Israel friendly with hamas ) don't rule so go to hell egyptian tyrant army
me i like any one enemy with Zionist nation
Hating Israel is all that matters to you, not the hopes, desires, and well-being of the Egyptians?
So what you want for Egyptians matters more than what Egyptians want for Egyptians?
military coup never gives democracy and gives death and that what happened
do u think the army will give democracy
mubarak was a military officer now the army take back the gov
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