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Eye on China, Indian Navy carries out drill in Andaman Nicobar Islands

Dude there is literally no chance the IN could close off the Malacca Strait ... the PLAN would concentrate their efforts in that region and would make capturing the Nicobar Islands a top priority. Also if I'm not mistaken, closing off the Malacca Straits would almost certainly add to huge diplomatic pressure on India since quite a couple countries trade besides China depends on it. India would lose international sympathy immediately. Besides, a lot of Chinese oil imports come via Russia overland so I doubt the it would seriously affect Chinese operations.

they're delusional. Their destroyers have only the 16 km range Barak as air defense. PLAN carrier aviation literally could shoot them with guns before they could fire missiles (not like they would, they'd just drop some cruise missiles and be done).

Indian Navy is very weak i guess.... they are sitting ducks ... come on in and blast them away :lol::lol::lol:

but that is not the question, what has plan did to get so much bravery? sitting at home or sending the vessels for offshore petrol's or threatening fishing vessels is what you count as achievement?

conquered the entire Paracels archipeligo from Vietnam.
Indian US Naval drills conclude without making any impression on the Chinese.
The Indian Navy is carrying out an exercise in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands to test its capabilities and be battle-ready against Chinese forays in the seas amid the India-China tussle in Ladakh.

Sources said assets of the Eastern Naval Command and the Andaman and Nicobar Command of the Indian Navy have been deployed in the war games.

All major warships and other critical assets of the Navy are part of the exercise. However, the Navy did not give out any specific numbers or the kinds of assets that have been deployed.
"Important warships part of Eastern Naval Command and Andaman Nicobar Command are participating. The exercise is scheduled for the entire eastern fleet deployment," a source said.
The Andaman and Nicobar Commander has assets of Navy, Air Force, and the Army working together and making it a theatre command formation. It is to ensure optimum use of assets from all forces is being considered for other sectors as well.


China has been expanding its naval operations in the Indian Ocean Region (IOR). In the guise of anti-piracy operations, the Chinese have often brought in submarines in the IOR.
In the last decade, the Chinese Navy has been frequently sending submarine missions in the Indian Ocean Region that occasionally closed in on the Indian waters, reaching up to Colombo and Karachi.

Such missions are usually backed by a regular ship. The deployments have included nuclear as well as non-nuclear submarines.
An alternating trend of sending a conventional submarine and a nuclear sub to follow it has been noticed, sources say. India is looking to strengthen its military diplomacy through the Navy to take on Chinese expansionism in the waters.
Australia is likely to join the next edition of the Malabar exercise, which includes the navies of India, the US, and Japan.


India seems to be all out in its attempts to CHECK the dragon from all possible corners, and has taken the US bait. History suggests the US and its allies have a tendency to leave its partners in a LURCH when the need arises. Needless posturing by India will only antagonise the Asian Giant further, with a high possibility of the former to cut down to its size. :pakistan::china:
I hope they use live ammunition. They don't use live ammunition during their border exercises because they need to save it just in case a real war broke out

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