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Eye on China, Indian Navy carries out drill in Andaman Nicobar Islands

so chinese are retreating from pdf as well :lol::lol::lol: such easy pushover with only two posts you are done? came as very strong :taz::taz: and then with two replies from my side you started crying :lol::lol::lol:
“We Indians r the most shameless, pride-less & gutless people with extreme deficiency of self respect. A community ... that does not respect its history will never be taken seriously & will remain a third world country forever.” —
@GovindRaj70 Shenoy

I have noticed this repeatedly on this forum.
Indians never concede even when they are completely wrong.
They ll call everything fake news and untrue if it doesn't suit their agenda. They ll bring India into everything, some members even start posting pics of India in a completely unrelated thread. They also bring India on threads which has nothing to do with India, just looking for some attention. India is in no way better than other South Asian country in any way yet they keep lecturing others. These members just like their media pose themselves as some how superior , often comparing Mumbai with Beijing and stupid shit things like that. Up until 20 years ago India use to be extremely poor , the economy has considerably improved but they keep bragging about their economy in threads that have nothing to do with economy.

Why is there so much moral collapse in Indians? Why are they so shameless?? Is it just this forum or is whole indian society build on lies and hate and fake news??
“We Indians r the most shameless, pride-less & gutless people with extreme deficiency of self respect. A community ... that does not respect its history will never be taken seriously & will remain a third world country forever.” —
@GovindRaj70 Shenoy

I have noticed this repeatedly on this forum.
Indians never concede even when they are completely wrong.
They ll call everything fake news and untrue if it doesn't suit their agenda. They ll bring India into everything, some members even start posting pics of India in a completely unrelated thread. They also bring India on threads which has nothing to do with India, just looking for some attention. India is in no way better than other South Asian country in any way yet they keep lecturing others. These members just like their media pose themselves as some how superior , often comparing Mumbai with Beijing and stupid shit things like that. Up until 20 years ago India use to be extremely poor , the economy has considerably improved but they keep bragging about their economy in threads that have nothing to do with economy.

Why is there so much moral collapse in Indians? Why are they so shameless?? Is it just this forum or is whole indian society build on lies and hate and fake news??
:lol::lol::lol: now you lost it completely ....in one post you said its beneath you to comment on and then this crap... why shall i care what you say :lol::lol::lol:

only couple of replies is what it takes to bring down troll... :lol::lol:

shameless is a country who does not honor their fallen heroes... and their war veterans from lost Vietnam war
Retired and hurt PLA veterans could become a force against the Chinese Communist Party regime

and last one, winnie the pooh will get angry if you say this name in public.... a leader of more than one billiom people is scared of a cartoon character :lol::lol::lol::lol:

and then chinse talk about how others are shameless..... :lol::lol::lol:
:lol::lol::lol: now you lost it completely ....in one post you said its beneath you to comment on and then this crap... why shall i care what you say :lol::lol::lol:

only couple of replies is what it takes to bring down troll... :lol::lol:

shameless is a country who does not honor their fallen heroes... and their war veterans from lost Vietnam war
Retired and hurt PLA veterans could become a force against the Chinese Communist Party regime

and last one, winnie the pooh will get angry if you say this name in public.... a leader of more than one billiom people is scared of a cartoon character :lol::lol::lol::lol:

and then chinse talk about how others are shameless..... :lol::lol::lol:
Yeah, I am not going to respond to your gibberish from your previous post.
Laughing at you is not responding to your post, but LOW IQ wont know.

Hahaha, LOW MUSCLE MASS WEAKLING starved of food dream of killing the Chinese.

Another one I just found today, have fun to watch.
I will watch when I got the time, hahaha, JOKERS.
Why Indians Have Low Muscle Mass
India beefing up fighter jets in Andaman and Nicobar islands. In case of a major conflict Indian policy makers are relying on choking the Chinese Vessels passing the the Malacca Straits . A strategy that has a potential to back fire rapidly.

Yes, every step India takes will backfire rapidly,
Where as any Step China takes is brilliant...

Once the rhetoric dies down, let me know what options Chinese will have if IN decides for a blockade in Malacca?
Apart from twiddling their thumbs & begging, they can't do much.

Let me ask you this, are you sure our subs are not in SCS already, nuclear armed?
Yes, every step India takes will backfire rapidly,
Where as any Step China takes is brilliant...

Once the rhetoric dies down, let me know what options Chinese will have if IN decides for a blockade in Malacca?
Apart from twiddling their thumbs & begging, they can't do much.

Let me ask you this, are you sure our subs are not in SCS already, nuclear armed?

if IN goes for a blockade in Malacca, laugh because over half of all commercial ships are flagged with flags of convenience i.e. Panama or Liberia. IN doesn't have the capability to search them all or distinguish China bound cargo from Japan/Korea bound. IN doesn't even have enough ships to find cargo ships with their transponder off because IN has pathetically weak ELINT capabilities.

I'm sure US would love having its core Asian allies cut off.

PLAN could wipe IN off the face of the earth when its at Malacca far from land based naval aviation yet still within range of Chinese naval aviation, but why? USN would **** IN up for messing with its allies.
if IN goes for a blockade in Malacca, laugh because over half of all commercial ships are flagged with flags of convenience i.e. Panama or Liberia. IN doesn't have the capability to search them all or distinguish China bound cargo from Japan/Korea bound. IN doesn't even have enough ships to find cargo ships with their transponder off because IN has pathetically weak ELINT capabilities.

I'm sure US would love having its core Asian allies cut off.

PLAN could wipe IN off the face of the earth when its at Malacca far from land based naval aviation yet still within range of Chinese naval aviation, but why? USN would **** IN up for messing with its allies.

plenty of false stories are being planted for plan and pla and plaf... they did nothing to back these stories... where is the bravado?

oh wait, they were pushed back from all fronts successfully... that is one achievements to not to miss...
plenty of false stories are being planted for plan and pla and plaf... they did nothing to back these stories... where is the bravado?

oh wait, they were pushed back from all fronts successfully... that is one achievements to not to miss...

what stories? planted by Indian media? 1962 is a permanent mark of shame for India.

And I love how you can't tell me how Indian Navy is going to distinguish Chinese shipping from Japanese or Korean when nobody uses their own national flag.

Chinese commercial shipping doesn't use Chinese flag and doesn't even use Chinese crew - the crew is hired on contract. Neither does Japanese or Korean shipping, they all follow the same business model. Now what? Sink a Japanese ship and IN is fucked.
what stories? planted by Indian media? 1962 is a permanent mark of shame for India.

And I love how you can't tell me how Indian Navy is going to distinguish Chinese shipping from Japanese or Korean when nobody uses their own national flag.

Chinese commercial shipping doesn't use Chinese flag and doesn't even use Chinese crew - the crew is hired on contract. Neither does Japanese or Korean shipping, they all follow the same business model. Now what? Sink a Japanese ship and IN is fucked.
you seems very simple... forget very fast...

PLAN could wipe IN off the face of the earth when its at Malacca far from land based naval aviation yet still within range of Chinese naval aviation, but why? USN would **** IN up for messing with its allies.

these stories ... what plan achieved to fear for them? only hollow stories.... this is typical global times narrative ... just make tall claims :lol::lol::lol:
What will India do if the Chinese Invade these atolls ,similar to what they did in the South China Sea.

How will they support their claim even if they land? Also, how will they maintain supply lines?
I will not even go onto the pounding they'll get.
India beefing up fighter jets in Andaman and Nicobar islands. In case of a major conflict Indian policy makers are relying on choking the Chinese Vessels passing the the Malacca Straits . A strategy that has a potential to back fire rapidly.
Dude there is literally no chance the IN could close off the Malacca Strait ... the PLAN would concentrate their efforts in that region and would make capturing the Nicobar Islands a top priority. Also if I'm not mistaken, closing off the Malacca Straits would almost certainly add to huge diplomatic pressure on India since quite a couple countries trade besides China depends on it. India would lose international sympathy immediately. Besides, a lot of Chinese oil imports come via Russia overland so I doubt the it would seriously affect Chinese operations.
you seems very simple... forget very fast...

these stories ... what plan achieved to fear for them? only hollow stories.... this is typical global times narrative ... just make tall claims :lol::lol::lol:

India has no naval aviation near Malacca Straits. It's 1800 km from Andaman and Nicobar Islands to Singapore at the mouth of the strait. The strait only widens from there.

Indian Navy has only 1 operational carrier right now with 29 Mig-29s without AESA radar, just 3 air defense destroyers with AESA radar, only a single leased nuclear sub.
India has no naval aviation near Malacca Straits. It's 1800 km from Andaman and Nicobar Islands to Singapore at the mouth of the strait. The strait only widens from there.

Indian Navy has only 1 operational carrier right now with 29 Mig-29s without AESA radar, no air defense destroyers with AESA radar, only a single leased nuclear sub.

Indian Navy is very weak i guess.... they are sitting ducks ... come on in and blast them away :lol::lol::lol:

but that is not the question, what has plan did to get so much bravery? sitting at home or sending the vessels for offshore petrol's or threatening fishing vessels is what you count as achievement?

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