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‘Extorted’ donations: Karachi’s multi-million dollar Bhatta/"charity" business

I believe all those people who were complaining are part of some 'yahoodi sazich'. Hy, rangers are lying too, they didn't catch anyone red handed. Yahoodi sazich everywhere. This is what you call denial my friend.

I didn't talk about any complaint ... In fact I know nothing about that ......
BTW when did MQM rant about yahoodi sazish :what:
BTW when did MQM rant about yahoodi sazish :what:
Figure of speech, everything is a sazich for MQM. LOL.
I didn't talk about any complaint ... In fact I know nothing about that ......
You think Rangers were lucky, just patrolling and caught these people? there must have been complains, after gathering intelligence, Rangers did what they do best: catch criminals.
Figure of speech, everything is a sazich for MQM. LOL.

Simple sazish & yahoodi sazish both are different things :D

You think Rangers were lucky, just patrolling and caught these people? there must have been complains, after gathering intelligence, Rangers did what they do best: catch criminals.

Don't you have solid evidence in support of your each n every claim ... This "might-may-must" would not support you :azn:
I believe all those people who were complaining are part of some 'yahoodi sazich'. Hy, rangers are lying too, they didn't catch anyone red handed. Yahoodi sazich everywhere. This is what you call denial my friend.
Rangers are Losing it right now that is why they are Cozying up with PPP now as Met Police Investigation arent going anywhere any time soon so no Masala available to Media while MQM is turning back to Aggressive mode after first time since Rao Anwar Press Conference while whole Karachi operation isnt coming to its Logical End anytime soon.
Figure of speech, everything is a sazich for MQM. LOL.

You think Rangers were lucky, just patrolling and caught these people? there must have been complains, after gathering intelligence, Rangers did what they do best: catch criminals.
If there are any complains then its rangers duty to bring all of it to the court of justice instead of issuing stupid poliricaly motivated statements ?
Which are the root cause of all problems wasting all the good work done by rangers ?
Any way & any how rangers are not above , the law themselves ?
My neighbor moved to north karachi few years back
Next day after settling, some dudes showed up and told them about the family and the backgrounds and told them to give money every time they come to their door or else.

my dad told them to move out of karachi the next week.
Boom, now they're safe and sound in faisalabad.

We saved one more family from being bori'ed.
My neighbor moved to north karachi few years back
Next day after settling, some dudes showed up and told them about the family and the backgrounds and told them to give money every time they come to their door or else.

my dad told them to move out of karachi the next week.
Boom, now they're safe and sound in faisalabad.

We saved one more family from being bori'ed.
Jab bhi atte jo Ek neya jhoot le ke atte ho, waiting for your new story and hope next time it's about you or your family.
Well, being a resident of Karachi, I can confirm that donations are being collected forcefully but then MQM is not the only party/organization involved in this. There are a number of religious organizations who force people to give fitra being from the correct religious group to collect the same. MQM though has a very strong hold over most activities in Karachi and probably collects bhatta the most but there are others as well and the Rangers need to look in all directions for an impartial operation.
My neighbor moved to north karachi few years back
Next day after settling, some dudes showed up and told them about the family and the backgrounds and told them to give money every time they come to their door or else.

my dad told them to move out of karachi the next week.
Boom, now they're safe and sound in faisalabad.

We saved one more family from being bori'ed.
Good Riddance Karachiite are always been with Karachi in its bad and good Times unlike others who move here and there when they see the situation. Once who cant be part of this city in its bad times cant contribute anything to this City.

There are those who are living in this City for more then decades now and they are proud of being Karachiite despite of all troubles they face because they are willing to CONTRIBUTE.

Well, being a resident of Karachi, I can confirm that donations are being collected forcefully but then MQM is not the only party/organization involved in this. There are a number of religious organizations who force people to give fitra being from the correct religious group to collect the same. MQM though has a very strong hold over most activities in Karachi and probably collects bhatta the most but there are others as well and the Rangers need to look in all directions for an impartial operation.
That is the thing which needs to be explained here. Rangers are concentrating on one organization while leaving rest of them do whatever they want. If they were Genuinely interested in Eradicating all sorts of Crime they would be doing the same thing what they are doing with MQM to others as well but all I hear is One Party whether it is Confession Statement or Arrests.
Good Riddance Karachiite are always been with Karachi in its bad and good Times unlike others who move here and there when they see the situation. Once who cant be part of this city in its bad times cant contribute anything to this City.

There are those who are living in this City for more then decades now and they are proud of being Karachiite despite of all troubles they face because they are willing to CONTRIBUTE.

Good riddance?
The attitude where they were told about their backgrounds, the schools their kids go to, and the fact that they told them to "PAY NO MATTER WHAT" is contribution to you?

Exactly why you guys can not be trusted.

Good riddance will only be said when MQM Goes down to gutters, pathetic bastards.

Jab bhi atte jo Ek neya jhoot le ke atte ho, waiting for your new story and hope next time it's about you or your family.

haan, bilkul jhoot ha.
Or MQM hi sachi he.

No wonder you guys react so hard when someone acts on evidence they receive. lol

All hail Rangers OP.

That is the thing which needs to be explained here. Rangers are concentrating on one organization while leaving rest of them do whatever they want. If they were Genuinely interested in Eradicating all sorts of Crime they would be doing the same thing what they are doing with MQM to others as well but all I hear is One Party whether it is Confession Statement or Arrests.

Better to tank the biggest one while taking care of the small ones in secret.
That is the thing which needs to be explained here. Rangers are concentrating on one organization while leaving rest of them do whatever they want. If they were Genuinely interested in Eradicating all sorts of Crime they would be doing the same thing what they are doing with MQM to others as well but all I hear is One Party whether it is Confession Statement or Arrests.

My Friend i didnt know PPP, Sunni-i-tehrik and land grabbers were all part of one party(MQM).
Good riddance?
The attitude where they were told about their backgrounds, the schools their kids go to, and the fact that they told them to "PAY NO MATTER WHAT" is contribution to you?

Exactly why you guys can not be trusted.

Good riddance will only be said when MQM Goes down to gutters, pathetic bastards.
You know what this is what happened to those who have no interest in living their lives in Karachi. Do you think people doesnt come to other's door step???Every Ramzan MQM comes to our door step as well but we dont pay them anything despite few times empty threats they use. These are just Pressure Tactics only if a person comes under influence then he becomes Gold Mine if a person doesnt he got away with it and nothing happens.

When people are more interested in making Money rather then becoming a part of the city they get easily influence by them if they are here to make this City as their home they dont so GOOD RIDDANCE because genuine Karachiite dont come here to make money rather they is more interested making this City their home.

My Friend i didnt know PPP, Sunni-i-tehrik and land grabbers were all part of one party(MQM).
Sunni Tehrik's leader got Arrested and FREED within Hours FYI and since then they are out of Radar.

LEA has yet to put their Hands on PPP and its Ministers for their Rampant Corruption despite of Recovering Billions of Rupees on multiple occasions.

Land Grabbers have made whole Colonies and Goths in Safora Goth, near Super Highway, Kati Paharhi, Banarus and most especially Malir district(Under Rao Anwar Supervision) already but non of them are being brought to justice so far.

Better to tank the biggest one while taking care of the small ones in secret.
Those Biggest ones(Mostly Mobile Snatchers) are way Tolerable to Karachiite then Religious/Sectarian Butchers and CORRUPT Govt. Ministers Patronizing Gang wars in Karachi for last 8 years.
My neighbor moved to north karachi few years back
Next day after settling, some dudes showed up and told them about the family and the backgrounds and told them to give money every time they come to their door or else.

my dad told them to move out of karachi the next week.
Boom, now they're safe and sound in faisalabad.

We saved one more family from being bori'ed.
Nice cooked up story ?

You know what this is what happened to those who have no interest in living their lives in Karachi. Do you think people doesnt come to other's door step???Every Ramzan MQM comes to our door step as well but we dont pay them anything despite few times empty threats they use. These are just Pressure Tactics only if a person comes under influence then he becomes Gold Mine if a person doesnt he got away with it and nothing happens.

When people are more interested in making Money rather then becoming a part of the city they get easily influence by them if they are here to make this City as their home they dont so GOOD RIDDANCE because genuine Karachiite dont come here to make money rather they is more interested making this City their home.

Sunni Tehrik's leader got Arrested and FREED within Hours FYI and since then they are out of Radar.

LEA has yet to put their Hands on PPP and its Ministers for their Rampant Corruption despite of Recovering Billions of Rupees on multiple occasions.

Land Grabbers have made whole Colonies and Goths in Safora Goth, near Super Highway, Kati Paharhi, Banarus and most especially Malir district(Under Rao Anwar Supervision) already but non of them are being brought to justice so far.

Those Biggest ones(Mostly Mobile Snatchers) are way Tolerable to Karachiite then Religious/Sectarian Butchers and CORRUPT Govt. Ministers Patronizing Gang wars in Karachi for last 8 years.
I think a code of conduct is the need of hour & our LEAs should sit with political & religious parties to make that whole thing working properly in accordence of law ?
I think a code of conduct is the need of hour & our LEAs should sit with political & religious parties to make that whole thing working properly in accordence of law ?
Of course that is what Demanded from LEA. Define Code of Conduct and then if someone doesnt follow bring him to justice without any thoughts. Arresting people like this without Communicating anything related to code of Conduct would generate questions.
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