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Exremist attacks in khi @ valentine and basnat celibrations

On Dawn News they were on ground and people were telling its just media barking(Geo) and nuthing happened :confused:
qsaark;303536]Valentines day is not a muslim function. Allah and his prophet (PBUH) have selected Eid ul Fitr and Eid u Adha as two occasions for muslims to celebrate. That is it. you like it or not, it makes no difference. It is very sad indeed that certain posters on this forum prefer a non-Islamic function over prayers. And we had a thread that the new generation will do better than the old. This generation of liberal fascists is causing more damage to the Islam than the non-believers.

you are absolutly right people cleberating valentines day or listening to the music are causing more demage to Islam then Talibans or your friendly terrorist.

I am ashamed to myself and to my Allah that I dont say my prayers regularly, but it doesn't mean that I should start laughing at others who manage to perform this most important Islamic ritual.

let me take a wild guess you are also ashamed of all others for not supporting Talibans and alqaida you live in usa but hate there way of life.
education makes a big difference try it if u cant understand some thing dont bother jumping in the conversation.
No one is telling people not to pray they are free to offer there prayers any time they like when ever they like. you no the kind of freedom enjoyed by you in usa you dont see people coming out of churches and attacking people on sunday for watching tv or doing what ever they like.

Pretending prayers? You are Allah naozubillah who knows whether they were pretending or not?

No but i guess you are as you knew they werent pretending and they go to mosque with all kinds of ammo just in case if they have to teach some one Islam they will not have to go out of there way and have every thing handy to attack.

Or Richard Hallbrook or Mullen had told you that they were pretending? what the hell is going on here?

Funny you are against these people whos way of life and economy you enjoy and i am the hypocrite

what the hell is going on here? The idea of concentration someone is talking about is exactly what those people who were saying their prayers were complaining about. How one could concentrate if loud music is being played?

NO one can concentrate in offering there prayers but picking up sticks and stones to force your self on to some one is right HOW.(but from the sounds of it they were planing what to do after namaz then paying attention to what they were suppose to be doing)thats called pretending to be praying.

i was once in whole sale shop in newyork and sign said no smoking allowed.
underneath the sign it said
i dont like smoking so please dont smoke here and make me smell your smoke as i enjoy drinking beer you wouldnt like it if i started peeing every where after drinking beer.

point is simple if you dont like it to be done to you dont do it to others.i will stand up for those peoples right to pray regardless of there religion just as much as i will stand up for the right for some one to enjoy music as God allmighty didnt give me the right to judge but do the right thing as much as i can.

Allah and his prophet (PBUH) have selected Eid ul Fitr and Eid u Adha as two occasions for muslims to celebrate.

just a small note may be you wanna pay attention to it next time oh you genious one Prophet was Allahs messenger he didnt decide any thing he just did what was decided for him and his people by God the almighty.
as no one is equal to Allah i belive that as a muslim and there is no one But one God and Muhammed is his prophet.:smitten:
oh lets just not get into this part where as a muslim you are suppose to be enjoy small things in life and be gratefull to allah for providing it to you not just 2 Eids but we will leave that for some other day.
account of a person who was really there.....its just media hype

I was there since 5pm. First of all, the media is **** in this country. That's the first time i came face to face with the media and saw what they do. All they do is make a mess out of nothing and raise the issues which aren't even an issue until it actually BECOMES an issue.

Here's what happened:
Before Call the band even came on stage and started, a FEW - at most 50 - Mullah's came most probably from the Masjid that was right in front of the park. Some were saying they came with sticks although i could not see sticks in anyone's hands. The management shut the gates and guards and the management people gathered on this side of the gate in case they tried to do anything. A guy in the management had a gun himself and many other had these REALLY thick sticks like baseball bats.
I don't know what their demands were. Maybe they got pissed at the music because it was time for Prayers. Although the bands STOPPED in the MIDDLE of their songs as soon as they heard the prayers. OR maybe they came because it was a Valentine's Day promotion event. Whatever it was, they couldn't DARE do anything. There were 500 or more people inside at that time. Which is 10 times or more than them.

Now coming to the media part. Which was the WORST. And which led to the even being canceled. Everyone started getting phone calls from their home saying that they are destroying the cars and saying something like (sorry i don't know the word) "100 loagon ko yagmaghan/yarmaghan banaya hua hay" when we got to know that, we were like WTF??! And some were even saying that the people calling from their houses are telling them that those Mullah's beat up the Call band members and they are sitting OUTSIDE under police security where in fact NOTHING happened to them and they were chilling inside in an Air conditioned room. And then 5-6 police mobile's came and few Edhi ambulances. And later on the TPO came as well. I went outside when the TPO came inside and sat in the Air conditioned room next to the Call members. And that was how the media made a STORY for themselves and earned some good HARAAM money while our HALAL money got wasted because of them. And okay almost EVERY channel came there. We saw Duniya, TVOne, Dawn, Apna and others were coming in too. And all that was when everyone was gone. Even 80% of the crowd was gone. The remaining were just us guys having fun. My friend even gave an interview on Apna News who was saying that it was nothing and the concert could have gone on further etc etc. I was standing behind him. And the main event organizer guy who was exceptionally tall was pissed off at the media and when they gathered around him and asked for an interview, he showed them the middle finger and the lanat sign because it was the media's fault due to which the event got canceled.

This is the ugly side of media in our country. A good event gone to waste. And the call members came after years to Karachi to perform.

you are absolutly right people cleberating valentines day or listening to the music are causing more demage to Islam then Talibans or your friendly terrorist.

Absolutely I am.

let mt me take a wild guess you are also ashamed of all others for not supporting Talibans and alqaida you live in usa but hate there way of life.
education makes a big difference try it if u cant understand some thing dont bother jumping in the conversation. No one is telling people not to pray they are free to offer there prayers any time they like when ever they like. you no the kind of freedom enjoyed by you in usa you dont see people coming out of churches and attacking people on sunday for watching tv or doing what ever they like.

Please do not keep repeating 'pretend'. How do you know that. As far as know, Ilm Ghaib is only for Allah. Dont guess. Talk about what I have written in my posts. We were as child always taught not to talk loud let alone play music or dance nearby a mosque. These are ill manners and disturb people who are praying. In USA (which happens to be a non-muslim state) such manners are very closely observed. I have never once seen people playing loud music outside a church. This is the quality of so called muslims/Pakistani liberal fascists.

No but i guess you are as you knew they werent pretending and they go to mosque with all kinds of ammo just in case if they have to teach some one Islam they will not have to go out of there way and have every thing handy to attack.

Basless accusition again. Did you investigate that they had any kind of weapons. Khuda se daro. Dont accuse people just becasue you dont like them. If you were here in US, you would have been in court for making baseless accusitions.

Funny you are against these people whos way of life and economy you enjoy and i am the hypocrite

Their way of life is not only playing music and celebrating valentines day. This is the misconception of Pakistani liberal fascists that American/European only do these things. Or they know the facts, but only practice the portion that favors their actions. I have seen many such liberal fascists when they come here, first thing they do is to start drinking alcohol and wiping their *** with the toilet paper. They abondon their language, their culture, and their religion and think that americans like them. Several of my American friends told me that they actualy view such 'black' whites as people with no self respect and untrustworthy.

NO one can concentrate in offering there prayers but picking up sticks and stones to force your self on to some one is right HOW.(but from the sounds of it they were planing what to do after namaz then paying attention to what they were suppose to be doing)thats called pretending to be praying.

Again baseless accuisition. Stones and sticks are readilty available on the Pakistani road sides. You dont have to store them in the mosques.

i was once in whole sale shop in newyork and sign said no smoking allowed.
underneath the sign it said i dont like smoking so please dont smoke here and make me smell your smoke as i enjoy drinking beer you wouldnt like it if i started peeing every where after drinking beer.

point is simple if you dont like it to be done to you dont do it to others.i will stand up for those peoples right to pray regardless of there religion just as much as i will stand up for the right for some one to enjoy music as God allmighty didnt give me the right to judge but do the right thing as much as i can.

Yes, but all that non-sense could have been stopped for a while during the prayers time. They couldn't hold that crap for 30 mintutes? No they did not, becasue for these liberal fascists, a haram thing is more important than the farz namaz.

just a small note may be you wanna pay attention to it next time oh you genious one Prophet was Allahs messenger he didnt decide any thing he just did what was decided for him and his people by God the almighty.
as no one is equal to Allah i belive that as a muslim and there is no one But one God and Muhammed is his prophet.:smitten:
oh lets just not get into this part where as a muslim you are suppose to be enjoy small things in life and be gratefull to allah for providing it to you not just 2 Eids but we will leave that for some other day.

Dont drag Allah and Mohammed into this. You are only twisting the teachings of Islam in order to qualify your views. If you start preferring haram music and dance over farz prayers, my words are literally falling on deaf ears. By posting such hollow views, you can earn few thanks from hindus and other liberal fascists but this is a very expensive trade.
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Well well excellent example now i am convinced.

good :yahoo:

ANd where in quran you ''oh special special kind of muslim'' are allowed to force people into what you are doing.
give me example where in quran you are allowed to take people hostages and destroy there belongings because you were pretending to be praying.

''you are not a Muslim if others are not safe from you'' this part of islam dosent apply to you oh you special kind of Muslim you.

The above two posts of S90 tells you what actually happend there, so need of pretending that they made anyone hostage and destroyed the belongings. There is no proof of that.

No i cannot concentrate on my prayers when there is loud noise near me but i also dont have sticks and stones ready to go and attack others to force them to stop there activities no matter how much i am botherd by it.


your are not muslim of others are not safe from you

You can't concentrate in this condition but you would not attack others with sticks and stones :crazy: I would say it depends on person to person depending on his/her psycho. Some may keep quiet in this scenario and some would go outside to stop it.

Besides this, I would say this is not a matter of a person. A Masjid is interpreted as home of Allah. Its sanctity we can't ignore. It's a place where people come to worship Allah and learn the teachings of Islam. From here the voice of Oneness of Allah is raised everyday. This is the place where commitment to His Oneness is practiced constantly. It’s a place where people are invited to the way of success. It’s strictly prohibited to make noise or use foul language in Masjid. Muslims congregate in Masjid to offer prayer just because Allah likes prayer in congregation. They actually come to Masjid because of the invitation which Allah has ordered to make! To disturb such people, who just gather to make Allah happy, is really not a good act. If music is very loud and can be heard inside the Masjid then it wouldn't let you concentrate on your prayer. It’s certainly an act which doesn’t make Allah happy. If people didn't want disturbance during prayer and they went there just to stop the music then it’s certainly not a bad act.

Yes, our deeds depends on our intentions. Intentions of those who were in park are not hidden from Allah and of course, He also knows the intentions of those who came to stop the music.
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Once again in Karachi these religious exrtemists are active and now they attacked nisar shaheed park on Valentine's day celebration, According to the news, many people carrying sticks gathered outside the park and then attacked the people inside the park and maked hundreds of people hostages which includes Ladies and Childrens.
Accodring to them they are doing this for the sake of islam, but actually these are the real black sheeps in Islam, Talibans and there friends (jamat e islami) never wanted peace in the city, People of Karachi should realize now that these traitors have entered the city and now they are forcing people to obey them.
We should stand unite against these religious militants and extremists.

Are you sure these were Taliban supporters?

As far as I know they were namazis from a close by masjid who got ticked off due to loud music from the park.

In Canada/ US, if a neighbour is listening to loud music then one can go and ask him to turn the volume down. If music or any loud noise is not stopped then you can actually call the cops who would come and ensure that there is compliance to the law.

In Pakistan, there is no police to ensure the safe guarding of your law therefore the namazis didn't have anyother option but to take matters in their own hands.

Enjoyment is one thing but making noise and disturbing your neighbours is another thing.

Last but not least, the organizers of this event didn't have permission to hold this event. This lead to the closure of this event.
you are absolutly right people cleberating valentines day or listening to the music are causing more demage to Islam then Talibans or your friendly terrorist.

Absolutely I am.

let mt me take a wild guess you are also ashamed of all others for not supporting Talibans and alqaida you live in usa but hate there way of life.
education makes a big difference try it if u cant understand some thing dont bother jumping in the conversation. No one is telling people not to pray they are free to offer there prayers any time they like when ever they like. you no the kind of freedom enjoyed by you in usa you dont see people coming out of churches and attacking people on sunday for watching tv or doing what ever they like.

Please do not keep repeating 'pretend'. How do you know that. As far as know, Ilm Ghaib is only for Allah. Dont guess. Talk about what I have written in my posts. We were as child always taught not to talk loud let alone play music or dance nearby a mosque. These are ill manners and disturb people who are praying. In USA (which happens to be a non-muslim state) such manners are very closely observed. I have never once seen people playing loud music outside a church. This is the quality of so called muslims/Pakistani liberal fascists.

No but i guess you are as you knew they werent pretending and they go to mosque with all kinds of ammo just in case if they have to teach some one Islam they will not have to go out of there way and have every thing handy to attack.

Basless accusition again. Did you investigate that they had any kind of weapons. Khuda se daro. Dont accuse people just becasue you dont like them. If you were here in US, you would have been in court for making baseless accusitions.

Funny you are against these people whos way of life and economy you enjoy and i am the hypocrite

Their way of life is not only playing music and celebrating valentines day. This is the misconception of Pakistani liberal fascists that American/European only do these things. Or they know the facts, but only practice the portion that favors their actions. I have seen many such liberal fascists when they come here, first thing they do is to start drinking alcohol and wiping their *** with the toilet paper. They abondon their language, their culture, and their religion and think that americans like them. Several of my American friends told me that they actualy view such 'black' whites as people with no self respect and untrustworthy.

NO one can concentrate in offering there prayers but picking up sticks and stones to force your self on to some one is right HOW.(but from the sounds of it they were planing what to do after namaz then paying attention to what they were suppose to be doing)thats called pretending to be praying.

Again baseless accuisition. Stones and sticks are readilty available on the Pakistani road sides. You dont have to store them in the mosques.

i was once in whole sale shop in newyork and sign said no smoking allowed.
underneath the sign it said i dont like smoking so please dont smoke here and make me smell your smoke as i enjoy drinking beer you wouldnt like it if i started peeing every where after drinking beer.

point is simple if you dont like it to be done to you dont do it to others.i will stand up for those peoples right to pray regardless of there religion just as much as i will stand up for the right for some one to enjoy music as God allmighty didnt give me the right to judge but do the right thing as much as i can.

Yes, but all that non-sense could have been stopped for a while during the prayers time. They couldn't hold that crap for 30 mintutes? No they did not, becasue for these liberal fascists, a haram thing is more important than the farz namaz.

just a small note may be you wanna pay attention to it next time oh you genious one Prophet was Allahs messenger he didnt decide any thing he just did what was decided for him and his people by God the almighty.
as no one is equal to Allah i belive that as a muslim and there is no one But one God and Muhammed is his prophet.:smitten:
oh lets just not get into this part where as a muslim you are suppose to be enjoy small things in life and be gratefull to allah for providing it to you not just 2 Eids but we will leave that for some other day.

Dont drag Allah and Mohammed into this. You are only twisting the teachings of Islam in order to qualify your views. If you start preferring haram music and dance over farz prayers, my words are literally falling on deaf ears. By posting such hollow views, you can earn few thanks from hindus and other liberal fascists but this is a very expensive trade.

On another note, wouldn't it be better if the people in the mosque, if one of them went to the people celebrating valentine's day and had a good talk with them and explain them that it's not appropriate and if they could please shut it for the time being untill they're done with their prayers or something?
Why immediately resort to violence? That's the problem in my eyes, why do these men think they can solve this by harassing or threatening the people who actually mean no harm?
I think it's way to easy to do whatever you like in Pakistan without getting punished for it by the police, and that's something that has to change.
I tell you, people who resort to violence in the Netherlands usually think twice, because they know the police WILL be there in just a few minutes, not even, and they will be spending countless of hours or days in jail before they are set free.
It's called discipline, and people should solve these issues in a normal manner rather then to resort towards violence, that's the part that annoys me.
It's way to easy to commit crimes in Pakistan and go unpunished with it.
On another note, wouldn't it be better if the people in the mosque, if one of them went to the people celebrating valentine's day and had a good talk with them and explain them that it's not appropriate and if they could please shut it for the time being untill they're done with their prayers or something?
Why immediately resort to violence? That's the problem in my eyes, why do these men think they can solve this by harassing or threatening the people who actually mean no harm?

Here is the problem. If a non-muslim does something that interferes in my prayers or other religious rituals, I would go and have a chit chat with him. Would try to convince him why he should not disturb me. I'll do all that because I know this non-muslim is not aware of the importance of my prayers. In the mentioned incident, it was all done by the so called muslims. Who were fully aware that it was the time of the Isha prayers. They knew that a haram thing can not be preferred over a farz namaz. It was very natural for the some of the namazis (not all were involved in violence I understand) to get angry.

I think it's way to easy to do whatever you like in Pakistan without getting punished for it by the police, and that's something that has to change.
I tell you, people who resort to violence in the Netherlands usually think twice, because they know the police WILL be there in just a few minutes, not even, and they will be spending countless of hours or days in jail before they are set free.

How truly said. Indeed, if it was US, all these 'lovebirds' were actually in Jail for disturbing the namazis. It is very clear from the incident who disturbed whom. I am amazed that people are sympathizing with those who were openly challenging the laws of Allah and his Rasul (PBUH). That is, no muslim men or women is allowed to do anything (except for legitimate reasons) in the time of Salat but to say prayers. I dont think something as haram as dancing and singing of men and women qualifies for a legitimate reason.

It's called discipline, and people should solve these issues in a normal manner rather then to resort towards violence, that's the part that annoys me. It's way to easy to commit crimes in Pakistan and go unpunished with it

Exactly, and those 'lovebirds' had no permission from the authorities to celebrate at the top of their lungs in the close proximity of a mosque during the salat time. Even the authorities cant let something happen if it is not allowed by Allah and his Rasul (PBUH).

The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him and his progeny) has said: “One who considers the prayers to be insignificant and trivial is not from me. By Allah! He shall never come close to me at the pool of Kauthar.”Biharul Anwar, Volume 82, Page 224

The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him and his progeny) has said: “Do not destroy your prayers for verily one who destroys his prayers shall be resurrected in the company of Qarun, Haman and Fir`awn.”Biharul Anwar, Volume 82, Page 202

The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him and his progeny) has said: “Prayer is the pillar of your religion and one who intentionally forsakes his prayer has destroyed his religion. And one who does not guard the times of the prayers, shall be made to enter ‘Wayl’, which is a valley in Hell, as Allah, the Exalted, has said: “So woe to the praying ones, who are unmindful of their prayers.”Biharul Anwar,Volume 82, Page 202

The Holy Prophet (PBUH) said, "whoever amongst you sees an evil should change it with his hand. If he is unable to do that then he should change it with his toungue. And if he is unable to do that then he should change it with his heart, and that is the weakest level of Iman" Sahih Muslim

"There are no people in whose midst sins are committed, and they do not change this situation although it is in their powers to do so, except that Allah will be near to overtaking them all with His punishment."Abu Dawud
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On another note, wouldn't it be better if the people in the mosque, if one of them went to the people celebrating valentine's day and had a good talk with them and explain them that it's not appropriate and if they could please shut it for the time being untill they're done with their prayers or something?
Why immediately resort to violence? That's the problem in my eyes, why do these men think they can solve this by harassing or threatening the people who actually mean no harm?

Good point. Pakistan's problem is a lack of tolerance in the Pakistani society. People apeak of Islam without understanding Islam.

Tolerance is one of the most important aspects of Islam.
On another note, wouldn't it be better if the people in the mosque, if one of them went to the people celebrating valentine's day and had a good talk with them and explain them that it's not appropriate and if they could please shut it for the time being untill they're done with their prayers or something?
Why immediately resort to violence? That's the problem in my eyes, why do these men think they can solve this by harassing or threatening the people who actually mean no harm?
I think it's way to easy to do whatever you like in Pakistan without getting punished for it by the police, and that's something that has to change.
I tell you, people who resort to violence in the Netherlands usually think twice, because they know the police WILL be there in just a few minutes, not even, and they will be spending countless of hours or days in jail before they are set free.
It's called discipline, and people should solve these issues in a normal manner rather then to resort towards violence, that's the part that annoys me.
It's way to easy to commit crimes in Pakistan and go unpunished with it.

Good Point, My friend. Nothing gives these talibani barbarians the right to go an attack these people. O well, these pashtuns are gonna be on the receiving end of a shitload of backlash if events like this are to reoccur.
Good point. Pakistan's problem is a lack of tolerance in the Pakistani society. People apeak of Islam without understanding Islam.

Tolerance is one of the most important aspects of Islam.
This lack of tolerance applies to both, the liberal fascists and the religious extremists.
Good Point, My friend. Nothing gives these talibani barbarians the right to go an attack these people. O well, these pashtuns are gonna be on the receiving end of a shitload of backlash if events like this are to reoccur.
One should be able to differentiate the common namzis from the Taliban. This is a gross oversimplification that all those namazis were pashtoons. Have you done any kind of investigation before making every single namaazi a pashtoon and a talib? This is also another kind of intolerance. We had to see this day where people who try to say their prayers are labelled Taliban. Whom are we supporting? This is exactly what our enemy want us to beleive and do. To root out the very basis of Islam.
Hypocrisy at its best. The supporters of Western culture want to play music loudly even when there is prayer going on and they call it freedom of expression while the same people are against use of loud speakers for call of the prayer in Mosques.

The incident has nothing to do with Valentine day celebration but it was related to right of the faithful to pray in peace.

Someone commented here that faithful should be so much engrossed in prayer that they should not had noticed the lousy loud music. This argument is so weak in wake of current level of our imaan. We are not strong Muslims which were once our Sahaba and Prophet (SAW) still these Muslim brother are trying to fulfill their religious obligation.

If you do not want to a faithful Muslim then do not. There is no bar on you but you also do not have right to spoil my prayer as well.
In all honesty, qsaark and SurvivoR, would you claim that you have never listened to music or done anything that is "against" Islam.
I listen to music everyday, it helps me throughout the day, whenever I go to work or to school or where ever, it gives me a calm effect.
I also get the same calm feeling when praying for Allah (swt) and sit on the carpet, the same feeling, actually even better and I feel connected or heard in one way or another to my one and only God.

However, nothing, and simply nothing will justify the use of violence in this case.
You cannot claim that these men, women and children were deliberately trying to ruin the prayers for these people.
It was most likely a misunderstanding and bad timing, so what? Who cares, work it out together, talk to the people, resort to different manners.
What's the use by waiting outside with stones or sticks or whatever and try and intimidate these people who most likely are muslims too.
Them celebrating valentine's day, or perhaps not even valentine's day but they use the special occasion to celebrate their own "day" if you get my point, so it doesn't even have to be valentine's day, does that make them bad Muslims or lower or lesse Muslims?
Are we mortals the one to judge or decide what they are? Do you honestly think Allah (swt) will punish these people because they celebrated this day even if alot of them pray everyday and are good and pure muslims at heart? Do you honestly think Allah (swt) will also not look at the people who resorted to violence or intimidation to justify their case? Do you think they are innocent by any chance?

It's simply way too EASY to cause civil unrest or to intimidate one another in Pakistan, and this is a big problem in my eyes, people have to feel safe, and if there are issues, then talk with eachother, communicate but don't hate, it doesn't make sense, peoples mentality have to be changed, and discipline must be taught.
If you'd do something similar like this in China, you bet your a$$ the policeforce or special taskforce would take care of any unrest within a matter of minutes, it's all discipline to keep the society together and also to win respect for eachother.
In all honesty, qsaark and SurvivoR, would you claim that you have never listened to music or done anything that is "against" Islam.
I listen to music everyday, it helps me throughout the day, whenever I go to work or to school or where ever, it gives me a calm effect.
I also get the same calm feeling when praying for Allah (swt) and sit on the carpet, the same feeling, actually even better and I feel connected or heard in one way or another to my one and only God.

However, nothing, and simply nothing will justify the use of violence in this case.
You cannot claim that these men, women and children were deliberately trying to ruin the prayers for these people.
It was most likely a misunderstanding and bad timing, so what? Who cares, work it out together, talk to the people, resort to different manners.
What's the use by waiting outside with stones or sticks or whatever and try and intimidate these people who most likely are muslims too.
Them celebrating valentine's day, or perhaps not even valentine's day but they use the special occasion to celebrate their own "day" if you get my point, so it doesn't even have to be valentine's day, does that make them bad Muslims or lower or lesse Muslims?
Are we mortals the one to judge or decide what they are? Do you honestly think Allah (swt) will punish these people because they celebrated this day even if alot of them pray everyday and are good and pure muslims at heart? Do you honestly think Allah (swt) will also not look at the people who resorted to violence or intimidation to justify their case? Do you think they are innocent by any chance?

It's simply way too EASY to cause civil unrest or to intimidate one another in Pakistan, and this is a big problem in my eyes, people have to feel safe, and if there are issues, then talk with eachother, communicate but don't hate, it doesn't make sense, peoples mentality have to be changed, and discipline must be taught.
If you'd do something similar like this in China, you bet your a$$ the policeforce or special taskforce would take care of any unrest within a matter of minutes, it's all discipline to keep the society together and also to win respect for eachother.

You are confusing things here now.

No one is against Music or playing of Music. The incident has nothing to do with Valentine's day celeberation either.

The question was playing of Music when Isha prayer was going on. The imam masjid only asked them to stop it for a while so that they can offer prayer.
Now you can guess in our country such advice do fell on deaf ear and it leads to scuffle from both sides.

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