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Exposing identity of Ajmal Qasab. Nepal connection

But they buried everyone right away....Whos DNA, according to them all bodies were burnt and can't be recognize. Then whos DNA ??

They took before they are burnt or buried or something. They need just few cells and store it at 4 degree temperature, extract DNA, amplify and sequence and compare it to the DNA of people who are resident to the places from where these terrorist came from.

People have sequenced DNA from 10000 years old species (wooly mammoth for example) , then why is this not possible. One hair is more than enough.
er! I could be off topic. But if Ajmal is Ajmal, and if he is a innocent pakistani who has been used as a trump card by the RAW/Mossad/CIA Faction, what happened to the red Kalava thing and the Hindu conspiracy. Where is RR now!? :D
Okay take UK and USA findings to be bullshit but even China your best friend as you claim refused to veto and PROMPTLY passed the UN resolution to ban JUD. They did not even wait for the proof from India!

Any reason why your best friend would do that ?

What makes u so sure that we wanted it vetoed anyway?
Refused to veto is stretching the truth too far!No one asked china to veto,it didnt refuse.15 mins is the time lapse,the UNO was so much in a hurry it let go its protocol! Pakistan wasn't even informed b4....and waiting for india to show any solid evidence is wishful right now!3 weeks and the only proof they have is qasab and worse inspite of Pakistan asking for a joint investigation,all we get is silence!Ppl have becum smarter than to expect evidence from India.
Anywayz considering the circumstances and india's overblown propaganda,banning JUD is an unpopular but smart move.Its more like ok we've co-operated just so u said so,now where's the evidence?Though the ban cannot be as yet validated properly n the JUD can still challenge it,if it hadnt been done,ppl like u wuld have been the first to scream foul play and smack it on the GOP and ISI!
Which leads us to understand y the FBI was compelled to say that the GOP is not involved! Y its difficult to believe the FBI is not telling the whole truth?
Consider this,they question qasab for 9 hrs only and release a statement after 3 weeks 'oh yeh he is a Pakistani'(like gimme a break,thts whts the indians been saying,wht did u do different?!.didnt read they found 'evidence' in connection or hand it over to the Pakistanis and funny enuf,although qasab is alive,nobody's gotton past him to his companions!For that they need DNA tests??If they said sumthing new,it wuld have believable,just repeating the same lines is not!
oh and aren't they the same guys who found WMDS and nuke sites in iraq with full proof (satellite pics and site co-ordinates??) and guess wht Bush went on record saying it was a massive intelligence failure on their side,there were none!! a full scale war on crap.
U want the Pakistanis to accept? Thts easy,rope them in a joint investigation...we've asked for so long now.Show us the crap u say is ours!Let us judge ourselves!

P.s now that the LeT and JUD r almost virtually gone,who's ur next excuse is wht remains to be seen.
DNA is a gud strategy if conducted indepedently by all investigation teams involved i.e each obtaining a sample directly frm the corpses.Using pre extracted cells can be a bit unreliable...eg. i could obtain ur hair sample and pass it as one of the terrorists.imagine how horrific that can becum!!
Anyhow the way their bodies were mutilated,if buried the decompostion wuld be quick and beyond recognition and if already burnt,then there's no hope.The authorities culd have frozen them up,which as i know is the common practise in such cases.Y the indians disposed of them so quickly, if they did is frankly fishy!
one question guys... how can DNA help u in finding out where the person is from?????
wat about those who migrated to pak and those who migrated to india during 1947.... and also wat about if two ppl are living really close but on the opposite side of the border lik lahore and amritsir?????

What makes u so sure that we wanted it vetoed anyway?
Refused to veto is stretching the truth too far!No one asked china to veto,it didnt refuse.15 mins is the time lapse,the UNO was so much in a hurry it let go its protocol! Pakistan wasn't even informed b4....and waiting for india to show any solid evidence is wishful right now!3 weeks and the only proof they have is qasab and worse inspite of Pakistan asking for a joint investigation,all we get is silence!.

India unveils plans for new FBI-style security service | World news | guardian.co.uk

The "terrorist" quartet comprises the group leader, Hafeez Muhammad Saeed, the chief of operations, Zakir Rehman Lakhvi, the finance chief, Haji Muhammad Ashraf, and financier Mahmoud Mohammad Ahmed Bahaziq. Lakhvi was arrested by Pakistani authorities on Sunday, after police in Mumbai said he was instrumental in planning the bloody terror strike last month.

At the prompting of India and the US, the committee also declared Jamaat-ud-Dawa, which runs out of a sprawling complex near Lahore, a terrorist group subject to UN sanctions, including an asset freeze, travel ban and arms embargo. China had previously vetoed attempts to ban Jamaat, which helped victims of the 2005 Kashmir earthquake, on three occasions.

I wonder what the Chinese know that Pakistan does not know ?









What makes u so sure that we wanted it vetoed anyway?
Refused to veto is stretching the truth too far!No one asked china to veto,it didnt refuse.15 mins is the time lapse,the UNO was so much in a hurry it let go its protocol! Pakistan wasn't even informed b4....and waiting for india to show any solid evidence is wishful right now!3 weeks and the only proof they have is qasab and worse inspite of Pakistan asking for a joint investigation,all we get is silence!Ppl have becum smarter than to expect evidence from India.
Anywayz considering the circumstances and india's overblown propaganda,banning JUD is an unpopular but smart move.Its more like ok we've co-operated just so u said so,now where's the evidence?Though the ban cannot be as yet validated properly n the JUD can still challenge it,if it hadnt been done,ppl like u wuld have been the first to scream foul play and smack it on the GOP and ISI!
Which leads us to understand y the FBI was compelled to say that the GOP is not involved! Y its difficult to believe the FBI is not telling the whole truth?
Consider this,they question qasab for 9 hrs only and release a statement after 3 weeks 'oh yeh he is a Pakistani'(like gimme a break,thts whts the indians been saying,wht did u do different?!.didnt read they found 'evidence' in connection or hand it over to the Pakistanis and funny enuf,although qasab is alive,nobody's gotton past him to his companions!For that they need DNA tests??If they said sumthing new,it wuld have believable,just repeating the same lines is not!
oh and aren't they the same guys who found WMDS and nuke sites in iraq with full proof (satellite pics and site co-ordinates??) and guess wht Bush went on record saying it was a massive intelligence failure on their side,there were none!! a full scale war on crap.
U want the Pakistanis to accept? Thts easy,rope them in a joint investigation...we've asked for so long now.Show us the crap u say is ours!Let us judge ourselves!

P.s now that the LeT and JUD r almost virtually gone,who's ur next excuse is wht remains to be seen.

what do you want, terrorist in a movie with zardari, having the last supper... you are in denial...
DNA tells nationality too. Pakistani DNA is 5 mm bigger then Indian DNA.

I am amazed at your lack of knowledge about DNA. It has solved COLD Cases which were unsolved in the last 50 years in the west.

The FBI has their DNA and we will soon know when USA puts pressure on Pakistan to allow them to take DNA samples of Kasabs father and mother and others unless they were all illegitimte which is unlikely.

I am amazed at your lack of knowledge about DNA. It has solved COLD Cases which were unsolved in the last 50 years in the west.

The FBI has their DNA and we will soon know when USA puts pressure on Pakistan to allow them to take DNA samples of Kasabs father and mother and others unless they were all illegitimte which is unlikely.

Sir , do i need to write LOL after sentence. It already reflects the sense of humor..
er! I could be off topic. But if Ajmal is Ajmal, and if he is a innocent pakistani who has been used as a trump card by the RAW/Mossad/CIA Faction, what happened to the red Kalava thing and the Hindu conspiracy. Where is RR now!? :D

er! someone better reply to this. :bounce::woot:
Nepal denies arrest of Ajmal Kasab in 2005

Monday, 15 December , 2008, 14:25
Last Updated: Monday, 15 December , 2008, 14:33

Kathmandu: Nepal's Home Ministry on Monday rejected the claim by a Pakistani lawyer that Mohammed Ajmal Kasab, the only terrorist to have been captured alive after the Mumbai attack last month, was arrested in Kathmandu in 2005 and handed over to the Indian authorities.

"We have no such information," home ministry spokesman Nabin Kumar Ghimire said.

The denial came after a Pakistani lawyer, C M Farooque, claimed that Kasab had gone to Kathmandu "before 2006" on a business visit when he was arrested by Nepal police and handed over to India.

‘We were told to take hostages’

The lawyer had also claimed that nearly 200 Pakistanis were held along with Kasab in a secret detention place so that they could be used to serve some "ulterior designs" later.

According to the lawyer, he filed a case in Nepal's Supreme Court asking for their release. The case, according to Farooque, is still being heard with a hearing scheduled later this month when he would be visiting Kathmandu to argue on behalf of his clients.

Sarogi not to plead for Ajmal

"The people arrested in Nepal had gone there on legal visas for business but Indian agencies are in the habit of capturing Pakistanis from Nepal and afterwards implicating them in the Mumbai-like incidents to malign Pakistan," the lawyer alleged.

However, Supreme Court documents showed that in February 2007, the Pakistani lawyer had asked Nepal's apex court to free two Pakistanis, Asif Ali and Walid Sajjad, who had been reportedly arrested from a hotel in Kathmandu in 2005.

Meet the men who attacked Mumbai

"Kasab's parents in Pakistan have acknowledged him as their son and media reports from Pakistan established that he was recruited from there by the Lashkar-e-Taiba to take part in the Mumbai attacks," a senior official said on the condition of anonymity.

Special: Mumbai 26/11

"It's also been established that the attackers came by boat from Pakistan.”

"Obviously, the Pakistani lawyer's allegations are sheer propaganda trying to indicate that Kasab came from India, " added the officials.

Nepal denies arrest of Ajmal Kasab in 2005 - Sify.com

"It's also been established that the attackers came by boat from Pakistan."

thats one of the thinigs whihc i dont understand. how can u say they came by a boat all the way from pakistan. how come they didnt get detected during their more than 50hrs of journey???
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