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Exposing identity of Ajmal Qasab. Nepal connection

Dear AM,

However by not pre-empting the ban thru a veto Pakistan has only exposed itself to further pressure.


Ps : In the past three times Pakistan was able to convince China to veto such a resolution and hence its strange that China did not wait for the Indian Proof this time.

I am not talking about a potential veto or whatever, its done and over with and besides the point.

My question is about what exactly the UN requires of Pakistan beyond seizing assets of the banned organization.

Some noises have already been made in Pakistan than unless evidence is forthcoming from India, Saeed may have to be released. Saeed may himself force the issue by going to court, where the GoP will have to eat humble pie over his detention unless the Indians start cooperating,

I believe Pakistan's position of working through the system is at least officially backed by both the US and especially Europe, with both issuing repeated statements for the two countries to cooperate on investigations.

Pakistan may have to enact new legislation that punishes individuals from declared terrorist organizations, who cannot be tried, for being linked in any way to other organizations.

But as of now, I see very little Pakistan can do under existing laws other than merely seizing JuD assets.
I am not talking about a potential veto or whatever, its done and over with and besides the point.

My question is about what exactly the UN requires of Pakistan beyond seizing assets of the banned organization.

Some noises have already been made in Pakistan than unless evidence is forthcoming from India, Saeed may have to be released. Saeed may himself force the issue by going to court, where the GoP will have to eat humble pie over his detention unless the Indians start cooperating,


Then we are talking about two different issues !

I am commenting that China was happy to accept Kasab as Pakistani and allow the UN ban to go thru against JUD which they themselves protected the last 3 times without waiting for the Indian proof and no Pakistani member wants to comment on that ?

The UN is watching and by allowing the UN resolution to pass Pakistan will have to take action sooner than later or face sanctions itself.


(Ps : China did not even abstain from the vote and maybe it was a message to Pakistan that enough is enough)
Nepal court records disprove Pakistani lawyer's claim on Kasab

It always looked like a hurriedly put together half baked story. Ready for fizzling out from the word go.
Dear Dabong,

As one of the few erudite and sensible person on this forum who also likes the good relief work of JUD do you sincerely believe that crap that Pakistan COMMANDS China to veto and China kneels to Zardari and says YES MASTER I VETO TOMORROW ?.

No...pakistan can not command or force any nation.
Even though i think the mumbai attacks where staged ,i also think there is some pakistani involvment.
There are plenty of examples in recent history of govt infiltrating militant groups and using them for there own ends.
How hard would it be for the indians to recruit pakistanis in indian run terror training camps in Afghanistan.
The terrorist that was caught in my opinon is more then likely a pakistani....for the simple reason that RAW-BJP can not be that stupid that they will try to pretend that he is a pakistani and think that no body will ask questions.
There are to many inconstancies in the mumbai story to accept that it was only a small group of "super terrorist" that carried the attack out.

Case of sour grapes for Pak-China Brotherhood .

Not really.

Pakistan has not officially acknowledged any role by either Jamaat-ud-Dawa or Lashkar-e-Taiba in the Mumbai attacks, saying it was waiting for India to share information. But Pakistan will not oppose United Nations sanctions against the organization or its leader as a “good-will gesture,” said a Pakistani diplomat, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak publicly.


Ps : By letting them go free in the long run for not carrying out UN Sanction Pakistan will be the looser.

You could be right....maybe by banning the LeT-JuD and other groups linked to kashmir it could work in pakistans favour.
The excuse used by the indians that cross border terrorism is the reason they cant on move kashmir will be finished.
I would like the pak govt to support Hafiz Saeed and all the others that follow pakistan govt policy.......if they dont follow pak govt policy...get rid off them.
I am commenting that China was happy to accept Kasab as Pakistani and allow the UN ban to go thru against JUD which they themselves protected the last 3 times without waiting for the Indian proof and no Pakistani member wants to comment on that ?

Ps : In the past three times Pakistan was able to convince China to veto such a resolution and hence its strange that China did not wait for the Indian Proof this time

also explain why China did not ask for proof like Pakistan is asking.


Okay take UK and USA findings to be bullshit but even China your best friend as you claim refused to veto and PROMPTLY passed the UN resolution to ban JUD. They did not even wait for the proof from India

Any reason why your best friend would do that ?..

China had previously vetoed attempts to ban Jamaat, which helped victims of the 2005 Kashmir earthquake, on three occasions.

I wonder what the Chinese know that Pakistan does not know..

Case of sour grapes for Pak-China Brotherhood.

Not really.

Pakistan has not officially acknowledged any role by either Jamaat-ud-Dawa or Lashkar-e-Taiba in the Mumbai attacks, saying it was waiting for India to share information. But Pakistan will not oppose United Nations sanctions against the organization or its leader as a “good-will gesture,” said a Pakistani diplomat, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak publicly.


Chinese did what we asked them to do...:pakistan::china::pakistan::china:
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Would you provide some neutral links on the above fairy tale claims of yours and also explain why China did not ask for proof like Pakistan is asking ?

China has not been 'blamed' by india in the issue.I see no reason y it shuld ask.

Jamaat-ud-Dawa could be banned following UN plea: Haroon
Updated at: 0615 PST, Wednesday, December 10, 2008
UNITED NATIONS: Pakistan’s permanent representative to UN, Abdullah Hussain Haroon said Wednesday that the suspected terrorist outfit Jamaat-ud-Dawa could be banned on the request of the UN Security Council.

Talking to mediamen in United Nations Hussain Haroon said that India has approached to Security Council to get Jamaat-ud-Dawa banned while he showed Pakistan’s readiness to ban the suspected outfit if United Nations requests to Pakistan adding its bank accounts could also be ceased.

He said that Pakistan and India could join hand to curb terrorism and this is going to prove an attempt in this wake.

Clearly if Pakistan is giving a go sign, China doesnt veto.Its understood.Last two times Pakistan used its diplomatic channel with China esp post 2005 earthquake (concerning to JUD's relief effort),this time around obviously we didnt.... though frankly that was seen as an unpopular move in Pakistan.

I am commenting that China was happy to accept Kasab as Pakistani and allow the UN ban to go thru against JUD which they themselves protected the last 3 times without waiting for the Indian proof and no Pakistani member wants to comment on that ?

This is the official press release of the UN

Four Pakistani militants added to UN terrorism sanctions list
11 December 2008 – The United Nations Security Council has imposed sanctions, including a travel ban and assets freeze, on four leaders of a Pakistani militant group blamed by India for last month’s deadly terrorist attack in Mumbai

The four – Muhammad Saeed, Zaki-ur-Rehman Lakhvi, Haji Muhammad Ashraf and Mahmoud Mohammad Ahmed Bahaziq, known under various spellings and variations – were added yesterday to a list established by the so-called 1267 committee of people and firms facing sanctions for ties to Al-Qaida or the Taliban.
The committee named Mr. Saeed as leader of Lashkar-e-Tayyiba, Mr. Lakhvi as its chief of operations, Mr. Ashraf as its chief of finance, and Mr. Bahaziq as its financier.

It also listed a host of alternative names and spellings for Lashkar-e-Tayyiba, Al-Rasheed Trust and Al Akhtar Trust, which are under committee sanctions.

The list consists of four sections and currently contains 507 names: individuals associated with the Taliban (142 individuals); entities and other groups and undertakings associated with the Taliban (none); individuals associated with Al-Qaida (253 individuals); and entities and other groups and undertakings associated with Al-Qaida (112 entities).
Four Pakistani militants added to UN terrorism sanctions list

The word 'blame' is not synonymous with 'found responsible'.Clearly there was no evidence provided in connection.
Nowhere is it mentioned nor does it imply that China or any other member country put the JUD on the terror list because they 'happily' accept that kasab is a Pakistani.(for the third time don't speculate)
Also notice they have been placed there for links to al qaeda and the taliban...which may be easier to establish...consequently the move can also be questioned in any court,including the ICJ i.e if the JUD choose to.

Frankly if india wishes for more than a 'blame' scenario on Pakistan and actually wants to get to the root of the killings and bring those responsible...whoever they may b (LeT,JUD),including implicating its own (two indians have already been apprehended)...and bring them to justice...shuld bring forth solid evidence,which includes access to kasab thru a joint investigation.Otherwise even the sanction list(chapter vii) does not include arrest and trial...inshort no charges can be levelled (Wrt the mumbai terror).
Dear Sir,

Some geography lessons it just takes 10-12 hours from Porbandar to Bombay on a fishing trawler.


well i was of the view that they were comin from karachi.
if they came from probandar then wat is the proof that terrorists started their journey anywhere from pakistani coast?? i didnt come across anything so can u plz share some info. will be great

Reports on Kasab's arrest baseless: Nepal

PTI | December 20, 2008 | 22:33 IST

Nepal today dismissed as "baseless" a report which claimed Ajmal, the lone terrorist captured during the Mumbai attacks, was nabbed in the Himalayan nation two years ago and handed over to India.

The Nepalese Foreign Ministry in Kathmandu said its "serious attention" was drawn to the report that appeared in Pakistan's 'The News', which quoted a Lahore-based lawyer as claiming that Kasab was arrested here by Indian police with the help of Nepalese security personnel in 2006.

The report in the Pakistani daily was "illusive, baseless and fictitious and it was published with a view to damaging Nepal's image," the ministry said in a statement.

"The ministry hereby refutes the news report in the strongest term and states Ajmal Kasab was neither arrested in Nepal nor was he handed over to any other country," it said.

Meanwhile, Nepal's Ambassador to Pakistan Bala B Kunwar told a news conference in Islamabad that report about the arrest or kidnapping of Kasab in his country were "baseless and concocted".

Kunwar said an inquiry had established that Iman had never lived or was arrested in Nepal before 2006.

"Nepal as a sovereign and responsible state has always adhered to its stated policy of not allowing its territory to be used against the interest of other countries," he said.

Kunwar said the news report about Iman's arrest was "aimed at denting Nepal-Pakistan relations".

He added he was confident that such charges would have no impact on the friendly ties between the two countries.

A Pakistani lawyer named C M Farooque had claimed this week that Kasab was arrested two years ago in Kathmandu by "Indian agencies" with the help of Nepali authorities. He claimed Kasab was on a "business visit" when he was arrested.

Farooque told the Pakistani media that he had filed an application in Nepal's Supreme Court for seeking Iman's release and claimed the court had sought a reply from Nepali authorities and the Indian High Commission in Kathmandu. His claims were subsequently rejected by Nepal's interior ministry.

His claim was rejected by the Nepalese court officials, who said Farooqi had filed a case for the release of two other Pakistani nationals, not Kasab, and later the court had dismissed the case as he had failed to follow its proceedings.

Kunwar made it clear that he was not addressing the news conference due to pressure from India but only because his country had been "dragged" into a controversy.

He also pointed out that there is no counter-terrorism treaty between India and� Nepal though there is an extradition treaty that only applied to nationals of the two countries.

Answering a question, Nepalese Ambassador said there are a number of Pakistanis in Nepal's jails while a number of Nepalese were in Pakistani jails though he did not have the exact number of prisoners.

The ambassador said Nepal's policy of issuing visas on arrival for Pakistanis would not be changed or altered. He said the Nepalese government will extend full cooperation and assistance to Kasab's lawyer in finding out the facts.

"The embassy of Nepal wants to say loud and clear that... Ajmal Amir Kasab was neither arrested in Nepal nor handed over to any other country," said a statement later issued by the mission.

The news reports about Iman's arrest in Nepal were "put out with a design to malign the image of Nepal".�
If lawyer CM farooque says that Ajmal Kasab did indeed go to Nepal and went missing he should come out in the open to the media here are the letters I have sent to Nepalese authorities with the address he has dispatched in 2006 then we will know for sure, it could be possible that Nepal has denied Farooques story under indian pressure because they have great influence over Nepal just like uncle sam has over the world.
May be.
He says the statement was to prevent any damage to Pak-Nepali relations.
Ironically many Pakistanis would have loved if he did not give any official statement at all.:coffee:
And this is the point I've been trying to wedge into your skulls the past fortnight.

Anyone can fabricate evidence. A Pakistani lawyer, or Ajmal the Kalava wearing terrorist.

One needs PROOF of each, not newspaper reports or whispers.

Solid proof.

And Zardari did not confirm any Nepal connection. It was the allegation of a Pakistan lawyer.

This was not any conspiracy theory which I had subscribed to.

I DO subscribe to the "conspiracy theory", that the Kalava wearing, Hindi speaking terrorist is not even a Pakistani national, and IS an Indian national that performed a false flag operation.

Let me be clear about that. That is the only conspiracy of mine on here. It was a false flag, I'm sure of it. The Karkare incident, the Kalava, the Hindi speaking, the fortuitous arrest of "Ajmal", the overweight, lard-arsed, Indian looking terrorist, all suggest it was a false flag.
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