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Exposing identity of Ajmal Qasab. Nepal connection

We have not invented any such technology through which we can capture Indian pilots within 4 minutes that too while they are on a high altitude but Indian I am dead sure must be having such technology thats why India can identify the attackers within one minute.

Once Indian police captured an elephant and the court reminded him to Police custody for interrogation after the stipulated time the elephant accepted many crimes. He also told the police he is from Pakistan and presented his ID card to police to prove it.

Then don't claim IAF has intruded.

He was caught red-handed. There was no Pakistani ID, you are just nitpicking. Your own media Dawn and Geo Tv has shown that he belongs to Faridkot. Period.
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Then Dawn and Geo TV dumbass right?

I'm not a fan of GEO tv's credibility, in fact, most of the Pakistani's feel the same way. My point is, these hard working, ordinary citizens of faridkot have been protesting for a couple of days now and claiming that the alleged connection of kasab with their village is a disgraceful LIE!

What you make out if it, is your own opinion.
So how much did RAW pay to bribe the "socalled" family members who recognised the long lost Dahi wada wala's son who speaks fluent English and wears Versace clothes? :pop:

Much more than you can imagine............
Then don't claim IAF has intruded.

He was caught red-handed. There was no Pakistani ID, you are just nitpicking. Your won media Dawn and Geo Tv has shown that he belongs to Faridkot. Period.
No Geo showed some 80 yr old guy who said he knew him and 100 other guys who said there's only one Ajmal in the village and hes a waiter/donkey cart driver.

And Dawn said they spoke to his father but its all a big secret and can't expose his true location. His father said the boy in the pics is my son. If the boy has been arrested since 2006, then those pictures could've been posed for and later released in the media.
^^^ There is still no confirmation from Nepal on this. If I were you, I wouldn't jump the gun. Let's wait and see what Nepal has to show on this.
If its sincere why is the whole world saying its not ? Please google.


Because we live in a big unthankful world which refuses to accept anything out of their stereotypical assumptions!
If google is your answer than I suggest u google the massive contribution Pakistan has made to this 'war against terror!'
Trust me to appreciate TRUTH won't belittle u!

Okay take UK and USA findings to be bullshit but even China your best friend as you claim refused to veto and PROMPTLY passed the UN resolution to ban JUD. They did not even wait for the proof from India!

Any reason why your best friend would do that ?

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Nonsense! Its no longer a secret that IA too has rogue elements and Samjhota Express proved that. To cover it all up I sincely believe that its a RAW and IA conspiracy to make Pakistan escapt goat again and link Mumbai iege back to Pakistan.

Tell me the Nepali report is wrong and we'll talk.

Well the Chinese did not believe it and allowed the JUD sanction to be passed in the UN in 15 mins.

No Geo showed some 80 yr old guy who said he knew him and 100 other guys who said there's only one Ajmal in the village and hes a waiter/donkey cart driver.

And Dawn said they spoke to his father but its all a big secret and can't expose his true location. His father said the boy in the pics is my son. If the boy has been arrested since 2006, then those pictures could've been posed for and later released in the media.

Come on AA now even FBI has confirmed in addition to his father that he is Pakistani.

Till date the Pakistani Govt. has not denied that he may be Pakistani ?

Why are you not believing the FBI ? Afterall they are neutral here atleast.

India unveils plans for new FBI-style security service | World news | guardian.co.uk

The "terrorist" quartet comprises the group leader, Hafeez Muhammad Saeed, the chief of operations, Zakir Rehman Lakhvi, the finance chief, Haji Muhammad Ashraf, and financier Mahmoud Mohammad Ahmed Bahaziq. Lakhvi was arrested by Pakistani authorities on Sunday, after police in Mumbai said he was instrumental in planning the bloody terror strike last month.

At the prompting of India and the US, the committee also declared Jamaat-ud-Dawa, which runs out of a sprawling complex near Lahore, a terrorist group subject to UN sanctions, including an asset freeze, travel ban and arms embargo. China had previously vetoed attempts to ban Jamaat, which helped victims of the 2005 Kashmir earthquake, on three occasions.

I wonder what the Chinese know that Pakistan does not know ?

If one has to go by media reports, FBI has also collected DNA from all the 10 terrorists. If DNA test results come true and link it to Faridkot, that will be the final nail in the Coffin.
But they buried everyone right away....Whos DNA, according to them all bodies were burnt and can't be recognize. Then whos DNA ??
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