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Exposing identity of Ajmal Qasab. Nepal connection

You wouldn't be able to see what was hard proof if it was shown to you in a slideshow, what have ordinary Pakistanis got to do with any of this? Why is it so obvious that you are an undercover Hindutva troll?

So is Bush, Brown, Rice the UN, and the rest of the world. Oh I forget even the Pakistani press and most of the Pakistanis I know.


Ps : May be next time u can bomb UK into the stone age
May be you should concentrate on finishing high school before opening your mouth any further.

Well my suggestion is as ridiculous as your stating that LET is mother virgin. Please read the statement of the world leaders about Pakistan and then get back.

Well my suggestion is as ridiculous as your stating that LET is mother virgin. Please read the statement of the world leaders about Pakistan and then get back.


I see you BS is not limited to one subject alone!

If LET is not mother virgin, is the leadership from US, UK, France, Germany and India are??:crazy:
I see you BS is not limited to one subject alone!

If LET is not mother virgin, is the leadership from US, UK, France, Germany and India are??:crazy:

I don't know about leaders of India or Pakistan but I am better of with a Blair or Brown than a Gen M or Zardari.

I don't see many British people rushing to Asia to get jobs legally or illegally.

So my system works.

I don't know about leaders of India or Pakistan but I am better of with a Blair or Brown than a Gen M or Zardari.

I don't see many British people rushing to Asia to get jobs legally or illegally.

So my system works.


Exactly .. you have not a clue !
Exactly .. you have not a clue !

Clue about what ?

That LET is an organisation full of terrorists ?
That Rice and Brown flew down to Pakistan and worked out a behind door deal ?
That the whole world thinks that attacks originated from Pakistan ?
That the UN has banned JUD ?
That the Pakistan Govt has raided LET and JUD ?

Thank God I am clueless.

Clue about what ?

That LET is an organisation full of terrorists ?
That Rice and Brown flew down to Pakistan and worked out a behind door deal ?
That the whole world thinks that attacks originated from Pakistan ?
That the UN has banned JUD ?
That the Pakistan Govt has raided LET and JUD ?

Thank God I am clueless.

LeT was a banned organisation as back as 2002-03,whtever else was left over has been shut down now.the least u can be 'neutral' about is accept Pakistan's sincere efforts in cooperating with india to get to the bottom of the mumbai attacks and duly bring them to justice...although it's still a whole lot one sided effort with no solid evidence provided!
Further the LeT is not a 'world terrorist org.'true they have been involved in the kashmir movement for freedom,but thats where they have been limited to,any further implication requires more sound evidence than 'they say so' dogma!
'back-door deal'..lemme guess you were actually there? how else do u explain your speculative comment?
The manner the UNO banned the JUD is questionable,right from the manner it was carried out to the final act...again NO evidence was given!this can be questioned in any court in the world if the JUD choose to.
For us as far as the ban on LeT goes its most welcome..although to implicate them and carry out any legal proceedings requires...well (unfortunately for you)...again..evidence if any...which as yet has to be provided either from the indians,ur browns or ur condis!

lemme guess your favourite proverb...ignorance is bliss??
Clue about what ?

LeT was a banned organisation as back as 2002-03,whtever else was left over has been shut down now.the least u can be 'neutral' about is accept Pakistan's sincere efforts in cooperating with india ?

If its sincere why is the whole world saying its not ? Please google.

If its sincere why is the whole world saying its not ? Please google.

Oh please we've gotten real terrorists, you guys have just spread it around. We've fought terrorists, we've stood in harms way so you guys can sleep better.

Oh please we've gotten real terrorists, you guys have just spread it around. We've fought terrorists, we've stood in harms way so you guys can sleep better.


I am grateful for whatever Int. we recieve from you guys and I think that the money going into your bomb disposal units from us is money well spent but then so have you to introspect about the dirt under your carpets.

If its sincere why is the whole world saying its not ? Please google.


Because we live in a big unthankful world which refuses to accept anything out of their stereotypical assumptions!
If google is your answer than I suggest u google the massive contribution Pakistan has made to this 'war against terror!'
Trust me to appreciate TRUTH won't belittle u!
Oh please we've gotten real terrorists, you guys have just spread it around. We've fought terrorists, we've stood in harms way so you guys can sleep better.


We you and India have to fight it together.

I have never blamed the GOP till date but Kasab being a Pakistani is now history and whether he was kidnapped from the WTC by Mossad or from Nepal by RAW is not cutting ice with anybody in the world.

As usual u have successfully swayed from the forum topic but not to answer your limited observations would be a sin..atleast to me!
lemme guess the only country with 'dirt under their carpet' is Pakistan, how about what good we have done?which 'saintly' country r u talking about?...india?? or is it the vatican city??
Stop the finger pointing and back up your one liners and 'greater than thou attitude' with some sensible reasons!
If its sincere why is the whole world saying its not ? Please google.


Because we live in a big unthankful world which refuses to accept anything out of their stereotypical assumptions!
If google is your answer than I suggest u google the massive contribution Pakistan has made to this 'war against terror!'
Trust me to appreciate TRUTH won't belittle u!

Excuse me Sir,

Where do you get your news from ? Google is a search engine used world-wide and unless they are in some conspiracy against Pakistan only then I suggest you use it too.

You can check Pakistani papers on it too !

As regards Bush's, Rice's, Powell's, UN comments you will find a lot of them and news articles in the last few days on Google incase you are the only person who did not watch the JOINT PRESS CONFERENCE of Zardari and Brown.

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