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Exposing identity of Ajmal Qasab. Nepal connection

The FBI, Mossad and Scotland Yard are tools of their government agenda's just your RAW and our ISI are! Their credibility in any investigation is not beyond doubt.

''Foolish to bring him in Public''?? What are you talking about? why cannot he be interviewed by the media in a place of your own government's choosing? This not a cricket match that he should be brought to any stadium under armed Presidential Black Cats!:crazy:

Your Government is blaming Pakistan from Day 1 of this internal mess of yours without any proof or investigation! Why did not PM Singh wait until this 'sub-judice' case was given a verdict of guilty or not guilty by your courts! And this case being 'water-tight' :rofl: that's indeed funny stuff!

You have incompetent politicians (like we do) who are trying to now hide their stupidity behind the garb of blaming Pakistan and trying to get some 'bash Pakistan' mileage internationally! Really, please spare us the HOLIER THAN THOU explanations and try to see things as they really are instead of :blah: :blah: :blah:!

Oh! then why did Zardari asked Scotland Yard investigate Bhutto's assassination, is that because your investigation agencies are incompetent. You couldn't catch the culprits behind this till now.

There is no doubt that Pakistani elements are involved which is evident from the fact that GoP is raiding and shutting down Let and JuD. This is not because they have got enlightened to close the terror camps but they had to force GoP of misdeed these terrorists causing in other countries. Just yesterday British PM said that 75% terror threats have lead to Pakistan, doesn't speak highly about Pakistan, does it?.

So, my friend come out of denial and try to see if Pakistani elements could be behind this instead of blindly arguing and quoting Zahid hamid theories.
Okay for a moment if I believe you and that the sun is blue why did your President Zardari sound so defensive when Gordon Brown said in front of the whole media that it was LET from Pakistan ?

Come one AA, while I am ready to believe that the GOP may not be involved its hard to believe UK, US, Germany France are all involved in this cover-up for the sake of India.

What evidence to UK, US, Germany and timbaktoo have?

Nothing but Gut Feeling! I'm not saying theres a conspiracy per se, they just want to appease India and not appear against it.

Zardari killed his wife and became President and before that plundered the economy and, and, and... Please, don't put Zardari up as any sort of evidence. Seriously if he would have it he'd sell Pakistan off in a heart beat. Gordon Brown again makes a statement and hasn't provided us with EVIDENCE.

Seriously I sometimes feel like smacking the westerners on their bums. Why have they forgone the policy of Innocent until PROVEN guilty and that everyone deserves a trial. First Gitmo, then their illegitimate child the UN. If you see they aren't really doing anything but just saying its OK, no need for evidence. Just do what you feel is right.
Oh and why wasn't he running away? I mean seems awfully convenient that he took these images. I've hardly seen these sort of incidents get so conveniently documented in such high res and that too of the only guy who would later get caught alive.

The proof is in NEPAL!

If you don't know, there were images of the guys who attacked CST stations together when they were walking and also CCTV videos. He was caught because he got his hand injured when he was fired upon. They came with the intent of indiscriminate firing, so why will they run. They were watching each others back while they were walking as if some professionals have trained them.

Did Nepal confirm about this? No. So, don't jump the guns yet.
Oh! then why did Zardari asked Scotland Yard investigate Bhutto's assassination, is that because your investigation agencies are incompetent. You couldn't catch the culprits behind this till now.

There is no doubt that Pakistani elements are involved which is evident from the fact that GoP is raiding and shutting down Let and JuD. This is not because they have got enlightened to close the terror camps but they had to force GoP of misdeed these terrorists causing in other countries. Just yesterday British PM said that 75% terror threats have lead to Pakistan, doesn't speak highly about Pakistan, does it?.

So, my friend come out of denial and try to see if Pakistani elements could be behind this instead of blindly arguing and quoting Zahid hamid theories.

Like I said......thanks for proving my point and letting us know the 'low level' of your mental intelligence in assessing complexed situations!

Who is Zahid Hamid?? & where did I quote him?

And finally just because Gordon Brown or Condi Rice or your PM says it so, does not necessarily makes it the truth now does it?

Zaradari's approach to UN for BB's murder (which has no relation to this matter) was more of a political stunt against Musharraf then anything else! So far even the UN has not done anything on it. Everyone knows that, except of-course you! :crazy:

Besides, I am quite not in the habit to argue with idiots! :wave:
What evidence to UK, US, Germany and timbaktoo have?

Seriously I sometimes feel like smacking the westerners on their bums. Why have they forgone the policy of Innocent until PROVEN guilty and that everyone deserves a trial. First Gitmo, then their illegitimate child the UN. If you see they aren't really doing anything but just saying its OK, no need for evidence. Just do what you feel is right.

Come on AA,

Even you know heart of heart he is Pakistani and what he did was horrible.

However I am ready to accept that GOP or the ordinary Pakistanis are not involved till I see hard proof.

Like I said......thanks for proving my point and letting us know the 'low level' of your mental intelligence in assessing complexed situations!

Who is Zahid Hamid?? & where did I quote him?

And finally just because Gordon Brown or Condi Rice or your PM says it so, does not necessarily makes it the truth now does it?

Zaradari's approach to UN for BB's murder (which has no relation to this matter) was more of a political stunt against Musharraf then anything else! So far even the UN has not done anything on it. Everyone knows that, except of-course you! :crazy:

Besides, I am quite not in the habit to argue with idiots! :wave:

Same here bye.:wave:
If you don't know, there were images of the guys who attacked CST stations together when they were walking and also CCTV videos. He was caught because he got his hand injured when he was fired upon. They came with the intent of indiscriminate firing, so why will they run. They were watching each others back while they were walking as if some professionals have trained them.

Did Nepal confirm about this? No. So, don't jump the guns yet.

That was ONE cctv footage. The hardcore evidence of Kasab and his mates involved in the Mumbai attacks, were the pictures of Kasab alone. Of all the terrorists that were killing people without a remorse, the Indian photographer took a stunning, clear, HIGH resolution image of the ONLY terrorist that survived.

Sounds like a lot of Horse $hit to me.

As far as nepal is concerned, nobody's jumping the gun. If you watched the youtube link of the report from Pakistani media on this issue, you'd hear the analyst saying how we should sit tight and wait for further development on this issue.
That was ONE cctv footage. The hardcore evidence of Kasab and his mates involved in the Mumbai attacks, were the pictures of Kasab alone. Of all the terrorists that were killing people without a remorse, the Indian photographer took a stunning, clear, HIGH resolution image of the ONLY terrorist that survived.

Sounds like a lot of Horse to me.

As far as nepal is concerned, nobody's jumping the gun. If you watched the youtube link of the report from Pakistani media on this issue, you'd hear the analyst saying how we should sit tight and wait for further development on this issue.

hooooo Analyst like Zahid Hamid. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
Come on AA,

Even you know heart of heart he is Pakistani and what he did was horrible.

However I am ready to accept that GOP or the ordinary Pakistanis are not involved till I see hard proof.


So you guys think we're just being anal about it all and being ***** for the fun of things?

I say I don't care if he's a Pakistani or not. Pakistani processes shouldn't be overruled and everyone should be given a fair trial an opportunity to defend themselves. I call the UN decision ridiculous because they never gave the accused a chance to defend themselves. The accused is not a fugitive, he's quietly handed himself to the police and is under house arrest. We've not even seen any retaliatory bombings from JuD either.

Whoever did this, I suspect is laughing himself silly...
hooooo Analyst like Zahid Hamid. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Actually, The analyst was a Retired Brigadier General. Asking people to wait for further development on the said issue.

Sounds like your troll nature is running out of gas to fuel your retardation.
Actually, The analyst was a Retired Brigadier General. Asking people to wait for further development on the said issue.

Sounds like your troll nature is running out of gas to fuel your retardation.

Then why are you guys telling that India's drama exposed even before there is any development on this and quoting mere conjectures as if it is the gospel truth.:lol:
I can only speak on my behalf.

But don't worry about it. It's only a matter of time before it'll blow up right in you and your people's face.
Come on AA,

Even you know heart of heart he is Pakistani and what he did was horrible.

However I am ready to accept that GOP or the ordinary Pakistanis are not involved till I see hard proof.


You wouldn't be able to see what was hard proof if it was shown to you in a slideshow, what have ordinary Pakistanis got to do with any of this? Why is it so obvious that you are an undercover Hindutva troll?
It explains either it wasn't Kasab and a lookalike and those pictures were posed and were leaked.

Those pictures are of awfully good quality to have been taken off Indian CCTV. Even the London bombers who were caught on CCTV gave out grainy images. They're probably Posed!

This is not something the media came up with. A lawyer has come forward as the key witness who was dealing with Ajmal's case.

Asim,i know u have specific problem with the clarity of those pictures that made Terror boy Kasab's face world famous.U are abosulely right,that picture wasn't taken off the station CCTV camera.Let me tell u the whole story behind those good quality pictures below with relevet link .....

Mumbai photographer: I wish I'd had a gun, not a camera. Armed police would not fire back
Jerome Taylor talks to the photographer whose picture went around the world

Saturday, 29 November 2008

It is the photograph that has dominated the world's front pages, casting an astonishing light on the fresh-faced killers who brought terror to the heart of India's most vibrant city. Now it can be revealed how the astonishing picture came to be taken by a newspaper photographer who hid inside a train carriage as gunfire erupted all around him.

Sebastian D'Souza, a picture editor at the Mumbai Mirror, whose offices are just opposite the city's Chhatrapati Shivaji station, heard the gunfire erupt and ran towards the terminus. "I ran into the first carriage of one of the trains on the platform to try and get a shot but couldn't get a good angle, so I moved to the second carriage and waited for the gunmen to walk by," he said. "They were shooting from waist height and fired at anything that moved. I briefly had time to take a couple of frames using a telephoto lens. I think they saw me taking photographs but theydidn't seem to care."

The gunmen were terrifyingly professional, making sure at least one of them was able to fire their rifle while the other reloaded. By the time he managed to capture the killer on camera, Mr D'Souza had already seen two gunmen calmly stroll across the station concourse shooting both civilians and policemen, many of whom, he said, were armed but did not fire back. "I first saw the gunmen outside the station," Mr D'Souza said. "With their rucksacks and Western clothes they looked like backpackers, not terrorists, but they were very heavily armed and clearly knew how to use their rifles.

"Towards the station entrance, there are a number of bookshops and one of the bookstore owners was trying to close his shop," he recalled. "The gunmen opened fire and the shopkeeper fell down."

But what angered Mr D'Souza almost as much were the masses of armed police hiding in the area who simply refused to shoot back. "There were armed policemen hiding all around the station but none of them did anything," he said. "At one point, I ran up to them and told them to use their weapons. I said, 'Shoot them, they're sitting ducks!' but they just didn't shoot back."

As the gunmen fired at policemen taking cover across the street, Mr D'Souza realised a train was pulling into the station unaware of the horror within. "I couldn't believe it. We rushed to the platform and told everyone to head towards the back of the station. Those who were older and couldn't run, we told them to stay put."

The militants returned inside the station and headed towards a rear exit towards Chowpatty Beach. Mr D'Souza added: "I told some policemen the gunmen had moved towards the rear of the station but they refused to follow them. What is the point if having policemen with guns if they refuse to use them? I only wish I had a gun rather than a camera."

Mumbai photographer: I wish I'd had a gun, not a camera. Armed police would not fire back - World news, News - Belfasttelegraph.co.uk
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How can one with right mind defend those bastards???

Terrorist asked for water, said thank you with a bullet

Deepa Suryanarayan
Saturday, November 29, 2008 05:11 IST

Never again will any member of the Waghela family offer water to a thirsty stranger.
At 10 pm on Wednesday, an unsuspecting Thakur Budhabhai Waghela, 33, a sweeper employed at GT Hospital, was sitting down for his dinner when there was a knock on the door.

When he opened the door, a stranger asked him for water to drink. After having the glass of water offered to him, the stranger shot Waghela dead at point-blank range in front of his six-year-old son, Yash.

“We had been hearing the sound of firing for some time and we afraid when we heard a shot very close to our house,” said Bhavesh, Waghela’s younger brother who lives next door on Badruddin Tayyabji Road. “However, none of us ventured out of our homes. All of a sudden, Yash came in and said his father had been shot.”

Pointing at a bullethole in the wall of his house, Bhavesh said the terrorists fired randomly as they ran on Badruddin Tayyabji Road - a small bylane off DN Road that leads to the back entrance of Cama Hospital.

“I saw two terrorists from about 15 feet away. One was short and the other tall. They were wearing caps, blue and black jackets with lots of pockets in them. They also carried a backpack,” Bhavesh said. The terrorists appeared to be in their 20s. They were young and ran fast shouting abuses and firing shots randomly as they ran past our homes, he said.

“There was nothing we could do. We were too scared to go out. Finally, we rushed him to GT Hospital, but it was too late.”

Waghela is survived by his wife, and three children, Yash, 6, Dhaval, 9, and Roshni, 12. Waghela and Yash were at home while his wife had taken their two other children to a relative’s place in Titwala.

DNA - Mumbai - Terrorist asked for water, said thank you with a bullet - Daily News & Analysis
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