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Explosion occurred near a park in Urumqi

there is rumor, China will soon declare martial law over Xinjang.
Very tragic incident, R.I.P the deceased.

What will these animals achieve by killing innocent except strengthening the resolve of Chinese people.
Rest in Peace. You gotta go back to the days that religions were heavily controlled otherwise this will become worse. :frown:

Dude please avoid off topic discussions.
RiP ,it seems these terrorists are stiking on a regular basis,is it a recent phenomina ?
Anyone know how tighten security in Urumqi before the explosion ?
China, to beat terrorist, you need to play smart. Send military to Xinjiang is not the answer. You need to learn from us. Our war against terrorism can be considered as success. Although they are still there, but they are basically not as fierce as before. We could contain them and beat their cell, so the bombing issue is no longer become our big concern anymore. And, we don't use military at all. We use special force called Densus 88 which is basically police force.
The chinese government should let all chinese people live there carry guns, this way when one or two other chinese by stander can shoot at those motha pucker. Built more army base in xianjiang and put camera every street and corner.​
CCP need go after those bastards both nationally and internationally.

We will go harder and deeper on those bastards, on their families, relatives since I do not think they are innocent at all.

They want a war, we give them one.

BEIJING: Several people were killed and injured Thursday when two vehicles ploughed into a market and explosives were thrown in China's restive Xinjiang region, home to mostly Muslim Uighurs, the official Xinhua news agency reported.

Two off-road vehicles drove into people at the market in the regional capital Urumqi, with one of them exploding, Xinhua said, the latest apparent violent incident in the far western region.

Pictures posted on Weibo, a Chinese equivalent of Twitter, showed victims lying in a tree-lined street, as others sat on flimsy stools.

Flames rose in the background, while other images showed smoke billowing over market stalls behind a police roadblock. None of the photographs could immediately be verified.

A witness at the market told Xinhua he heard a dozen “big bangs” during the incident, which happened at about 7:50am (2350 GMT), when Chinese morning markets, which usually sell fresh groceries, are commonly crowded with shoppers.

“There were multiple strong explosions in the morning market at the Cultural Palace in Urumqi,” wrote one Weibo poster who said he was less than 100 metres (yards) from the scene.

“I saw flames and heavy smoke as vehicles and goods were on fire while vendors escaped leaving their goods behind. “All the injured had been sent to hospital, the Xinjiang regional government's web portal Tianshan said.

Beijing sees separatist threat

The vast, resource-rich far-western region has seen periodic violence which has increased and sometimes spread beyond it in recent months.

Beijing says it faces terrorism from a violent separatist movement there, driven by religious extremism and foreign groups.

Critics say the security threat in Xinjiang is exaggerated by Beijing to justify hard-line measures, and instead point to economic inequality and cultural and religious repression of Uighurs as causes of unrest.

On April 30, the final day of a visit by President Xi Jinping to the region, assailants armed with knives and explosives carried out an attack at a railway station in Urumqi, killing one person and wounding 79. Two attackers also died.

The main plotter had formulated plans from abroad, then eight days before the incident ordered 10 people to make an explosive device and choose a target, Xinhua said in a later report.

In March attackers went on a stabbing spree at a railway station in the southwestern city of Kunming, killing 29 people and wounding 143 in an incident dubbed “China's 9/11” by state media. Four of the assailants were shot dead by police.

In 2009 ethnic riots erupted in Urumqi between Uighurs and the country's majority Han Chinese, leaving 200 people dead and prompting a security crackdown.

China has dramatically increased the number of armed patrols on its streets in response to the spate of violent incidents.

Thursday's blasts came a day after state media reported that courts in Xinjiang jailed 39 people for offences including spreading “terrorist videos”.

The 39 were given prison sentences of up to 15 years, the state run China News Service said, adding that several had “organised, led and participated” in terrorist organisations.

Rights groups say the tensions in Xinjiang are driven by cultural oppression, intrusive security measures and immigration by majority Han Chinese which have led to decades of discrimination and economic inequality. Beijing says that its policies in the region have brought prosperity and higher living standards.

Several dead and injured in blast in China's Xinjiang: Xinhua - World - DAWN.COM

I am not sure why you have the impression that China is denying such kind of terrorist activities. I think it is the other way around.

It has happened several times already and it seems that the western media keep denying those in any way they can. They keep saying that those uighurs are mistreated or whatever. In reality, they enjoy much more privilege than any normal Han Chinese.

So please tell the truth. China has told the world in many years that China is also faced with terrorists/separatists problems and cooperated with other countries. However, it is those western countries that provide safe harbors for those terrorists and some idiots even call them freedom fighters.

Remember their former freedom fighters, well, the famous one: OBL???

In addition, we have fought those terrorists/separatists since the earlier 18th century. So our fights have been quite persistent and much longer.

RIP to all the innocent people killed. But I would like to tell Chinese without being sarcastic which the rest of the world is facing and they continue to be in denial that this is not going to happen to them, "Welcome to the real world"!! You have to join with the rest of us to fight this menace!!
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Blame it on the liberals in China. They abandoned Mao's hardline policies on military and domestic security and now innocent Chinese people have to suffer. Liberals must take 90% of the blame for these attacks.
The liberals will wake up once they realize their grip on power may be slipping or should the terrorist acts increase.
RIP to the victims.

In regards to this statement and the use of an abbreviation of the word "before" with computer slang expression "b4".
Imho this is just distasteful and ultimately disrespectful to the dead, such a statement has no place for "swag" or being cool or whatever. If i was leader, heads would roll at the people's Daily online Twitter staff.
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