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We China always have loyal muslims stand beside us cleansing those muslim terrorists/separatists minority.

We will always make sure that we have active control of muslim population so that it won't cause any problem for generations to come.

@TaiShang @ephone

There is a huge difference between Muslim situation in India and China. China has never been ruled by Muslims, whereas South Asia had Muslims as a dominant ruling force from 1200 to 1700. Maratha and Sikhs fought back since then, but they could never take Bengal (then included Indian states of Bihar, Orissa and West Bengal in addition to Bangladesh). From 1700 onward, the British came and took over South Asian regions one by one, starting with Bengal in 1757. So we in Bangladesh landmass (unlike Punjab in Pakistan and most of India, who lost to the Sikhs or Marathas) had a continuous Muslim rule from 1204 to 1757 and then we lost to the British and went under British rule. There were some looters and invaders like Timur Lang who killed a lot of Hindu's back in 14th century. In a way he used Islam to mainly loot and plunder. But the Muslim rulers who stayed here and settled down were mostly tolerant and left the Hindu's alone. Most of them had little interest to convert local people. The conversion happened mostly by Sufi saints, who lived among people as missionary and tried to help people with their daily lives.

The ungrateful Hindutva nationalists today created a make believe story that our "invader" ancestors abused them and converted people by force, while it was the complete opposite, as is recognized by mostly impartial Western historians, who are currently doing research on history of South Asia.

In 1947, because we found out that they are unwilling to share power, there was lack of trust and our leaders decided not to live under a Hindu majority hegemony. That is how there was partition, Pakistan etc.

The other difference between India and China is that India has about 15% or 180 million Muslims, while unofficial figures are higher than 200 million:
'US feels India has 180m Muslims' - The Times of India
Muslim World: Blog on Population of Muslims: India's Muslim population above 200 million or 20 crores!
JUSTICE for 400 Million MUSLIMS in India (400 million is absurd, but the real number is probably around 200 - 220 million, now the Hindutva plan is to declare 30-50 million of them as illegal Bangladeshi and push them out to Bangladesh)

As for the Ummah, this is deeply rooted in Islamic culture, tradition and consciousness, but it is mostly a romantic nostalgia for a perfect past utopia (the 4 Caliphs of Rashdoun):
Caliphate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Nation states are what we have in 21st century. Most majority Muslim states work with this nation state entity and will not even support any kind of Islamic union or grouping. The only thing we have so far in terms Muslim unity is an association of Muslim majority nations, OIC, which is not very effective and there is little chance of this turning into a major political force:
Organisation of Islamic Cooperation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Having said that, Muslims do feel themselves as a people, not as much as the Jewish people, but something much more than Christians for whom it is just a common religion they follow. This has to do with how Islam spread, by traders, Sufi missionaries and soldiers that went to different regions of the world, married into local population and created new Muslim communities. So there is some genetic connection as well, not for the whole Muslim community, but mainly limited for the elite and influential part of any Muslim community. So there is Arab influence in South East Asia and Africa and most other places in Asia have Turkic, Turko-Mongol and Persian influence (including among Muslims in China such as Hui). In every Hui community you will find very old graves of foreign ancestors, this is true for most of Muslim world outside Arabian peninsula.

Most normal Muslims, which would be 99% of the Muslim world realize that a Ummah or Khilafah state is just an impossible utopian dream and not achievable. Only some extremist brainwashed moron Muslims believe in this nonsense. The reason why you have so many foreign fighters in places like Syria is not because of their belief in Ummah, but out of sectarian sympathy for the local oppressed people and because there are people who are financing these efforts.

Bottom line, Muslims of the world, except for the ones in NATO and EU countries (Turkey, Balkans etc.), look towards China as their present or future ally against an abusive West who have plundered and fragmented our lands for centuries. In South Asia, 500 million Muslims look towards China also as a balancing force against a rising Hindutva threat.

Most of the 10 million Uighurs are loyal Chinese citizens. A few hundreds or thousands separatists/terrorists, are insignificant in the bigger scheme of the Muslim world. I believe most 1.6 billion Muslims will be with the Chinese and would like to see these terrorists eliminated, just like we would like to see extremist terrorists eliminated in Pakistan or in any other place as well, regardless of the religion or country of origin of the terrorists.

We have many options. Well, I am indeed sorry for india though, with a muslim population at least 15%.
and you should be ...because you have no other option.
Bottom line, Muslims of the world, except for the ones in NATO and EU countries (Turkey, Balkans etc.), look towards China as their present or future ally against an abusive West who have plundered and fragmented our lands for centuries. In South Asia, 500 million Muslims look towards China also as a balancing force against a rising Hindutva threat.

Most of the 10 million Uighurs are loyal Chinese citizens. A few hundreds or thousands separatists/terrorists, are insignificant in the bigger scheme of the Muslim world. I believe most 1.6 billion Muslims will be with the Chinese and would like to see these terrorists eliminated, just like we would like to see extremist terrorists eliminated in Pakistan or in any other place as well, regardless of the religion or country of origin of the terrorists.

I agree, the vast majority of Muslims in China are good and patriotic citizens, like @Hu Songshan.

And we will need their help if we are to eradicate this menace from our borders.

Would like some input from @Developereo on this topic.
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I agree, the vast majority of Muslims in China are good and patriotic citizens, like @Hu Songshan.

And we will need their help if we are to eradicate this menace from our borders.

I like good Muslims. I hate Islamofascists. Unfortunately PDF always banned me once any Islamofascist do naughty things, for fear that I speak out the truth.

Muslims should stop thinking of murder when they see someone else convert. Long time ago, Christians behave similarly, but now Christians move on. Muslims should de-extremism, and make attending mosque or their religious life something similar to Christian ways.
unfortunately, a great number of muslims living today are with the mindset of dark age's Christian's extreme ones.
unfortunately, a great number of muslims living today are with the mindset of dark age's Christian's extreme ones.

Right now, more and more PRC and "enlightened" that Muslims are not victim but they screw themselves up big time, meanwhile never stop blaming others of screwing them.

I have contributed my small part in telling the truth about Islamofascism.

We need to beware of a WholeX guy down here-- a cheerleader of Islam. He keep on poisoning PDF PRC. At a point of time, PDF PRC are so intoxicated by WholeX lies that I am afraid some PDF PRC will cheer when Muslims butcher people.

If PRC continue to listen to lies of WholeX, they may one day deliver their sons and daughters to Islamofascist willingly, when Islamofascist tries to find ecstasy by murdering.
Don't worry about it. China government's tolerance has its limit. Just like what happened to the limit set up by those Qing Emperors.

As the red line is crossed, what those uighur terrorists/separatists bastards get is simply brutal retaliation by CCP. They want a war??? They get one that will burn all of those bastards to ashes.

Right now, more and more PRC and "enlightened" that Muslims are not victim but they screw themselves up big time, meanwhile never stop blaming others of screwing them.

I have contributed my small part in telling the truth about Islamofascism.

We need to beware of a WholeX guy down here-- a cheerleader of Islam. He keep on poisoning PDF PRC. At a point of time, PDF PRC are so intoxicated by WholeX lies that I am afraid some PDF PRC will cheer when Muslims butcher people.

If PRC continue to listen to lies of WholeX, they may one day deliver their sons and daughters to Islamofascist willingly, when Islamofascist tries to find ecstasy by murdering.
A lot of Muslims here think I am anti-Islam but in fact, I am a supporter of Islam but I hate Islamofascist. You can call me anti-Hinduism, and I will gladly admit because Hindu shitt caste system is too much for me to swallow.

Islam was an Abrahamic religion. All Abrahamic religion are violent. That is why ancient Rome feel that Judea is uncivilized and naughty. One day, Rome had enough of Jews in Judea and sacked it, sold all the Jews as slave or expelled them. That is the reason that Jewish diaspora came into existence.

Similar, Chrisitan behaved like a mad hatter in the past against other religion.

However, there is one good thing about Abrahamic religion. The Abrahamic religion society will not let their own people sink into a shitt hole debasement like what you see in India. And Islam work remarkably well in Arab society. The Sheikhs are corrupt and bad, but they have a base line. They share their wealth to a certain extend.

In Hindu society, the poor are worse than dogs.

In Muslims places like Somalia, the HIV prevalency is less than 1% despite of poor health. In Christian South Africa, HIV is 17%.

When Islam transform itself, she will be a good society, and Muslim will be good people.
A lot of Muslims here think I am anti-Islam but in fact, I am a supporter of Islam but I hate Islamofascist. You can call me anti-Hinduism, and I will gladly admit because Hindu shitt caste system is too much for me to swallow.

Islam was an Abrahamic religion. All Abrahamic religion are violent. That is why ancient Rome feel that Judea is uncivilized and naughty. One day, Rome had enough of Jews in Judea and sacked it, sold all the Jews as slave or expelled them. That is the reason that Jewish diaspora came into existence.

Similar, Chrisitan behaved like a mad hatter in the past against other religion.

However, there is one good thing about Abrahamic religion. The Abrahamic religion society will not let their own people sink into a shitt hole debasement like what you see in India. And Islam work remarkably well in Arab society. The Sheikhs are corrupt and bad, but they have a base line. They share their wealth to a certain extend.

In Hindu society, the poor are worse than dogs.

In Muslims places like Somalia, the HIV prevalency is less than 1% despite of poor health. In Christian South Africa, HIV is 17%.

When Islam transform itself, she will be a good society, and Muslim will be good people.

I believe you have good intention, but the word "Islamofascist" is highly controversial, a better term is "Islamic extremist":
Islamofascism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The term, "Islamofascism" has been criticized by several scholars[29] and journalists. Historian Niall Ferguson[30] and international relations scholar Angelo Codevilla consider it historically inaccurate and simplistic.[31] Author Richard Alan Nelson[who?] criticized the term as being generally used as a pejorative or forpropaganda[32][33] purposes. Tony Judt argued in a September 2006 article in the London Review of Books that use of the term was intended to reduce the War on Terror to "a familiar juxtaposition that eliminates exotic complexity and confusion", criticising authors who use the term Islamo-fascism and present themselves as experts despite not having previous expertise about Islam.[34]

Critics such as former National Review columnist Joseph Sobran, and New York Times columnist Paul Krugman argue that "Islamofascism is nothing but an empty propaganda term." used by proponents of the "War on Terror".[32][35][36] Security expert Daniel Benjamin, political scientist Norman Finkelstein and The American Conservative columnist Daniel Larison, highlight the claim that, despite its use as a piece of propaganda, the term is inherently meaningless, since as Benjamin notes, "there is no sense in which jihadists embrace fascist ideology as it was developed by Mussolini or anyone else who was associated with the term."[37][38]

Cultural historian Richard Webster has argued that grouping many different political ideologies, terrorist and insurgent groups, governments, and religious sects into one single idea of "Islamofascism" may lead to an oversimplification of the phenomenon of terrorism.[39] In a similar vein the National Security Network argues that the term dangerously obscures important distinctions and differences between groups of Islamic extremists while alienating moderate voices in the Muslim world because it "creates the perception that the United States is fighting a religious war against Islam."[40] Daniel Larison attributes proponent Hitchens' support of the phrase to his anti-religious stance.[41] British historian Niall Ferguson points out that this political use of what he calls a "completely misleading concept," is "just a way of making us feel that we're the 'greatest generation' fighting another World War."[30] Reza Aslan claims the term "falls flat" when describing groups like al-Qaeda, noting that they are anti-nationalist while fascism is ultra-nationalist.[42]

Commenting on the claimed incongruity between the "Muslim World" and "industrial state fascism," US journalist Eric Margolis claims that ironically the most totalitarian Islamic regimes, "in fact, are America's allies."[43]

The public use of the term has also elicited a critical response from various Muslim groups. In the aftermath of the 2006 transatlantic aircraft plot, George W. Bushdescribed his policies as a battle against "Islamic fascists... [who] will use any means to destroy those of us who love freedom". The Council on American-Islamic Relations wrote to him to complain, saying that the use of the term "feeds the perception that the war on terror is actually a war on Islam".[37] Ingrid Mattson of theIslamic Society of North America also complained about this speech, claiming that it added to a misunderstanding of Islam. Mattson did acknowledge, however, that some terrorist groups also misuse "Islamic concepts and terms to justify their violence."[44]

In April 2008, Associated Press reported that US federal agencies, including the State Department and the Department of Homeland Security, were advised to stop using the term 'Islamo-fascism' in a fourteen-point memo issued by the Extremist Messaging Branch, a department of another federal body known as the National Counterterrorism Center. Aimed at improving the presentation of the "War on Terrorism" before Muslim audiences and the media, the memo states: "We are communicating with, not confronting, our audiences. Don't insult or confuse them with pejorative terms such as 'Islamo-fascism,' which are considered offensive by many Muslims."[45]

One of the world's leading authorities on fascism, Walter Laqueur, after reviewing this and related terms, concluded that "Islamic fascism, Islamophobia and antisemitism, each in its way, are imprecise terms we could well do without but it is doubtful whether they can be removed from our political lexicon.[46]"
My god is mightier than your god ?

Thanks but detailed answer will be appreciated.
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