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Explosion occurred near a park in Urumqi

China is falling apart, revolution and secession both happening at the same time.

And Viets has just recently wiped off 30% of their economy soon after they confessed they could not organize a 300.000.000USD event.

I think you should never disintegrate and live in this condition for ever.
And Viets has just recently wiped off 30% of their economy soon after they confessed they could not organize a 300.000.000USD event.

I think you should never disintegrate and live in this condition for ever.

Didn't EastSea say it already costs too much just to fire one single anti ship missile at us let alone organizing an event? I hope they keep smashing factories, the more the better. Organize more anti China riots and invite more Japs to come over, that is if they dare. You know what happened to the Taiwanese, some Singaporean and a German factory :D
Friend, the Chinese rule in the region is historically recorded. The news report is propaganda.

The Hou Hanshu (Book of the Later Han), provides a wealth of detail on developments in the region:

"In the period of Emperor Wu [140-87 BC], the Western Regions1 were under the control of the Interior [China]. They numbered thirty-six kingdoms. The Imperial Government established a Colonel [in charge of] Envoys there to direct and protect these countries. Emperor Xuan [73-49 BC] changed this title [in 59 BC] to Protector-General.

Pretty much. The city of Urumqi was founded by Han Chinese.
The heat is on the terrorists :)

Police seize over 1.8 tons of explosive materials in Xinjiang

Police have uncovered a major terrorist cell in northwest China’s Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, arresting five of its members. They have also seized over 1.8 tons of explosive materials and destroyed 2 bomb making workshops. Authorities said the terrorists were producing bombs and planing an attack against crowded sites in the city of Hotan in southern Xinjiang.

Since the deadly attack in Urumqi last Thursday, security measures have been boosted in the region. So far this month, police have broken up 23 terror and religious extremist groups, detaining over 200 suspects. Police say the suspects learned how to make explosives online and used social media networks to organize and recruit people to join their terror activities.

After pages of discussion, it is not clear why does these people do these extreme act?

Can anybody enlight the forum members about the reason of these violence?
Today whole world is facing an extreme danger of nuclear weapon going in hands of terrorists. Lets hope that never happen in future. If it does, it will be the saddest day of history. Future of mankind will change for ever.
Today whole world is facing an extreme danger of nuclear weapon going in hands of terrorists. Lets hope that never happen in future. If it does, it will be the saddest day of history. Future of mankind will change for ever.

So long as the current nuclear regime does not change, it is unlikely. For the beginning, in my view, Israel must be denuclearized and Iran must be ensured safety in the Middle East.

As a second step, NATO's worldwide nuclear arsenal must be made public so people can at least guess where the threat might come. The ambiguity of NATO's nuclear deployment further encourages Russia and China to develop their nuclear capability.

But I think the P5 nuclear states are pretty safe in terms of their nuclear stockpiles.

Maybe you can give some info about India's nuclear status -- how it is deployed, stored etc.
So long as the current nuclear regime does not change, it is unlikely. For the beginning, in my view, Israel must be denuclearized and Iran must be ensured safety in the Middle East.

Israel should denuclearized and Iran should ensure safety? Israel is a much more responsible nuclear power and has never taken terrorism route to deal with any country. You have discover the Hazard at wrong place.
Israel should denuclearized and Iran should ensure safety? Israel is a much more responsible nuclear power and has never taken terrorism route to deal with any country. You have discover the Hazard at wrong place.

Israel may not be a threat by itself, but buy encouraging others to seek nuclear weapons. Because, unlike how it feels from India, Israel is pretty much painful to many neighboring countries and they would die to have enough deterrence against Israel.

If, however, Israel is stripped off nuclear, then Iran and others will have no excuse and focus on conventional armament.
Israel may not be a threat by itself, but buy encouraging others to seek nuclear weapons. Because, unlike how it feels from India, Israel is pretty much painful to many neighboring countries and they would die to have enough deterrence against Israel.

Israel can not denuke itself. It is surrounded by some Islamic states who are waiting for a chance to finish Israel. However Israel is a decent country and will never give the nuclear weapons to terrorist.

The real threat is those countries who support, Train and arms terrorist. You are unable to accept that because of obvious reason.

After pages of discussion, it is not clear why does these people do these extreme act?

Can anybody enlight the forum members about the reason of these violence?

My god is mightier than your god ?
This is getting serious.China must scrutinised their border with Afghanistan and Pakistan.
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