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Explosion in Karachi

H2O3C4NitrogenThe bahi's Party workers are now going after the pathans by burning down their houses and shopes . Already burnt many shops of ordinary ghreeb pathans in boltan market . Bahi is one SOB Ethnic violence architect .

abbasniazi I agree to you 100%
He and his companions are the worst criminals, they are a mob who have taken away the freedom of ordinary pakistanis and made them slaves to his so called F....ing party using violance and terror as a weapon.

surprisingly no one accusing raw ,cia , kfc involved this time !
Very sad news, government should not allow large gathering due to bad security conditions.

Why shall we change our life style or processions or any thing just for the sake of these few rats. Instead of stopping the govt must wipe this garbage we have amongst us.
Delusional nitwit it’s a collective dilemma and rioting over this misfortune is inexcusable.

During Nawaz Times Same police and intelligence Agencies used to help Escape these guys back to Fata areas even the ones that we captured were no where to be seen in the jails next day.

We have contained our self but its not as easy as making a comment and the ones who have lost loves ones cause of police and intelligence agencies unability to do there jobs will listen plus i am sure not all out there roiting are shias i am sure there is other out there who will take advantage of the situation.
It's now being reported as a suicide attack with 20 killed and many injured. The scumbags are taking their anger out on emergency services
law enforcement agencies as well as the media personal.

Just what the doctor ordered.

A wild animal has more empathy than you.

Think about who you are calling scumbags and then pray that God forgives you. We'll expect nothing but the most strict discipline from you when a suicide bomber kills and maims members of your family standing right next to you as you're watching it all unfold. If you dare blame law enforcement or police in that instance you'll be nothing but a 'scumbag'.
according to latest report.......atleast 30 have been killed in the sucide blast on MA Jinnah road
sources claimed that it was presumely a sucide attack
bad news is this that riots have taken place in different parts of the city
I am curious about how this mob got so much fuel. I heard that it was the muharram joloose people who started burning up bolten market, but by looking at the fire they must have had a lot of petrol. It seems they were already planning?

Don't speculate on issues that promote sectarian strife. You are engaging in multi-level speculation here. First, that the people who caused the fire were in fact muharram 'Juloos people', or Azadaran-e-Husain, as the correct description would be. Second, that the fire must have been caused by fuel, and third that the fuel must have been carried by them beforehand.

When someone speculates so wildly, it seems to me they have an agenda. So now, let me play your game but only indulge in first-order speculation.... seems to me you are agenda driven and rather bigoted in your views.
Once again the neo kwariji animals of the Taliban have struck. This should reinforce our belief that any dialogue or talk with such savages is out of the question. They should all be killed outright!

Allah bless those who have fallen.
Must be freedom fighters on a test drive. Nowadays its very difficult to tell who is a freedom fighter and who is a terrorist. Only some Pakistanis are able to tell for some reason.

dont confuse freedom fighters with these thugs its the same faction of guys who tested their skills in mumbai !
Must be freedom fighters on a test drive. Nowadays its very difficult to tell who is a freedom fighter and who is a terrorist. Only some Pakistanis are able to tell for some reason.
Investigation should be multi-dimensional , can't ignore the foreign hands and handlers.
Very sad news, government should not allow large gathering due to bad security conditions.

Places that attract crowds are becoming more and more dangerous for Pakistanis.

Fear of attacks has caused a big fall in the number of worshippers for Friday prayers at Pakistan's biggest mosque.

Al Jazeera's Imran Khan reports from the Shah Faisal mosque in Islamabad, a week after attackers killed 36 people in a mosque in the country's north.

I guess this is What the Terrorist want to keep people from Praying congratulations to Terrorist and their sympathizers you are starting to keep people away from Friday prayers.

See Fundamentalist These people have No religion no faith they ardent only attacking Shias they are also Attacking Sunnis so what would you have the Government announces you cant Gather at Mosque due to Terrorist Threat we will never listen or obey any announcement likes that would you Fundamentalist.
Investigation should be multi-dimensional , can't ignore the foreign hands and handlers.

Haider When these acts happened in Islamabad to the elite these sh.it bags were captured with in days so if you think intelligence agencies dont no who it is you are wrong.
look within yourself before you turn to accuse others
Thats what i say " can't ignore other foreign elements too". No need to get defensive.
Well Cheetah......its very hard to say, Karachi is always a victim of conspiracy theories and destabilization.
One a late police officers said " for govt kill few hundred people is not problem to achieve its own agenda "...
Well i noticed how you are upset with as you put it ''scumbags'' i am sure you prolly are also upset that they didnt kill more as there would have been less ''scumbags'' left to make trouble.

How stupid of them going after law inforcement agencies they should be asking the guy selling fruit how come he didnt do his job and going after all fruit sellers.

once again i applogise for the inconvenience this may have caused you but we will make sure next time we take it up the wazoo pick up the dead bodies so its not a bother for you.

Do you even understand what just have happened you freaking IDIOT.
Listen you moron, firstly learn to read and understand before you start talking nonsense. I wasn't referring to the suffering or bereaved as the scumbags, there is always a certain kind who capitalizes on such situations. If you have any brains perhaps you could recall what happened on Mall Road, Lahore, and for your idiotic remarks, let me remind you the dead also included a female Ranger officer. you got that mister.
A wild animal has more empathy than you.

Think about who you are calling scumbags and then pray that God forgives you. We'll expect nothing but the most strict discipline from you when a suicide bomber kills and maims members of your family standing right next to you as you're watching it all unfold. If you dare blame law enforcement or police in that instance you'll be nothing but a 'scumbag'.
As I told the other character, and since you are from Lahore you should know well how certain elements exploit the situation. So save your rant.
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