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My User Name is my real name:
it means First ray of Sun.
Derived from Sanskrit word Arushi means red, dawn. In the Rig Veda the red horses or mares of the sun of fire, the rising sun..
a sliver or hope - for a sane conversation with people across the world
a sliver of hope - for helping to expand each others horizon of thought and acceptance.
sliver -
any small, narrow piece or portion:
Krakatoa is a volcanic island in indonesia
I saw a documentary of how destructive its volcanoes can be and back then I was a very aggressive 16 years old guy. Just like the name as well and I guess back then it suited my attitude a lot. I still continue using this name because I like the name although I am a really calm guy now and my username might be new here but I have been reader of this forum for many years.
My user name is "Mercenary"

I chose that name when I played Counter-Strike and kept it when I joined PDF.
Krakatoa is a volcanic island in indonesia
I saw a documentary of how destructive its volcanoes can be and back then I was a very aggressive 16 years old guy. Just like the name as well and I guess back then it suited my attitude a lot. I still continue using this name because I like the name although I am a really calm guy now and my username might be new here but I have been reader of this forum for many years.
Characteristically volcanoes, i think are much more calmer than any normal human being. So, if you are a really calm guy, Krakatoa is just the perfect name for you.
Very simple My user name is zeng is my Chinese name is gesen is my name in China At present, only I a person called曾戈森

'm sorry, my English is almost don't understand I use the translator to communicate with you I hope you don't use political thought of me, in my opinion, the world's people are good Of course for personal reasons I prefer we Chinese and Pakistanis
After got banned several times i exhausted all names ..I saw zip on some electronic equipment at time of signing in and its working without ban for last few years ...
you forgot about ur zip thats why you kept getting banned now ur sn is zip and u remember about ur zip is wat keeping you away from ban hehe. no hard feelings
After got banned several times i exhausted all names ..I saw zip on some electronic equipment at time of signing in and its working without ban for last few years ...

Dr. Strangelove - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaDr. Strangelove - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
lol i love this topic

for my name

first shi means eating
second shi means lion
ke means ppl

shishike = lion eater
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