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Explain your username!

Its Marshmallow
I think I should change my name to NukeIndia or IndiaNukedanger or Nukeseer
I used Jazzy as username from start on all forums from gaming forums to online games to pdf and in the end just changed it to Jazzbot.. nothing special.. :)
my user name comes from the fact when there are no stars in the sky in the night, it feels very dark, and my feelings reflect that gloomy sky at night :sick:
my user name comes from the fact when there are no stars in the sky in the night, it feels very dark, and my feelings reflect that gloomy sky at night :sick:

i never seen a sky without stars at night,therez always always stars at night!:blink:

btw its da moon that gives the light at night:P so basically the moon's absence or presence makes any difference not of stars:P

Mine is " Self- Explanatory" :cheesy:

hello Mr Weirdo:wave:

please to meet a WEIRDO on PDF :coffee::girl_wacko:
i never seen a sky without stars at night,therez always always stars at night!:blink:

btw its da moon that gives the light at night:P so basically the moon's absence or presence makes any difference not of stars:P

some times there is no moon no stars
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