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Exhibition: Indian cultural vestiges in Vietnam

What do you want to say? Personal attack, or just a stupid thought.

You are Chinese with false flage, you can speak Vietnamese, I think you can understand the word "a hoàn". You are one a hoàn.
For thousand of years we have been friends and in the present geo political situation the bond will be much much stronger:tup:

Archaeologists follow a path of stone tools from the Late Pleistocene Age (600,000-12,000 BC), across Java, Malaysia, Thailand and north to Burma. These stone tools are thought to be the first human tools used in Southeast Asia. Vietnamese speak Mon_Khmer languages, including Munda and Khasi people, today living in India.
If I was Chinese as you say, I would have been protecting my country, why not.

But I am Vietnamese, just have a pro-China view (Do not mean I love Chinese aggresion against our territory) and high regards towards Chinese culture. And I am not alone with my view in Vietnam.

You claim living in Hanoi, just like I do, so please count the number of Chinese language centers there. And look at the architecture of newly-completed Bai Dinh temple shown off above. They are completely Chinese, not Vietnamese traditional architecture. Many other temples in North Vietnam are now being refurbished in Chinese-style.

The message behind all these thing is to promote North East Asian culture in Vietnam (not only Chinese). Hating the Chinese aggression does not mean hating their advanced culture and people, which is seen by majority of Vietnamese as advanced, dilligent, smart people, as opposed to South East Asian culture, which is seen as laid-back, lazy and backward culture. And that is not new phenomenon in traditional Vietnamese world view by famous historian and politician.

I assume you are an young graduate and working in technical fields, therefore do not have much connection with the real world view of high-ranking people.

And mind your language in discussing in this forum.
If I was Chinese as you say, I would have been protecting my country, why not.

But I am Vietnamese, just have a pro-China view (Do not mean I love Chinese aggresion against our territory) and high regards towards Chinese culture. And I am not alone with my view in Vietnam.

You claim living in Hanoi, just like I do, so please count the number of Chinese language centers there. And look at the architecture of newly-completed Bai Dinh temple shown off above. They are completely Chinese, not Vietnamese traditional architecture. Many other temples in North Vietnam are now being refurbished in Chinese-style.

The message behind all these thing is to promote a North East Asian culture in Vietnam (not only Chinese). Hating the Chinese aggression does not mean hating their advanced culture and people, which is seen by majority of Vietnamese as advanced, dilligent, smart people, as opposed to South East Asian culture, which is seen as laid-back, lazy and backward culture. And that is not new phenomenon in traditional Vietnamese world view by famous historian and politician.

I assume you are an young graduate and working in technical fields, therefore do not have much connection with the real world view of high-ranking people.

And mind your language in discussing in this forum.

Your comment is confirmed that your are chinese, not Vietnamese, Hanoi_people. Chú em không biết người Thăng Long Kẻ Chợ là thế nào, người Kẻ Chợ chém gió 3 ngày mới thấy gió thổi, không như chú em bợ đỡ bọn Tàu thô thiển như thế.
Thanks for the beautiful pictures @Rechoice

Hindu sanskrit culture and south indian culture were widespread in SE asia for quite a long time before Theravada Buddhism entered the area. But even then the sanskrit influence has somehow persisted and been co-opted into the Buddhist culture that developed henceforth.
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Thanks for the beautiful pictures @Rechoice

Hindu sanskrit culture and south indian culture were widespread in SE asia for quite a long time before Theravada Buddhism entered the area. But even then the sanskrit influence has somehow persisted and been co-opted into the Buddhist culture that developed henceforth.

Garuda became national emblem of both Thailand and Indonesia.
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Thanks for the beautiful pictures @Rechoice

Hindu sanskrit culture and south indian culture were widespread in SE asia for quite a long time before Theravada Buddhism entered the area. But even then the sanskrit influence has somehow persisted and been co-opted into the Buddhist culture that developed henceforth.

In ancient time, Vietnamese called as Giao Chỉ people (Jiao Zhi in chinese), the word become form word "Kochi" or Cochin in south Asia languages. formerly Cochin, is a major port city on the west coast of India by the Arabian Sea and is part of the district of Ernakulam of the state of Kerala. Kochi is often called by the name Ernakulam, which refers to the eastern part of the mainland Kochi. Kochi city is also a part of Greater Cochin region and is classified as a B-1 grade city by the Government of India, making it the highest graded city in the state.

I think relation bettween India and Vietnam was established from ancient time.
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Your comment is confirmed that your are chinese, not Vietnamese, Hanoi_people. Chú em không biết người Thăng Long Kẻ Chợ là thế nào, người Kẻ Chợ chém gió 3 ngày mới thấy gió thổi, không như chú em bợ đỡ bọn Tàu thô thiển như thế.

OK. I may not be a real Hanoian who fit into your definition, but people like you explain why our country is still poor.

- Emotional: you insult others when their point of view do not meet yours and you can not defend yourselves. I never offend you as well as other Vietnamese here in this forum. Towards some other forumers, maybe, but on country scale, not personnal attack, and when I deem they insult my country first.
- Can not accept the truth if it does not meet your view.
- Do not want to learn new ideas if they are against your view, like many people in Western countries, who claim to be "democratic", but will rage when some one criticize their "democratic regime" and praise communism.
In ancient time, Vietnamese called as Giao Chỉ people (Jiao Zhi in chinese), the word become form word "Kochi" or Cochin in south Asia languages. formerly Cochin, is a major port city on the west coast of India by the Arabian Sea and is part of the district of Ernakulam of the state of Kerala. Kochi is often called by the name Ernakulam, which refers to the eastern part of the mainland Kochi. Kochi city is also a part of Greater Cochin region and is classified as a B-1 grade city by the Government of India, making it the highest graded city in the state.

I think relation bettween India and Vietnam was established from ancient time.

Kochi was the major seaport for spice trade.

OK. I may not be a real Hanoian who fit into your definition, but people like you explain why our country is still poor.

- Emotional: you insult others when their point of view do not meet yours and you can not defend yourselves. I never offend you as well as other Vietnamese here in this forum. Towards some other forumers, maybe, but on country scale, not personnal attack, and when I deem they insult my country first.
- Can not accept the truth if it does not meet your view.
- Do not want to learn new ideas if they are against your view, like many people in Western countries, who claim to be "democratic", but will rage when some one criticize their "democratic regime" and praise communism.

what hilarious things you blaa here, it's better you can shoot a mouth.
Viet Thuong is not Champa

Việt Thường(越常) là tên quốc gia cổ đại hình thành trên cơ sở của các bộ lạc sau khi giải thể xã hội nguyên thủy, bước vào ngưỡng của xã hội văn minh đầu tiên – tức xã hội nô lệ gia trưởng. Phạm vi của nhà nước Việt Thường Thị tương ứng với vùng Nghệ An – Hà Tĩnh ngày nay mà Hồng Lĩnh là trung tâm, phía Bắc giáp với nước Xích Quỷ (sau này là Văn Lang), phía Nam liền với nước Hồ Tôn (từ Quảng Bình trở vào). Nhà nước Việt Thường Thị xuất hiện vào đầu thiên niên kỷ thứ II trước công nguyên.
Viet Thuong is not Champa

Việt Thường(越常) là tên quốc gia cổ đại hình thành trên cơ sở của các bộ lạc sau khi giải thể xã hội nguyên thủy, bước vào ngưỡng của xã hội văn minh đầu tiên – tức xã hội nô lệ gia trưởng. Phạm vi của nhà nước Việt Thường Thị tương ứng với vùng Nghệ An – Hà Tĩnh ngày nay mà Hồng Lĩnh là trung tâm, phía Bắc giáp với nước Xích Quỷ (sau này là Văn Lang), phía Nam liền với nước Hồ Tôn (từ Quảng Bình trở vào). Nhà nước Việt Thường Thị xuất hiện vào đầu thiên niên kỷ thứ II trước công nguyên.

Việt Thường shoud be Champa.

Từ "Việt Thường thị" xuất hiện đầu nhà Chu 1046–256 BC, tức là khoảng 1.000 năm trước CN, khi Sứ giả Việt Thường đến tặng vua nhà Chu chim trĩ trắng, quên đường về, vua Nhà Chu tăng xe chỉ Nam để đưa về nước. Đúng là người Việt Thường cư trú sơ khởi vùng Nghệ Tĩnh, nên từ Cửa Lò tên địa danh ở Nghệ An có lịch sử ngữ âm là Kuala (nghĩa là Cửa Sông), vậy giả thiết là dân Việt Thường và Chăm là đồng tộc.

Khi người Việt (Kinh) di cư về phương Nam, dân Việt Thường cũng di cư về phía nam, là thành phần quan trọng (vì đã phát triển thành tổ chức xã hội có Vua và Sứ giả) kiến tạo nên tiểu vương quốc Chăm phía bắc sau này là Lâm Ấp, tiểu vương quốc Chăm phía nam là Panduranga vào thế kỷ thứ II sau CN. Sách Thủy Kinh Chú sớ của Trung Quốc ghi nhận Lâm Ấp là địa phận của quận Tượng Lâm.

Dù sao cũng là giả thiết, nhưng khả tín theo suy nghĩ của người viết những dòng này. Xin cảm ơn bạn vì lời bình.

(xem thêm: sách Lịch Sử Việt Nam trang 191, chương 5) và nữa
Vietnam is an example of Sino based civilization triumphed over Indian based civilization. Well done, my Vietnamese brothers.
New generation of Buddhism follower.



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