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Exercise “Vijayee Bhava” begins today

I don't think the article understood the point of the Hatf IX/NASR missile. India comes up with this "cold start" doctrine that is centered around the notion of capturing territory rapidly. Interesting in theory, failed in practice many times.
I think you may be overlooking the fact that cold start doctrine also has initial strikes being made by the world fourth largest airforce followed by rapid advances by the army. And if our deployment is slower then you guys should be thanking your makers.

They conducted war games to demonstrate this concept a year ago, but again failed to deploy rapidly - Pakistan staged it's own war games and was able to mobilize before the Indos.

And to further demonstrate flaws in that philosophy, the Hatf IX/NASR missile is designed that can rapidly deploy and rain tactical nukes(fruits of the plutonium nuke programme bearing fruit - miniature specialized nukes) on any invading army before they get any far.

India, of course, has its own nuclear and missile plans. It may be steadfast about adhering to a "no first-use'' of nuclear weapons but has made it amply clear that a nuclear retaliation to a first strike will be "massive and designed to inflict unacceptable damage''. Can you sustain that unacceptable damage?

Terrible waste for money, but it's good. Don't have anywhere else where this money could have been better spent, like on the dept that comes up with military doctrines to fund something that technically one-ups Pakistan or on the few hundred million people living below the poverty line, like sub-Saharan Africa

Don't worry about .. plenty where it came from...
poor quality article. first of all there is hardly any evidence to suggest that indian army exercise and pak missile tests are interlinked or carried out in response of one another.

i beleive these were independent of each other. i think the author of the article was just trying to improve TRPs of his article.

such comparison raises TRP of article, Tv, paper in India??

here in our media any military purchase exercise and missile launch gets quiet a big criticism though the news of the current event is published but thats it
here in our media any military purchase exercise and missile launch gets quiet a big criticism though the news of the current event is published but thats it

Never seen something like that. Will appreciate if you share some. I thought Indian media many times criticise Indian purchases.
secondly pakistani missile with range of 60 Kms is intended to be used as "battlefield nuclear weapon" and is specifically designed to counter indian cold start doctrine. i think the author is not aware of the ground realities in indo-pak conflict. Nuclear weapons by nature can never be "tactical" or "battlefield". nuclear weapons have strategic dimensions and even if one side uses a sub kiloteon tactical battle field weapon, the other side will surely launch a full scale nuclear attack on that country. hence, in my opinion the article is crap.


Also it pays for the author to know that India has reportedly changed its No-First-Use policy to No-First-Use against Non-Nuclear-States.

All in all this article is just Bull crap.
such comparison raises TRP of article, Tv, paper in India??

here in our media any military purchase exercise and missile launch gets quiet a big criticism though the news of the current event is published but thats it

And will that be because u guys are already short of FUNDS. ?

But you will want us to believe that an average Pakistani is more peacefull than an Average Indian ?
:what:and why's that? I mean people go to mosque to pray and not watch TV! :P

ah thanks to our Economists who have included TV tax in electricity bills irrespective of the fact that if thousands of mosques dont have Tv sets and houses might also dont have but everyone has to pay the TV tax.
ah thanks to our Economists who have included TV tax in electricity bills irrespective of the fact that if thousands of mosques dont have Tv sets and houses might also dont have but everyone has to pay the TV tax.

Ohh! That's bad. I think everyone should buy a TV now. At least paisa vasool toh ho hi jayega! :D

And will that be because u guys are already short of FUNDS. ?

But you will want us to believe that an average Pakistani is more peacefull than an Average Indian ?

Thank you for your ranting. but let me reply

1. Because many in our media gets paid for bashing Army, and defence :) there should not be any dearth of funds for defence of the country.

2. The average Pakistani is never been part of useless TRPs drama of media here as compared to Indian media and the trends among your viewers or readers. You wont find any abusive comment on even English print media write ups and news unlike your readers.

infact that is the difference. Pakistani media had struggled and passed through many difficult phases to reach this stage :)
Thank you for your ranting. but let me reply

1. Because many in our media gets paid for bashing Army, and defence :) there should not be any dearth of funds for defence of the country.

2. The average Pakistani is never been part of useless TRPs drama of media here as compared to Indian media and the trends among your viewers or readers. You wont find any abusive comment on even English print media write ups and news unlike your readers.

infact that is the difference. Pakistani media had struggled and passed through many difficult phases to reach this stage :)

BDW, Jana ji, on topic

I always say Engineers are the best because I'm an Engineer! :D
such comparison raises TRP of article, Tv, paper in India??

here in our media any military purchase exercise and missile launch gets quiet a big criticism though the news of the current event is published but thats it

and time of India is the largest circulating english news paper in the world
I think it was routine exercise, just to keep things ready. After world cup defeat, there is heavy pressure in extremists circle to blow another Kargil to save H&D.
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