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Exclusive: Why Indian Air Force May Best Chinese Jets In An Air Battle Over Tibet

burtthurt use this on your a$$
View attachment 416985
its a pain killer:lol::rofl: India has no chance against China and you're a puppet of USA against China:p:
We dont use Burnol here in the US...We just use DRONE brand....do you guys want more?

Aww so sorry..here you go.

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We dont use Burnol here in the US...We just use DRONE brand....do you guys want more?
your name is speaking you're an Sh!t indian who live in their master country:p:

don't hide your a$ $ behind China. world knows you are a little puppy of China.
:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: truth is always bitter, isn't kid
Yes My Shit Indian is speaking!...I am Amerikan!..No go ahead and Cheerlead.!

what is your problem, China is our friend we will defend and you're insulting of our friend which is 4-5 times more powerful then India and we can't defend our friend
Guy in right is Indian for sure
No points for guessing in the meantime have some laugh!


what is your problem, China is our friend we will defend and you're insulting of our friend which is 4-5 times more powerful then India and we can't defend our friend
Buddy!..Chill man!..Please go ahead and defend China..No worries here..the only concern I have is 4-5 times more powerful than India....but that did not stop Pakistan from needling India did it!..get my drift.
No points for guessing in the meantime have some laugh!

View attachment 416986

Buddy!..Chill man!..Please go ahead and defend China..No worries here..the only concern I have is 4-5 times more powerful than India....but that did not stop Pakistan from needling India did it!..get my drift.
not as extremist Hindus terrorist organizations like RSS and other terrorist Hindus organizations
not as extremist Hindus terrorist organizations like RSS and other terrorist Hindus organizations
Define Terrorism first!..You are actually comparing them both..wow..god bless you guys!..if thats is the thought process of the youth of Pakistan..

(d ) Description of terrorism as “any action, in addition to actions already specified by the existing conventions on aspects of terrorism, the Geneva Conventions and Security Council resolution 1566 (2004), that is intended to cause death or serious bodily harm to civilians or non-combatants, when the purpose of such an act, by its nature or context, is to intimidate a population, or to compel a Government or an international organization to do or to abstain from doing any act”.

http://www.un.org/News/dh/infocus/terrorism/sg high-level panel report-terrorism.htm
Define Terrorism first!..You are actually comparing them both..wow..god bless you guys!..if thats is the thought process of the youth of Pakistan..

(d ) Description of terrorism as “any action, in addition to actions already specified by the existing conventions on aspects of terrorism, the Geneva Conventions and Security Council resolution 1566 (2004), that is intended to cause death or serious bodily harm to civilians or non-combatants, when the purpose of such an act, by its nature or context, is to intimidate a population, or to compel a Government or an international organization to do or to abstain from doing any act”.

http://www.un.org/News/dh/infocus/terrorism/sg high-level panel report-terrorism.htm
why you spreading and sponsoring terrorism in Pakistan through Afghanistan and Iran, your country have a full history of deception and lies, you have a history of interfere with all your neighbors with terrorism, who interfere in Tibet "India", who was interfere Bangladesh "mukti bahani" "india" with the help of Soviet Union, who develop "TAMIL TIGERS" to destabilize Sri Lanka "India", why your terrorist RAW in Nepal and Bhutan if those countries are your friend, in your country every minorities feeling unsecured except " higher cast hindus". why you're conducting terrorist operations in Kashmir, Assam, Nagaland and other freedom fighting areas
you're the biggest terrorist nation of the world:enjoy:
I don't cheer for them. i cheer only for my motherland India.
but you still a slave, worth nothing whether you cheerleader or not for your master, slave remains always a slave,:enjoy: China is our friend we should back him up from insulting garbage sh!t :blah:
China makes good air defense systems and saturated air defense missile is cheaper to take out any indian numbers. india has to make choice if it wants its population to starve or keep its sky defenseless for next decade. Sure US would like to see indian takes adventurous route, so more money for uncle sam dumping F16 era tech.
chinese planes are not missiles to come on a one way trip. Their air force will never have advantage due to geographical reasons.

To completely neutralise a nation missiles alone will never be enough. Both airforce and army should step in.

We have sufficient air defense systems to take out chinese missiles. We are at advantage with respect to army, airforce and navy.

chinese and their cheerleaders can only metally masturbate without have a iotta of self respect giving warning and warning and warning and warning and warning and warning, pthooo even a dog eating feaces has more self respect.

but you still a slave, worth nothing whether you cheerleader or not for your master, slave remains always a slave,:enjoy: China is our friend we should back him up from insulting garbage sh!t :blah:
A slave is calling others slave. What do you have in your country to call me a slave. Do you elect your leaders, more than 50 years of your country's was ruled by tinpot dictators.
A slave is calling others slave. What do you have in your country to call me a slave. Do you elect your leaders, more than 50 years of your country's was ruled by tinpot dictators.
we are not a slave but strategic friend
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