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EXCLUSIVE: IRGC strike on Mossad base in Iraq targets 10 Israeli operatives, issues regional warning

I don't know. For me to do so you'd need to clue us in, as with your position on the topic of Iraq-Iran relations, actually. I'm referring to a post at the Middle East section, in which it is stated that:

"Currently, The IRGC is the prime foreign influence and most threatening, Israel's influence and threat is much further behind and so is the GCC, so they are to be utilized against the former."

Link: https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/erbi...-house-near-us-consulate.737451/post-13625356

I'd take this to imply advocacy of tactical cooperation by Iraq with Isra"el" and the PGCC against Iran's IRGC. But I'd welcome being corrected if I'm wrong.

Shooting the messenger is most efficient when the message they convey is impossible to investigate independently, meaning its credibility becomes a direct function of the source's own dependability. In the case at hand though, the Twitter post is featuring two bits of information - the presence of structures resembling communication masts on top of the mansion, as well as the role of the purported owner in smuggling Iraqi oil to Isra"el", both of which can be autonomously researched by readers.

That I advocate a possible tactical alliance with the GCC/Israel against the IRGC does not imply in the slightest that I consider them as credible sources of information or that I have a particular preference or any sort of appreciation to either.

Truth is what is perceived by the public which may not necessarily reflect the realities on the ground, the average reader is neither informed nor educated on how to handle and evaluate incoming information, there was no need to share tweets by Iraqi IRGC pawns for a willing seeker of truth to do a proper investigation, the same info was basically covered by multiple english outlets.

If the use of Iraqis was intended to add a degree of authority and credibility to the information presented, then those who are less knowledgeable and less willing to personally investigate should be notified about the nature of these individuals and that they are no substitute for a proper investigation.
Since you seem to prefer NATO and zionist sources, here's the Dutch propaganda outlet Radio Zamaneh, which strives for "regime change" in Iran, expressing the idea that the purported owner of the villa, Baz Karim Barzinji, might have been at the forefront of illegally smuggling Iraqi oil to your tactical allies of choice (the zionists):

Link: https://www.radiozamaneh.com/707816/

This is my own assessment as well; the real intention behind this attack could be the warning shots at someone (s) who might be working against our national interests. Intelligence agencies are not going to give teenage generals on the internet the actual reasons on why they do what they do. The fruits of what they do come later.
You cannot call Iraqis Militias. Like it or not they are Iraqi citizens.
Also we cannot engage all foreign actors simultaneously, we possess no such capacity and even if we do, it would not be the wisest of choices, threats should evaluated then dealt with in order of priority.
The only force that is capable of standing up to American invaders, is the same Iranian allies in Iraq. Ba'athists, Kurds and others have no power to fight them in Iraq bunch of gutless people. The moment Iranian allies drop their weapons, Americans will completely colonize Iraq again.

Look bro, when it comes to Iraq, Iran would never and ever tolerate a hostile power in the Neighborhood. According to history, Iraq has always been conquered by Iranian rulers.

If some forces inside Iraq try to use Israelis against us, Iran will consider all options on the table. We have our brothers in Iraq ready to help us.
That I advocate a possible tactical alliance with the GCC/Israel against the IRGC does not imply in the slightest that I consider them as credible sources of information or that I have a particular preference or any sort of appreciation to either.

Truth is what is perceived by the public which may not necessarily reflect the realities on the ground, the average reader is neither informed nor educated on how to handle and evaluate incoming information, there was no need to share tweets by Iraqi IRGC pawns for a willing seeker of truth to do a proper investigation, the same info was basically covered by multiple english outlets.

If the use of Iraqis was intended to add a degree of authority and credibility to the information presented, then those who are less knowledgeable and less willing to personally investigate should be notified about the nature of these individuals and that they are no substitute for a proper investigation.
So, what you are saying basically means that we should tolerate the operations of Israeli and American intelligence services in Iraq against us while we have helped Iraq during your most difficult times in recent years. Is that what you are telling us now?
So, what you are saying basically means that we should tolerate the operations of Israeli and American intelligence services in Iraq against us while we have helped Iraq during your most difficult times in recent years. Is that what you are telling us now?

This framework of thinking is appropriate for conducting interpersonal relations in your local neighborhood, it cannot be used to any capacity in politics, terms like 'help' entail a different meaning in a political context than it does at the 'community' level, because in geopolitics it is implicitly known to all rational actors that the ultimate objective of all designs and subsequent actions taken by each actor are ultimately intended to achieve one sole objective, to serve the actor's own interests... There is no concept of altruism in politics.

In short, wether it is creating/arming militias or directly striking targets of our, at the time, common target. Iran was only acting for its own self interest, it is a bit awkward having to state such an obvious fact, but one should never underestimate humankind's ability to indulge in self-fulfilling delusions.

Isis is as much of a threat to Iran as it was to Iraq and so was the massive initial presence of the US.

No one is asking Iran to tolerate anything, Iran does not exist to please us and vice versa, the equation is quiet simple. If the IRGC continues to maintain a hard presence in the country, other actors will be invited to attempt and contain it and ultimately neutralize it, thus the growing Israeli/GCC and even Turkish influence.

As stated in an earlier post, ideally all foreign presence would be reduced to non threatening levels and Iraq would turn into a trade hub, but that is what Iraq wants... which is not necessarily what its neighbors want.
This framework of thinking is appropriate for conducting interpersonal relations in your local neighborhood, it cannot be used to any capacity in politics, terms like 'help' entail a different meaning in a political context than it does at the 'community' level, because in geopolitics it is implicitly known to all rational actors that the ultimate objective of all designs and subsequent actions taken by each actor are ultimately intended to achieve one sole objective, to serve the actor's own interests... There is no concept of altruism in politics.

In short, wether it is creating/arming militias or directly striking targets of our, at the time, common target. Iran was only acting for its own self interest, it is a bit awkward having to state such an obvious fact, but one should never underestimate humankind's ability to indulge in self-fulfilling delusions.

Isis is as much of a threat to Iran as it was to Iraq and so was the massive initial presence of the US.

No one is asking Iran to tolerate anything, Iran does not exist to please us and vice versa, the equation is quiet simple. If the IRGC continues to maintain a hard presence in the country, other actors will be invited to attempt and contain it and ultimately neutralize it, thus the growing Israeli/GCC and even Turkish influence.

As stated in an earlier post, ideally all foreign presence would be reduced to non threatening levels and Iraq would turn into a trade hub, but that is what Iraq wants... which is not necessarily what its neighbors want.
Not really. It's pretty much the same. The concept of help in interpersonal relations is the same as well. Nobody helps you out of pure goodwill but that doesn't justify you acting against them after you've received their help. The concept is exactly the same, don't try to mud the water.

I disagree that ISIS was as much of a threat to Iran as it was to Iraq. In fact, ISIS was nothing more than a nuisance to Iran. We could've bombed the shit out of them as soon as they got close to our buffer zone. However, Iraq is a failed state that has not been able to meet even its basic electricity needs after the US invasion of Iraq. Your infrastructure has been destroyed by the US coalition. Your country is in the self-destruction mode fueled by ethnic and sectarian issues. Your people literally handed over Mosul to the ISIS because of sectarian affiliation. It's ridiculous to even think that the ISIS was as much of a threat to Iran as it was to Iraq. The things that happened and continue to happen in Iraq cannot happen in today's Iran unless Iran gets invaded by the US as well, which is unlikely to happen in the near future.

Well, that's not really as simple as you want to make it be. In the process of turning Iraq into a trade hub (i.e. a prostitute that sleeps with anyone who pays higher), your country can enter a very chaotic phase that you have seen many times in the last two decades. So, do factor that into your policy making.
This framework of thinking is appropriate for conducting interpersonal relations in your local neighborhood, it cannot be used to any capacity in politics, terms like 'help' entail a different meaning in a political context than it does at the 'community' level, because in geopolitics it is implicitly known to all rational actors that the ultimate objective of all designs and subsequent actions taken by each actor are ultimately intended to achieve one sole objective, to serve the actor's own interests... There is no concept of altruism in politics.

In short, wether it is creating/arming militias or directly striking targets of our, at the time, common target. Iran was only acting for its own self interest, it is a bit awkward having to state such an obvious fact, but one should never underestimate humankind's ability to indulge in self-fulfilling delusions.

Isis is as much of a threat to Iran as it was to Iraq and so was the massive initial presence of the US.

No one is asking Iran to tolerate anything, Iran does not exist to please us and vice versa, the equation is quiet simple. If the IRGC continues to maintain a hard presence in the country, other actors will be invited to attempt and contain it and ultimately neutralize it, thus the growing Israeli/GCC and even Turkish influence.

As stated in an earlier post, ideally all foreign presence would be reduced to non threatening levels and Iraq would turn into a trade hub, but that is what Iraq wants... which is not necessarily what its neighbors want.

What an erroneous predication: your assumptions about Israel stopping its actions against Iran, if Iran were to simply "get out of Iraq" are based on a false belief that the Zionist entity will ever acquiesce to such a scenario to begin with. This isn't how it's gonna play out and I'm surprised you would even consider such an asinine thing.

A lot of commentators from your side of the camp seem to always miss the bigger picture and that is Iran has been slated for destruction (the EXACT destruction your nation went through these past several decades). Accepting this simple reality will allow you to fully understanding the reasons why Iran is doing what it has been doing in the first-place. You're blissfully mistaking IRGC help and presence within Iraq as an affront to Iraqi sovereignty (ridiculous assessment). It's out of sheer necessity that Iran is helping a neighbor rebuild/establish some semblance of national security and much needed territorial cohesion. America couldn't help you, no one else could help you but Iran came in and did help. Naturally, elements in Iraq who see Iran's relative goodwill/charity, will be inclined to view Iran as favorable (and many others won't, like you) but I don't think the Iranians wants to outright "control" Iraq like countless others in your troubled country seem to think is the case (again, completely stupid assumption).

Anyways.... Israel is using your territory, specifically Kurdish territories to launch incursions into/onto Iranian soil. Naturally Iranian HUMINT assets on the ground in Iraq will be activated to keep tabs on potential targets: one such tracking/information gathering led to the recent obliteration of a Mossad base disguised as a multi-million dollar mansion compound linked to Iraqi-Kurdish elites. Many more such operations will take place due to Iranian national security being at risk and subsequent Iraqi inaction in taking care of it. We've had enough of Israel striking Iranian assets and getting away with it. That era is over and done with, get used to it.
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look like Turkey MIT is actively are operating against us ...

we should put them on our target list ....
Iranian media reporting "A fire incident has been reported at a military base near the city of Kermanshah in western Iran."

"There were no reports of casualties or major damage in the incident."

Literally 4 days later, satellite image of the said military base, in the same city of Kermanshah, showing that the base is completely blown up.

This came along with a report by Israel:
Israel strikes Iranian drone facility at the same place ", destroying hundreds of drones of various sizes,
This allegedly was done with 6 Israeli drones:


In this satellite image taken February 18, 2022, damage is seen to a site belonging to the IRGC in the Iranian province of Kermanshah. (Planet Labs PBC via Aurora Intel)

Then Israel kills 2 Iranian officers responsible for mounting guidance systems on ballistic missiles:

So while Israel airstrikes an Iranian drone facilities, inside Iran, and then kill 2 IRGC officers in Syria, Iran decides to launch a ballistic missile strike on a "Mossad" Kurdish TV studio, in Iraq.

You guys are a joke honestly
Iranian media reporting "A fire incident has been reported at a military base near the city of Kermanshah in western Iran."

"There were no reports of casualties or major damage in the incident."

Literally 4 days later, satellite image of the said military base, in the same city of Kermanshah, showing that the base is completely blown up.

This came along with a report by Israel:
Israel strikes Iranian drone facility at the same place ", destroying hundreds of drones of various sizes,
This allegedly was done with 6 Israeli drones:

View attachment 824465
In this satellite image taken February 18, 2022, damage is seen to a site belonging to the IRGC in the Iranian province of Kermanshah. (Planet Labs PBC via Aurora Intel)

Then Israel kills 2 Iranian officers responsible for mounting guidance systems on ballistic missiles:

So while Israel airstrikes an Iranian drone facilities, inside Iran, and then kill 2 IRGC officers in Syria, Iran decides to launch a ballistic missile strike on a "Mossad" Kurdish TV studio, in Iraq.

You guys are a joke honestly
Fire is a common incident in iran.

the syrian incident is legit. Iran dont hide it.

Even the whole mossad is wiped out, israel wont do any noise...good for them..but technically a loss is a loss, we have no such solution to emotinal damage.
Three targets are dead and seven others have sustained critical injuries in Iranian missile strikes on a secret Israeli Mossad compound in Erbil early in the morning of 13 March, a senior Iranian security source, speaking exclusively to The Cradle, has revealed.

“This operation sends a message to all countries in the region that Iran is sensitive to the Israeli regime’s activities near its borders and does not tolerate it.”

The Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corp (IRGC) salvo of 12 Fateh Iranian missiles struck the Mossad base at 1:20am, “at a symbolic hour when the resistance commanders were assassinated,” says the source – a reference to the US/Israeli assassinations of Iranian Quds Force Commander Qassem Soleimani and Iraqi Deputy Commander of the Popular Mobilization Units (PMU) Abu Mahdi al-Muhandes on 3 January 2020.

“The operation has so far killed three people, two of them senior officers, and estimates show seven wounded, some of whom are probably in critical condition,” he said.

Shortly after the operation, the source says an air ambulance was requested from Stuttgart, Germany, which landed in Qatar due to security concerns. US forces reportedly used a C130 aircraft to transport the bodies and wounded to the ambulance.

The Iranian security source claims that the IRGC operation was conducted in direct retaliation for a 14 February Israeli attack on an IRGC-operated drone base in the Mahidasht district of Kermanshah, inside Iran. “Fortunately, we did not have any casualties, but once the source of this [Israeli] attack was identified as originating from Iraq, [Sunday’s] operation was put on the agenda.”

The Iranian source says Iraqi officials were warned that military operations targeting Iran were taking place within Iraq’s borders – in two official meetings, with evidentiary documents in hand. He says IRGC Quds Force Commander Esmail Qaani had already warned the leaders of the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) region about these cases.

The source also confirmed that the missile strikes were not in retaliation for Israel’s killing of two IRGC members in an airstrike near Damascus on 8 March, as reported by various foreign media outlets. He said Iran has reserved the right to retaliate for that incident at a later date.

The source describes the Mossad base in Erbil as “unofficial and hidden – in the form of two villas that had a normal appearance.” Iranian reconnaissance had observed several things in the lead up to the operation, however:

“The structure of these two villas had two roofs that completely protected it from 240mm missiles. An explosion-proof engineering roof under a shock-absorbing roof that had two layers under the gable roof.”

He says the post-operation images confirms this assessment. The building, despite being hit by 12 missiles, still maintains its structural integrity.

Iranian intel had also observed, over a period of time, that non-Israelis were not allowed to enter the area and that only the external protection of the area was conducted by “regional security forces,” identified by the source as Parastin, the Kurdish intel security forces. Kurds were otherwise forbidden access to the facilities.

The source adds: “this facility was a place of entertainment for the [Israeli] regime’s officers and cyber-electronic staff based in the region, so there was not much traffic during the week, and we mostly saw their presence on the weekends.”

At the time of the IRGC’s missile strike last weekend, he says: “more than 10 people had entered the facility.”

Iraq does not allow Israeli nationals to visit the country and has strict laws, reinforced last year, that prohibit any Iraqi interaction with the state of Israel.

What prompted this Attack? Maybe something had happened inside Iran any news about top scientists or IRGC base being targeted ?
Secondly Iraq is just being used like India. All the regional powers are fighting a war inside it's held area. Like Pakistan , USA , Russia , China were fighting in Indian held Kashmir and Assam via Proxies.
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