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EXCLUSIVE: IRGC strike on Mossad base in Iraq targets 10 Israeli operatives, issues regional warning

Secondly Iraq is just being used like India. All the regional powers are fighting a war inside it's held area. Like Pakistan , USA , Russia , China were fighting in Indian held Kashmir and Assam via Proxies.

This Iraqi Kurdistan region that is despite being blood connected to Iran, is becoming a massive problem for :

1) Iran
2) Turkey, the country which has a large minority of Kurds (pitted to become the largest majority in few years above Turkish by Erdogan himsself) who just do not get along with the Turkish model of nationhood.
3) Syria with its own Kurdish minority

When the Kurdish region called for a referendum in 2017, Iran, Turkey both reacted badly to it because literally, no country in the region wanted them to be separated from Iraq except for Israel.


CEP of <10m
Man look at the structure of this building. A network of the bulkiest rebars that i have seen is used to protect the building. From civil engineering point of view, it absolutely is not a civil project since the structure has too much unnecessary protection which rises the cost of that building to the highest possible.

The pillars are even stronger transferring the load into the bulk foundation under ground. The building is made to be a fortress.
Man look at the structure of this building. A network of the bulkiest rebars that i have seen is used to protect the building. From civil engineering point of view, it absolutely is not a civil project since the structure has too much unnecessary protection which rises the cost of that building to the highest possible.

The pillars are even stronger transferring the load into the bulk foundation under ground. The building is made to be a fortress.

Well said.

It's clear Iran had to resort to some of its heaviest weapons in order to inflict as much damage as possible, although the super-structure being mostly intact really doesn't say much to the detriment of the operation as a whole. This was a resounding success on every front.

IRGC most likely used more FAE warheads than HE warheads in order to kill whoever was inside the compound during the strike utilizing the vacuum affects that thermobaric bombs cause. But nonetheless, the damage is still quite extensive even though target was a significantly reinforced concrete structure made to withstand bombardment as we can all clearly see.

The multiple entry holes on the roof point gives us an idea that what we see as far as damage is only half the picture. On the inside of the compound there must be massive craters and extensive damage.
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Iran can hit Amrikan bases with its missiles, what is a Mosad training facility o_O
Iranian media reporting "A fire incident has been reported at a military base near the city of Kermanshah in western Iran."

"There were no reports of casualties or major damage in the incident."

Literally 4 days later, satellite image of the said military base, in the same city of Kermanshah, showing that the base is completely blown up.

This came along with a report by Israel:
Israel strikes Iranian drone facility at the same place ", destroying hundreds of drones of various sizes,
This allegedly was done with 6 Israeli drones:

View attachment 824465
In this satellite image taken February 18, 2022, damage is seen to a site belonging to the IRGC in the Iranian province of Kermanshah. (Planet Labs PBC via Aurora Intel)

Then Israel kills 2 Iranian officers responsible for mounting guidance systems on ballistic missiles:

So while Israel airstrikes an Iranian drone facilities, inside Iran, and then kill 2 IRGC officers in Syria, Iran decides to launch a ballistic missile strike on a "Mossad" Kurdish TV studio, in Iraq.

You guys are a joke honestly
Bahahahah ''hundreds of drones''. That facility looks like it can house barely 20 drones, including heavy hardware.

Why not millions of drones? Is more believable.

Spread your zionist propaganda somewhere else.

They must have shown too much naked female toe or hand on TV...
Coming from a country with highest honor killing in the world :rofl:

Go sit in your place and meddle in your South Asian affairs.
Bahahahah ''hundreds of drones''. That facility looks like it can house barely 20 drones, including heavy hardware.

Why not millions of drones? Is more believable.

Spread your zionist propaganda somewhere else.

Coming from a country with highest honor killing in the world :rofl:

Go sit in your place and meddle in your South Asian affairs.
Lol your media reports it as "fire" and no significant damage yet here it is a huge site is blown up in the satellite images.

It was a suicide drone factory, they aren't that big lol, hundreds could easily fit there

Fire is a common incident in iran.

the syrian incident is legit. Iran dont hide it.

Even the whole mossad is wiped out, israel wont do any noise...good for them..but technically a loss is a loss, we have no such solution to emotinal damage.
I know because Israeli drones like to start them

Hilarious how PressTV said "fire and insignificant damage resulted" yet the whole damn site is blown up
Bahahahah ''hundreds of drones''. That facility looks like it can house barely 20 drones, including heavy hardware.

Why not millions of drones? Is more believable.

Spread your zionist propaganda somewhere else.

Coming from a country with highest honor killing in the world :rofl:

Go sit in your place and meddle in your South Asian affairs.

He's beyond reconcilable and only wants to bother us thinking he will get something out it.

(childish joke, sorry)
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He's beyond reconcilable and only wants to bother us thinking he will get something out it.

I wonder if his credit card was declined when he was trying to buy small condoms during Iran's cyber-attack lol.
That cyber attack literally wasn't felt
DDOSing (any 10 year old with Low Orbit Ion Cannon software can do it, I did it first when I was 12, against people I was playing online video games with) sites that went back after 2 hours.


7:15 a few sites went down

By 9:00 P.M., the truth was slowly starting to emerge: Israel, the cyber powerhouse that has long engaged in proxy cyber wars against enemies like Iran, was hit with what is called a DDoS attack. These attacks are considered to be the lowest rung of cyberattacks, the least sophisticated and the easiest to identify. A far cry from the complex attacks attributed to Israel, Iran, or even North Korea, the attack is tantamount to flooding a computer with multiple requests until it crashes. In this case, Israeli state websites were pummeled with traffic and queries until their servers buckled under the pressure.

By 9:00 P.M., full access had been restored. “The attack caused a short outage and temporarily prevented access to some Israeli websites,” the authority said this morning.

At best you prevented me from getting a government license for 2 hours lol

And that DDOS attack had no impact on credit cards, or anything beyond a few websites.
Dear Iranian PDF member, what Iran did was indeed heroic, and EVEN IF the targets were not Israeli safe houses, the message has been sent to your enemies. But I want to ask you one thing. Why does Iran not strike Israel directly? Will even 500 missile strikes in Iraq mean anything if nothing comes out of it?

To be honest, I am impressed by the accuracy of your missiles and all, but are they are of any use if not pointing in the right direction? Israel is fuelling discord in the neighbouring states, and promoting hatred along sectarian lines. Iran just seems to be playing along with the Israeli game plan.

I can understand if Iran thinks striking Israel will be risky, but when do you think will Iran be capable enough to challenge Israel directly?
Well base on Int law your response must be proportion and in the same level .. whenever isreal attack us from occupied lands then it'll receive response in occupied lands too ...
Under article 51 of the UN charter "Nothing in the present Charter shall impair the inherent right of individual or collective self-defence if an armed attack occurs against a Member" ..
Iran simply responded to israel's attack against Iran from Iraqi soil in the same manner in Iraqi soil for 2 reasons:
1. Warning Iraqis to purge these cockroaches and don't let its soil become a source of instability for Iraqi neighbors .
2. To respond isreal strike in the same manner.
The one that is playing along with the Israeli game plan are those whom called isreal brother and sign peace not Iran ...
whenever isreal attack us from occupied lands then it'll receive response in occupied lands too
Thank you for your reply, but what about that news that Israel has destroyed hundreds of Iranian drones on an airbase near Kermanshah by an airstrike on Iranian land? The following picture is from an independent company named Planet:

Three targets are dead and seven others have sustained critical injuries in Iranian missile strikes on a secret Israeli Mossad compound in Erbil early in the morning of 13 March, a senior Iranian security source, speaking exclusively to The Cradle, has revealed.

“This operation sends a message to all countries in the region that Iran is sensitive to the Israeli regime’s activities near its borders and does not tolerate it.”

The Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corp (IRGC) salvo of 12 Fateh Iranian missiles struck the Mossad base at 1:20am, “at a symbolic hour when the resistance commanders were assassinated,” says the source – a reference to the US/Israeli assassinations of Iranian Quds Force Commander Qassem Soleimani and Iraqi Deputy Commander of the Popular Mobilization Units (PMU) Abu Mahdi al-Muhandes on 3 January 2020.

“The operation has so far killed three people, two of them senior officers, and estimates show seven wounded, some of whom are probably in critical condition,” he said.

Shortly after the operation, the source says an air ambulance was requested from Stuttgart, Germany, which landed in Qatar due to security concerns. US forces reportedly used a C130 aircraft to transport the bodies and wounded to the ambulance.

The Iranian security source claims that the IRGC operation was conducted in direct retaliation for a 14 February Israeli attack on an IRGC-operated drone base in the Mahidasht district of Kermanshah, inside Iran. “Fortunately, we did not have any casualties, but once the source of this [Israeli] attack was identified as originating from Iraq, [Sunday’s] operation was put on the agenda.”

The Iranian source says Iraqi officials were warned that military operations targeting Iran were taking place within Iraq’s borders – in two official meetings, with evidentiary documents in hand. He says IRGC Quds Force Commander Esmail Qaani had already warned the leaders of the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) region about these cases.

The source also confirmed that the missile strikes were not in retaliation for Israel’s killing of two IRGC members in an airstrike near Damascus on 8 March, as reported by various foreign media outlets. He said Iran has reserved the right to retaliate for that incident at a later date.

The source describes the Mossad base in Erbil as “unofficial and hidden – in the form of two villas that had a normal appearance.” Iranian reconnaissance had observed several things in the lead up to the operation, however:

“The structure of these two villas had two roofs that completely protected it from 240mm missiles. An explosion-proof engineering roof under a shock-absorbing roof that had two layers under the gable roof.”

He says the post-operation images confirms this assessment. The building, despite being hit by 12 missiles, still maintains its structural integrity.

Iranian intel had also observed, over a period of time, that non-Israelis were not allowed to enter the area and that only the external protection of the area was conducted by “regional security forces,” identified by the source as Parastin, the Kurdish intel security forces. Kurds were otherwise forbidden access to the facilities.

The source adds: “this facility was a place of entertainment for the [Israeli] regime’s officers and cyber-electronic staff based in the region, so there was not much traffic during the week, and we mostly saw their presence on the weekends.”

At the time of the IRGC’s missile strike last weekend, he says: “more than 10 people had entered the facility.”

Iraq does not allow Israeli nationals to visit the country and has strict laws, reinforced last year, that prohibit any Iraqi interaction with the state of Israel.

Three targets are dead and seven others have sustained critical injuries in Iranian missile strikes on a secret Israeli Mossad compound in Erbil early in the morning of 13 March, a senior Iranian security source, speaking exclusively to The Cradle, has revealed.

“This operation sends a message to all countries in the region that Iran is sensitive to the Israeli regime’s activities near its borders and does not tolerate it.”

The Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corp (IRGC) salvo of 12 Fateh Iranian missiles struck the Mossad base at 1:20am, “at a symbolic hour when the resistance commanders were assassinated,” says the source – a reference to the US/Israeli assassinations of Iranian Quds Force Commander Qassem Soleimani and Iraqi Deputy Commander of the Popular Mobilization Units (PMU) Abu Mahdi al-Muhandes on 3 January 2020.

“The operation has so far killed three people, two of them senior officers, and estimates show seven wounded, some of whom are probably in critical condition,” he said.

Shortly after the operation, the source says an air ambulance was requested from Stuttgart, Germany, which landed in Qatar due to security concerns. US forces reportedly used a C130 aircraft to transport the bodies and wounded to the ambulance.

The Iranian security source claims that the IRGC operation was conducted in direct retaliation for a 14 February Israeli attack on an IRGC-operated drone base in the Mahidasht district of Kermanshah, inside Iran. “Fortunately, we did not have any casualties, but once the source of this [Israeli] attack was identified as originating from Iraq, [Sunday’s] operation was put on the agenda.”

The Iranian source says Iraqi officials were warned that military operations targeting Iran were taking place within Iraq’s borders – in two official meetings, with evidentiary documents in hand. He says IRGC Quds Force Commander Esmail Qaani had already warned the leaders of the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) region about these cases.

The source also confirmed that the missile strikes were not in retaliation for Israel’s killing of two IRGC members in an airstrike near Damascus on 8 March, as reported by various foreign media outlets. He said Iran has reserved the right to retaliate for that incident at a later date.

The source describes the Mossad base in Erbil as “unofficial and hidden – in the form of two villas that had a normal appearance.” Iranian reconnaissance had observed several things in the lead up to the operation, however:

“The structure of these two villas had two roofs that completely protected it from 240mm missiles. An explosion-proof engineering roof under a shock-absorbing roof that had two layers under the gable roof.”

He says the post-operation images confirms this assessment. The building, despite being hit by 12 missiles, still maintains its structural integrity.

Iranian intel had also observed, over a period of time, that non-Israelis were not allowed to enter the area and that only the external protection of the area was conducted by “regional security forces,” identified by the source as Parastin, the Kurdish intel security forces. Kurds were otherwise forbidden access to the facilities.

The source adds: “this facility was a place of entertainment for the [Israeli] regime’s officers and cyber-electronic staff based in the region, so there was not much traffic during the week, and we mostly saw their presence on the weekends.”

At the time of the IRGC’s missile strike last weekend, he says: “more than 10 people had entered the facility.”

Iraq does not allow Israeli nationals to visit the country and has strict laws, reinforced last year, that prohibit any Iraqi interaction with the state of Israel.

Iran should be careful about who it messes it. Israel could with the help the US bomb Iran conventionally back to the stone age. Iran would not be able to do anything about it. The fact that Iran cant handle a 8x smaller Israel screams incompetence.
Thank you for your reply, but what about that news that Israel has destroyed hundreds of Iranian drones on an airbase near Kermanshah by an airstrike on Iranian land? The following picture is from an independent company named Planet:

View attachment 824684

The zionist regime never claimed to have conducted a direct military attack against targets on Iranian soil.

Therefore, if Iran were to respond in kind, it would have to be an unclaimed operation as well, with media reports hinting that it was an Iranian attack. But, in that case Isra"el"i media and the entirety of their global mainstream counterparts will deny it was an Iranian strike and present it as an accident. And, the entire Iran-hating crowd, including in the Muslim world, will go with the zionist and western propaganda and fervently dismiss explanations offered by pro-Iranian sources. This is quite evident in comments on this very forum.

As a matter of fact, it's more than probable that Iran did respond directly in Occupied Palestine, and not just once: from the assassination of a major Isra"el"i scientist to a series of explosions which took place in 2021 across Occupied Palestinian territory.

But, all of this won't change anything in the eyes of those who hate Iran anyway (mostly sectarianists, racists and those who buy into mainstream media narratives and into what their US-/Isra"el"i-allied regimes tell them). Those with no such prejudices, however, know better.
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Thank you for your reply, but what about that news that Israel has destroyed hundreds of Iranian drones on an airbase near Kermanshah by an airstrike on Iranian land? The following picture is from an independent company named Planet:

View attachment 824684

Lol only a putz would think “hundreds” of drones would fit in that warehouse.

Funny how that news doesn’t emerge until after the humiliating cyberattack and Iraqi Erbil missile attack.

That was a small drone base that housed maybe 10 mohajer drones.

It was one of the reasons Iran struck Erbil because there were indications that the Intel shows that Mossad conducted part of the operation from that region.
Thank you for your reply, but what about that news that Israel has destroyed hundreds of Iranian drones on an airbase near Kermanshah by an airstrike on Iranian land? The following picture is from an independent company named Planet:

View attachment 824684

This fake news came from "timesofisrael", the beacon of truth, run in a country that we are at war with. Relying upon our enemy for information on us is like I start relying upon Indian news agencies reports for information on the Pakistani military.
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