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Dude.. there's something you need to understand.. NCW needs lots of resources from space,air,land and sea...and in quality and quantity Pakistan doesn't have them..

All those UAV and UCAV's can do little in the land war but not in the ocean where CBG is based 500km away from your shore. One best thing you've is those AShM.. forget about the ones in the land becasue they won't do the job.. CBG is not going to come in its rang.. and if our ships plans to assault the shore/port.. IAG/IN fighter will be asked to clear them.. and this is one of the main reason IAF is dying to induct the Rafael,Mki's can do the same job but its rcs is huge.

So you're left with fighter to bring the AShM's.. for that a figher needs to come near the cbg.. you need to cross the Migs layer then the carriers escorts.. we've tested the Barak-8 against brahMos.. It's not easy to hit a carrier

Theoretically PN can hit upto 400kms from shore based systems with C-602s, but one must remember that IN will be operating far from their shores so will require more assets to be operational, PN & PAF know their weak spots in case of war with India but their doctrine is sea denial not sea control which could be done with lesser force but it should be well equipped and trained and have good strategies / plans to implement.

The purchase of new subs, ships with MR/LR SAMs (Frigates, Cutters, Corvettes), MPAs, MBs, JF-17s with variety of AShM, Su-35 class jets are done as per required doctrine. Whereas ship and land based UAVs are also deployed while more advance MALE UAVs / UCAVs are coming, PN is also working on UUVs and in future UUAVs will be there too. This is biggest expression in history of PN and it will continue in coming future as role has changed and it requires more assets.
so what are you buying ??

And IN will start to shrink :( .................from 150 to 200 by next ten years

Man typical fan boy stuff, numbers are necessary but they should be as per adopted doctrine and readiness as per that doctrine.

8 cutters from US for littoral policing with 6 Type-56 ships, 4 upgraded/larger F-22Ps with MR/LR SAMs, 2 Type-54 Ships, MRTPs, MBs, 8 long range subs with AIP & CMs, Medium MPAs, 30 JF-17s are also approved by Gov't for PN.
I can't understand how certain Pakistani folks utterly unaware of research make so tall claims without even taking care of true research potential of their country.
They feed on propaganda and half information with no scientific credibility whatsoever.
Out of 100 Pakistani folks here on this forum,hardly 10 will talk based on pure logic and scientific reasoning.
Btw I've been following PDF for past 6 years!
Man typical fan boy stuff
says a person who still don't understand how AWACS works ...........says
can detect ships @ 450kms while later can strike ships @ 125kms.
:lol::lol: @amardeep mishra help him

8 cutters from US for littoral policing with 6 Type-56 ships, 4 upgraded/larger F-22Ps with MR/LR SAMs, 2 Type-54 Ships, MRTPs, MBs, 8 long range subs with AIP & CMs, Medium MPAs, 30 JF-17s are also approved by Gov't for PN.

8 cutters from US for littoral policing with 6 Type-56 ships: are not warships..but rather patrol ships without any air defence

4 upgraded/larger F-22Ps with MR/LR SAMs: they are also defenceless with just 8 VSR-SAM, lets say in future upgraded ones only have med range SAM not LR SAM like HQ-9s

2 Type-54 Ships: there is no talk of it ......even if still it will come with MR SAMs same like F22p

8 long range subs with AIP & CMs: now this is effective unlike other equipments

Jf are short legged ............SU-35 will be effective......... if PN gets in that case we IN will go for SM-6 or S-400 or indian LRSAM programme of 300km if it gets ready
Theoretically PN can hit upto 400kms from shore based systems with C-602s, but one must remember that IN will be operating far from their shores so will require more assets to be operational, PN & PAF know their weak spots in case of war with India but their doctrine is sea denial not sea control which could be done with lesser force but it should be well equipped and trained and have good strategies / plans to implement.

The purchase of new subs, ships with MR/LR SAMs (Frigates, Cutters, Corvettes), MPAs, MBs, JF-17s with variety of AShM, Su-35 class jets are done as per required doctrine. Whereas ship and land based UAVs are also deployed while more advance MALE UAVs / UCAVs are coming, PN is also working on UUVs and in future UUAVs will be there too. This is biggest expression in history of PN and it will continue in coming future as role has changed and it requires more assets.

Theoretically but in reality chances are slim with its speed and so.. still can't touch the CBG.

Pn still lacks in sea denial capabilities.. (PN's Surface vessel doesn't scar away IN.) and you guys chose a poor fighter (jf) for the job.

the only Arsenal which can scar the IN is the PN's subs...
that's why we're heavily investing in ASW systems.. 12 specially designed Komorta for ASW with another 12-15 P-8's and not to mention the 6 scorpene and next Gen Subs??? and the SSN.

Please lets not talk about su-35.. tht's not going to happen. uav/ucav against cbg is can't be happening in reality...
says a person who still don't understand how AWACS works ...........says
:lol::lol: @amardeep mishra help him

8 cutters from US for littoral policing with 6 Type-56 ships: are not warships..but rather patrol ships without any air defence

4 upgraded/larger F-22Ps with MR/LR SAMs: they are also defenceless with just 8 VSR-SAM, lets say in future upgraded ones only have med range SAM not LR SAM like HQ-9s

2 Type-54 Ships: there is no talk of it ......even if still it will come with MR SAMs same like F22p

8 long range subs with AIP & CMs: now this is effective unlike other equipments

Jf are short legged ............SU-35 will be effective......... if PN gets in that case we IN will go for SM-6 or S-400 or indian LRSAM programme of 300km if it gets ready

With CFTs JF-17 will be potent threat in strike package with Su-35/J-11s, PN's JF-17 are separate from PAF's maritime strike role birds, also YJ-12 ARM with 400km range will he big threat to long range radars of IN.
I can't understand how certain Pakistani folks utterly unaware of research make so tall claims without even taking care of true research potential of their country.
They feed on propaganda and half information with no scientific credibility whatsoever.
Out of 100 Pakistani folks here on this forum,hardly 10 will talk based on pure logic and scientific reasoning.
Btw I've been following PDF for past 6 years!
Why do you bring pakistan in each and every discussion ?
It their birth right to feel good about their motherland.
Isn't enough for you to understand the state of their research potential?
what is in it there for you to prove them wrong?, If they are wrong they should find it out themselves.
One question about your ship, where it stand when compared with similar ships of US, EU, Russia, China and others?
Theoretically but in reality chances are slim with its speed and so.. still can't touch the CBG..
Actually they can ...........but with some losses

Pn still lacks in sea denial capabilities.. (PN's Surface vessel doesn't scar away IN.) and you guys chose a poor fighter (jf) for the job
he simply dont understand that .....all of theirs so called ships are nothing but missile boat..

Azmat class : only AShM but of less then 200 km
F22p zulfikar class: only AShm but of 280 km but does not have strong radar ...no air defence only eight 10 km SAM .so more of larger missile boat ...though pN will get larger F22p but only with MR SAMs in low quality not effect against mach 3 AShm

the only Arsenal which can scar the IN is the PN's subs...
this what need to be taken care off......this are actual threat that ..which they are doing which you have already explained

Please lets not talk about su-35.. tht's not going to happen. uav/ucav against cbg is can't be happening in reality...
what if its happens? what will be INs reply in that case...........this will address the first case
Man typical fan boy stuff, numbers are necessary but they should be as per adopted doctrine and readiness as per that doctrine.

8 cutters from US for littoral policing with 6 Type-56 ships, 4 upgraded/larger F-22Ps with MR/LR SAMs, 2 Type-54 Ships, MRTPs, MBs, 8 long range subs with AIP & CMs, Medium MPAs, 30 JF-17s are also approved by Gov't for PN.

I don't know who is fanboy the one who claims ... we secret weapons to surprise IN... more advanced UAV, UCAV is going to come blah blah... or the other guy ... all you are doing is assuming your self only PN is inducting secret weapons... only PAF, PN knows but not vice versa. .. you are not counting IAF and IN air assets ... your claims are itself silly.. yet your saying someone else as fanboy...

One question about your ship, where it stand when compared with similar ships of US, EU, Russia, China and others?

In Indian ocean, bay of bengal and Arabian sea...
With CFTs JF-17 will be potent threat in strike package with Su-35/J-11s, PN's JF-17 are separate from PAF's maritime strike role birds,.
Now what will be counter of the IN to SU-35 have you ever thought
also YJ-12 ARM with 400km range will he big threat to long range radars of IN
How can PN or PAF will detect a steath ship at 400 km ..please explain ?
Why do you bring pakistan in each and every discussion ?
It their birth right to feel good about their motherland.
Isn't enough for you to understand the state of their research potential?
what is in it there for you to prove them wrong?, If they are wrong they should find it out themselves

I was merely baffled by what Mr basel wrote throughout this thread! and my comment was merely a response to that,nothing more nothing less.
As for the state of research is concerned,one must make a very judicious comment taking everything in account- or in short one must do their homework before writing anything
Now what will be counter of the IN to SU-35 have you ever thought

How can PN or PAF will detect a steath ship at 400 km ..please explain ?

With AESA AWACS specially design to do that.

I don't know who is fanboy the one who claims ... we secret weapons to surprise IN... more advanced UAV, UCAV is going to come blah blah... or the other guy ... all you are doing is assuming your self only PN is inducting secret weapons... only PAF, PN knows but not vice versa. .. you are not counting IAF and IN air assets ... your claims are itself silly.. yet your saying someone else as fanboy...

In Indian ocean, bay of bengal and Arabian sea...

Read this how UAVs will be used against CBGs.

Meet the PLA’s Deadly New ‘Carrier Killer’ Drone | The Diplomat

In Arabian sea??

I asked about its capabilities when compared to others.

I was merely baffled by what Mr basel wrote throughout this thread! and my comment was merely a response to that,nothing more nothing less.
As for the state of research is concerned,one must make a very judicious comment taking everything in account- or in short one must do their homework before writing anything

We should talk in some other thread. :)

Sorry for being off topic.

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