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Exclusive: India ready for another strike against Pakistan

Pakistan's foreign office recent statement: "There is a difficult situation with India. We wish for deescalation and are taking steps for this. The situation like the prime minister said remains on alert."
Let the Modi sarkar enjoy the big talks. After all, he gotta win the election. They have lost their minds after 27th February. And now for the face saving they are making more mistakes. They wouldn’t do anything now & even if they do, Pakistan is ready too.

So let us hunt few more jets & few more Abhinandan.
The same modi got Indian pilot back in 48 hours.
He is going to win the 2019 elections and he is going to go after the jaish
Don't you usually keep this sort of things a secret so your opponent won't be prepared?

These Indians only have big mouths on social media. Indians are social media tigers. When the time for action arrives they collapse like a house of cards.

It is beyond hilarious how these stupid ragtag Indians find the courage to log into this forum and act tough when we spanked the shit out of them on the 27th. The whole world witnessed Indian spanking live on their TV screens and mobile phones.
If you notice, I am arguing with my Pakistani participants that Pakistan should have dealt a massive blow on the Indians including killing Bipin when he was in a brigade HQ. Even in conventional war , Pakistan have to be offensive. You are wrong on one thing, if it escalate, it would end up in Nuclear confrontation, make no mistakes. That's where Indians are wrong and playing with fire.

Both India and Pak did the right thing in showing restraint. It could have easily got out of hand.

Pak could have shot or attempted to shoot IAF planes when they bombed Balakot. The response from IAF after Pak’s bombing run was tepid to say the least. We don’t know the ROE set at both instances. Clearly there was more inclination to disengage or deescalate at both instances.
Doval wants to accomplish 1971 sort of stuff knowing that Pakistan has a bad economy right now and cannot possibly match Indian onslaught for long. He has done his calculations and only time will tell how bad his calculations are.

Thousands lives are at stake because someone isn't sure about his 56" chest.
Dovals bet was always Balochistan....
He will never like war
I think that it is more than probable that India may once again carry out some kind of limited attack on Pakistan, in the coming days, in order to further the political image of Modi and BJP. The original post of this thread, therefore, shall not be taken lightly.
I think that it is more than probable that India may once again carry out some kind of limited attack on Pakistan, in the coming days, in order to further the political image of Modi and BJP. The original post of this thread, therefore, shall not be taken lightly.

Very likely. Need to be vigilant and strike immediately.
lets not brag too much and be realistic
our forces are affected by ur crippling economy and lack of resources and face a numerically stronger enemy with much more resources. there is a limit to training and "man behind the gun" advantage we can take.

more so we can do our part in anyway to ensure our victory
how? we perform our duties public duties pay our dues
dont let enemy exploit sectarianism and ethic rivalry etc.
our good work trickle down and benefit our country enabling our defenders to use all resources needed to defend against a stronger enemy.
Many here don't understand,in a small skirmish Pakistan can match India man for man or gun for gun,and as the fight spreads so will the disadvantage for Pakistan,the reason India wants and Pakistan establishment dsnt want, "escalation".
Don't you usually keep this sort of things a secret so your opponent won't be prepared?


IMHO, No Surgical strike or war is ensuing... The idea, probably, is to keep the war hysteria alive on both side (albeit for different reasons), along with aggressive CAPs (Both on LOC & IB), Naval movements and ongoing heavy LOC skirmishes for a moderate to long time...

Result?? Obvious enormous economic, machinery & munition attrition from both sides. The question is who can sustain it for a longer duration without sustaining any long time/ permanent dent!!!
Yeah.. no he didn't. We sent him back as a good will gesture. Poor Modi still hasn't got your Kulbushan Yadav back.
We already got his counterpart
Till we have him nothing is going to happen for yadav ..
You can call whatever you want. I'm an was yielded in no time
We already got his counterpart
Till we have him nothing is going to happen for yadav ..
You can call whatever you want. I'm an was yielded in no time

Counterpart? You mean that officer that was abducted in east asia a while back? The one who has been forgotten about totally? Lol. You do realise what will happen IF ICJ's conclusion points out that KY (Jelly) was operating as a spy for India?
Counterpart? You mean that officer that was abducted in east asia a while back? The one who has been forgotten about totally? Lol. You do realise what will happen IF ICJ's conclusion points out that KY (Jelly) was operating as a spy for India?
Nepal precisely
He will get consular access
The only thing we need to fear is that the only thing these skinny legged insects are good at is sucking western balls and back-stabbing when you ain't looking. They are too chicken hearted to fight you man to man inspite of their over-whelming numerical superiority. We are dealing with pathetic kunts who'd stoop to any level. Remember most of the indian army is made up of cucks.
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