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Exclusive: China says Azad Kashmir region 'part of Pakistan', raises eyebrows

Pakistan could liberate Khalistan and IOK, while China could take back Andhra Pradesh.

For the geographically challenged.

He was referring to himachal pradesh

He is geographically challenged and you are historically challenged. There has been no dispute over himanchal pradesh. Before posting just do a small google search
I wanted to hear that....
I wonder why the Pakistanis were so reluctant in admitting that.....

Coming back to your question
Do I think govt should a referendum.....maybe yes maybe no
Do the government should actually hold a referendum.....hell no
The place belongs to India
The second part....am I confident that the Kashmiris love India......
no I don't think so......but I do believe they will do one day.....
Showing middle finger to the separatist during elections was the first step.....it doesn't mean they love us but it does means we r in the correct path
I hope I have answered all ur questions

Since u said.....Azad Kashmir doesn't belongs to Chinese......I would like to know about your views on Aksai Chin

This I promise will never happen......

You're not being very clear on your views, "maybe yes, maybe no" is not an answer, it is a deflection. If India is confident that Kashmir is it's territory, then why does it always claim that it wants bilateral negotiations? And when Pakistan does, why does India reject negotiations with Pakistan? India's stance is contradictory. It says it wants negotiated settlement, but is completely unwilling to sit down and talk. In the end, you and I both know that India has no real case when it comes to Kashmir.

My views have always been clear, if the whole of Kashmir comes to Pakistan, then negotiations with China are inevitable. Pakistan and China have already settle one border dispute, I don't think losing Aksai Chin to China would be a big loss.

tl;dr: You're not answering my question, and I think Aksai Chin can go to China, if it comes down to it.
He is geographically challenged and you are historically challenged. There has been no dispute over himanchal pradesh. Before posting just do a small google search
Arunachal pradesh :-D my mistake
Typo error in title, Azad Kashmir is already part of Pakistan Chinese statement is about IOK

A Chinese statement on Tuesday describing the disputed Gilgit-Baltistan region in Azad Kashmir (Azad Kashmir) as "Pakistan's" has raised eyebrows, even as China goes ahead with an ambitious economic corridor through the contested territory despite Indian concerns.

Authorities in China's far-western Xinjiang region on Tuesday announced the closure of the strategically-significant Khunjerab Pass, which links Xinjiang and Azad Kashmir, for the winter season.

The announcement issued by China's State-run and official Xinhua news agency described the pass as "a strategic point on the Karakoram highway which links China's Xinjiang with Pakistan's Gilgit-Baltistan region".

In the past, China's official position has been that it does not take sides on the Kashmir dispute, which is "for India and Pakistan to resolve". India views the region as an integral part of India that is under illegal Pakistani occupation.

Despite the official stance of neutrality, India has expressed growing concerns over increasing Chinese investments in projects in Azad Kashmir and stapled visas issued to Indians from Jammu and Kashmir, with the suggestion that the moves reflected a shift from China's earlier position on the dispute.

China subsequently withdrew the stapled visa policy for Indian citizens, but has continued with an ambitious economic corridor linking Xinjiang to the Pakistani port of Gwadar. The corridor, which includes a plan to expand the Karakoram Highway and build a railway link through Azad Kashmir, has been backed by Chinese President Xi Jinping as part of his new "Silk Road economic belt" pet project.

This is not the first Chinese reference to Gilgit-Baltistan as part of Pakistan. In 2010, the Chinese Foreign Ministry in a statement denying the presence of its troops in Azad Kashmir described the Gilgit Baltistan region as "part of Pakistan".

After India protested the reference, the ministry, as well as the official Xinhua news agency, later withdrew the statements from their websites.

Read more at: Exclusive: China says Azad Kashmir region 'part of Pakistan', raises eyebrows : World, News - India Today

Actually they don't have to do anything they are sitting on our land. We have to take back IOK.

Read it and weep india, you can't do jack, so STFU.
If memory serves, China ceded its claim to Pakistan-controlled Kashmir to Pakistan in a treaty some decades ago.

Yes, we had a deal. Actually nobody ceded anything. Pakistan got the Muslim part and we got the Tibetan part. It may not sound fair to the Kashmir nationals but reasonable. I think that China and Pakistan shared a view: we'd rather see an independent Kashmir than the one being controlled by India.

No extremely wrong point of view. :D time to open some history books. " the Sindh Sagar Doab and Kashmir came under Sikh rule" Ranjit Singh - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

From what I read Ladakh and Aksai chin were overtaken in 1834 that was recorded. The great Kasjmir even extended to Afghanistan.
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A separate Kashmir cannot survive between four nuclear powers and it is strategical importance.
Exactly......it's time people understand the ground realities and stop playing with the emotions of people involved
Exactly......it's time people understand the ground realities and stop playing with the emotions of people involved
BTW we should resolve this dispute peacefully according to the choice of Kashmirs if not then ready for Rock and Roll.Another Indo-Pak war or HM,LeT,Jem-Indo war. :D
Not even one single GBi, not one, zero
Okay lol :pop:
95% freddom fighter wants integration with Pakistan.It was jklf strategy to make Kashmir autonomous but their armed struggle is finished and their commanders joined HM.
And that 95 percent comprises 10 percent of total population :agree:

BTW we should resolve this dispute peacefully according to the choice of Kashmirs if not then ready for Rock and Roll.Another Indo-Pak war or HM,LeT,Jem-Indo war. :D
Not again......
better to have one with the big boys instead of the minnows :pleasantry:

It belongs to the pre partition Muslim majority that opted to Pakistan but was suppressed by indian guns. All else is nonsensical if they the Kashmiris want to be a separate country then why doesnt your goverment accept the 1948 UN resolution 47 for plebiscite what are you afraid of.
Okay.....so it belongs to Muslims because they were in majority.....is this what u r trying to convey?????

Should we claim Pakistan in the same manner because we Hindus were in majority also :partay:
Okay lol :pop:

And that 95 percent comprises 10 percent of total population :agree:

Not again......
better to have one with the big boys instead of the minnows :pleasantry:

Okay.....so it belongs to Muslims because they were in majority.....is this what u r trying to convey?????

Should we claim Pakistan in the same manner because we Hindus were in majority also :partay:
lol.A nuclear capable minnow. BTW china will categories big boy or...?
You're not being very clear on your views, "maybe yes, maybe no" is not an answer, it is a deflection. If India is confident that Kashmir is it's territory, then why does it always claim that it wants bilateral negotiations? And when Pakistan does, why does India reject negotiations with Pakistan? India's stance is contradictory. It says it wants negotiated settlement, but is completely unwilling to sit down and talk. In the end, you and I both know that India has no real case when it comes to Kashmir.

My views have always been clear, if the whole of Kashmir comes to Pakistan, then negotiations with China are inevitable. Pakistan and China have already settle one border dispute, I don't think losing Aksai Chin to China would be a big loss.

tl;dr: You're not answering my question, and I think Aksai Chin can go to China, if it comes down to it.
I tried my best....

Let me put it to you another way.....
we won't give Kashmir ......not at any cost.....
although we want the 1/3rd Azad Kashmir as well but we are willing to give that up by bilateral negotiations......negotiations where Pakistan gives up on IaK and India giving up on Azad Kashmir and making the present border as LoC ......

My views r not important......what matters is how GoI thinks and I have given a pretty good picture of it I think......
I say again......GoI Should not conduct a plebiscite bcuz Kashmir is an integral part of India
A Chinese statement on Tuesday describing the disputed Gilgit-Baltistan region in Azad Kashmir (Azad Kashmir) as "Pakistan's" has raised eyebrows, even as China goes ahead with an ambitious economic corridor through the contested territory despite Indian concerns.

Authorities in China's far-western Xinjiang region on Tuesday announced the closure of the strategically-significant Khunjerab Pass, which links Xinjiang and Azad Kashmir, for the winter season.

The announcement issued by China's State-run and official Xinhua news agency described the pass as "a strategic point on the Karakoram highway which links China's Xinjiang with Pakistan's Gilgit-Baltistan region".

In the past, China's official position has been that it does not take sides on the Kashmir dispute, which is "for India and Pakistan to resolve". India views the region as an integral part of India that is under illegal Pakistani occupation.

Despite the official stance of neutrality, India has expressed growing concerns over increasing Chinese investments in projects in Azad Kashmir and stapled visas issued to Indians from Jammu and Kashmir, with the suggestion that the moves reflected a shift from China's earlier position on the dispute.

China subsequently withdrew the stapled visa policy for Indian citizens, but has continued with an ambitious economic corridor linking Xinjiang to the Pakistani port of Gwadar. The corridor, which includes a plan to expand the Karakoram Highway and build a railway link through Azad Kashmir, has been backed by Chinese President Xi Jinping as part of his new "Silk Road economic belt" pet project.

This is not the first Chinese reference to Gilgit-Baltistan as part of Pakistan. In 2010, the Chinese Foreign Ministry in a statement denying the presence of its troops in Azad Kashmir described the Gilgit Baltistan region as "part of Pakistan".

After India protested the reference, the ministry, as well as the official Xinhua news agency, later withdrew the statements from their websites.

Read more at: Exclusive: China says Azad Kashmir region 'part of Pakistan', raises eyebrows : World, News - India Today

The highlighted part should educate Indians, that the world doesn't give a shyt and Indian concerns are not worth even the radioactive dust at Chernobyl.
lol.A nuclear capable minnow. BTW china will categories big boy or...?
infront of a non nuclear state.....nukes matters something......
but in front of another nuclear state Pakistan is indeed a minnow......
China isn't a big boy but having said that I will say it's not a minnow as well.......it's somewhat near the former........and will be soon considered a big player
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