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I also linked a Princeton article, which you conveniently ignored.

But none of that matters - the fact that Pashtun marauders invaded the Kingdom of Kashmir is well known, and the fact that the ruler asked for Indian help, and that India offered assistance on the sole condition of Kashmir's accession. Which is when they legally acceded to India, and Indian forces stepped in and stopped the looting and plundering by Pakistan's tribal militias, and even sent them back from the most important regions. (Srinagar airport being a principal example.)

Here is Oxford:


Here is BBC:


:lol:........read it again. It says NOTHING of Pakistan invading, rather it mentions Tribesmen FROM Pakistan coming to fight the indian army...........:lol:

No mention of looting or plundering or anything else you are claiming....... :lol:
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:lol:........read it again. It says NOTHING of Pakistan invading, rather it mentions Tribesmen FROM Pakistan coning to fight the indian army...........:lol:

No mention of looting or plundering or anything else you are claiming....... :lol:
Ah, I see - Pakistan did not invade, only Pakistanis did. There is no shame in admitting that you were uninformed.
*walks into thread*
*looks around*
*walks back out*

Ah, I see - Pakistan did not invade, only Pakistanis did. There is no shame in admitting that you were uninformed.

So when was there looting and plundering as per your claims? Where is the evidence?......... :azn:

As per your claims, there is NO mention of an invasion. Simply, "Pakistani Tribesmen ENTERING Kashmir"........... :azn:
And who do you think precipitated those conditions? Who do you think raised, armed and trained battalion after battalion of Mukti Bahinis? It was a masterpiece of India's military strategy. We created those conditions that led to the splitting of Pakistan into two.
Your country trained mukti bahni but it were our filthy politicians who created insecurity among Bangladeshis and you took advantage but thats not my point, my point is that if you were so brave, why didn't you come and fight one on one, why did you fight via proxy, it wasn't your bravery that split us into two...
I demand that the government should immediately halt all such traditions.

Failure to comply to demands shall result in immediate change in definition of a neutral stance.

Deadline date to come true on the above set out demand is 14th May 2022.
Again -

47: Pakistan invaded a small independent kingdom of Kashmir, and then got pushed back from the best parts when thhey invited the Indian armed forces to do so.

65: Pakistan started the war in the hopes of capturing Kashmir, and now console themselves that they didn't lose Lahore. Brilliant!

71: We cut you into two. And two your remain.

99: Every Pakistani infiltrator was sent back in body bags, and your country even refused to acknowledge that you fought. In fact, the Indian army had to offer funeral services to your dead soldiers.

Sure, try to invade India. What is stopping you? Cowardice? Pragmatism?
47-49: Tribal lashkars pushed into Kashmir on behalf of the muslim population that was being systematically genocided by the brutal regime of Hari Singh. The lashkars managed to reach Srinagar which is when the Indian army pushed in (after Hari Singh singed the instrument of accession, later retconned by the UN telling both sides that a plebiscite needs to be held (neither side complied yet)). The indian army pushed the Lashkars back to the border managing to retake the whole Kashmir, up until the Pakistan army (regulars) counter attacked the Indian Army, pushed them back and retook over 40% of Kashmir. A ceasefire was declared and singed by both combatants.

65: following India's unprovoked assault in the Rann of Kutch (which ended in a complete failure), Pakistan launched its own operation Gibraltar in Kashmir which ended in a failure. This led to India declaring war on Pakistan, hence pushing past the IB and into Pakistan. What followed next was a category of failures and success on both sides, and the ultimate failure of the Indian army to capture Lahore and gain the upper hand (see CIA report on the 65 war). In the mean time the Indian military suffered heavier casualties than the Pakistan military, in terms of manpower and equipment. Land gained by the Indian army was made negligible (despite capturing more land than Pakistan) by the Pakistan armys gains, as per the CIA stating 'the land captured was unimportant and held no strategic value). Despite this, ceasefire was declared and all land was returned.

71: contrary to your claims of the Pak army not fighting 2700km away from Pakistan, and that they were still in Pakistan (read up on the creation of Pakistan and how East Pakistan was never meant to be a part of Pakistan), the Pakistan Army in the East was cutoff from receiving supplies and reinforcements. Hence they were heavily outnumbered and outgunned, but still gave a hell of fight. East Pakistan was doomed to fall.

34,000 troops can only hold out for so long against a coalition of 350,000+. Esepcially with limited supplies.

In the west however, India just like 65, faced a plethora of failures. Land gained again was of little strategic value, despite fielding the much more advanced equipment now, the Indian military still continued to sustain heavy losses and make unimportant gains against the Pakistan military. All in all, at the end of the war, the only gain India got was Kargil, where as Pakistan gained the Chamb. East Pakistan became Bangladesh.

99: Pakistan still holds 4/8 peaks today incl the most important peak. During the initial conflict, India was only able to take back 2/8 peaks. India still hasnt taken back the remaining 4 peaks today, thus operation vijay is a failure (operation vijat was to take back all peaks occupied by Pakistan and to expel Pakistani presence from the AO). That too whilst again, taking heavier losses.
It is fairly well known (even your fellow Pakistanis above the age of 20 will not dispute it) that Pakistan sent tribal lashkars (mostly Pashtuns) to maraud the independent Kingdom of Kashmir. This is what prompted the ruler to accede to India.
No, Hari Singh launched a genocide against Kashmiri Muslims which led to a rebellion in Kashmir, and the families of the slain Muslims were prompted to invade. Pakistan just let them invade.

The Indian Army and Air Force instantly came to the aid of the Genocidal Hari Singh once he began losing control of Kashmir. Then after fighting irregular Kashmiri and Pashtun forces for a year they lost Gilgit Baltistan and Azad Kashmir.

Then the moth eaten Pakistan Army arrived after a year (because British generals refused to go to war with another dominion) with no airforce and the war ended after India asked for a ceasefire and it was accepted.
No, Hari Singh launched a genocide against Kashmiri Muslims which led to a rebellion in Kashmir, and the families of the slain Muslims were prompted to invade. Pakistan just let them invade.

The Indian Army and Air Force instantly came to the aid of the Genocidal Hari Singh once he began losing control of Kashmir. Then after fighting irregular Kashmiri and Pashtun forces for a year they lost Gilgit Baltistan and Azad Kashmir.

Then the moth eaten Pakistan Army arrived after a year (because British generals refused to go to war with another dominion) with no airforce and the war ended after India asked for a ceasefire and it was accepted.
Yes , Indians need to read more on the Poonch Rebellion , and how the people of AJK were Oppresed
Yes , Indians need to read more on the Poonch Rebellion , and how the people of AJK were Oppresed
Since childhood they're fed the narrative that Kashmiris want to be Indian and Pakistan is terrorising them by sending militants across the border. It can be quite difficult to learn that you have been lied to by your country your whole life - denial is one of the stages of grief, after all.
Since childhood they're fed the narrative that Kashmiris want to be Indian and Pakistan is terrorising them by sending militants across the border. It can be quite difficult to learn that you have been lied to by your country your whole life - denial is one of the stages of grief, after all.
One of the reasons Gibraltar failed
Government has 48 hours left to make fundamental changes in her behaviour.

Times up.

Government has chosen to open a new front. The continued Indian appeasement policies leftover by PTI regime has left no other options but for PDP to part ways with neutrality.
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