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So let's get this straight here.........more than 7× bigger india CAN ONLY take on Pakistan when 40,000 lightly armed PA soldiers are cut off from their mainland by more than 2700 kms:azn:
Yea, tell yourself this BS if it makes you feel better. Why is West Pakistan the "mainland", when more people lived in East Pakistan? East Pakistan was zero miles away from Pakistan - it was Pakistan. If you did not allocate military resources there, that's your own faulty planning. Incompetence.

You could have made India fight a two front war, by attacking India from both flanks - instead you now cry that East Pakistan was 2700 Kms away. When in fact, it was Pakistan. If you had lost West Pakistan, you would say the same thing, wouldn't you?

Allocating military resources judiciously is the duty of a competent military. Crying that you didn't have military resources to defend the place where more than half your population resided, reeks of incompetence.
Yea, tell yourself this BS if it makes you feel better. Why is West Pakistan the "mainland", when more people lived in East Pakistan? East Pakistan was zero miles away from Pakistan - it was Pakistan. If you did not allocate military resources there, that's your own faulty planning. Incompetence.

You could have made India fight a two front war, by attacking India from both flanks - instead you now cry that East Pakistan was 2700 Kms away. When in fact, it was Pakistan. If you had lost West Pakistan, you would say the same thing, wouldn't you?

Allocating military resources judiciously is the duty of a competent military. Crying that you didn't have military resources to defend the place where more than half your population resided, reeks of incompetence.

The creation of bangladesh was just as inevitable as was the creation of Pakistan in 1947. You can't form nations with peoples who are racially too different to one another. If the allegedly mighty russians can get thrashed by the ukrainians then it is feasible that 40,000 lightly armed PA troops will not do too well against over 650,000 indian troops backed by over a million bangladeshi militia men no matter what anyone says or does.
47: Pakistan invaded the independent kingdom of Kashmir, and they voluntarily acceded to India, and Indian forces stopped your marauding and pushed you back. Took back the best parts of Kashmir, including Srinagar.

65: Pakistan started a war to take Kashmir, but ended up desperately defending Lahore instead.

99: Pakistanis infiltrated into India, and were sent back in body bags.

71: India raised, armed and trained freedom fighters, and later when Pakistan attacked India, showed the full might of India, and split you into two. You signed the surrender documents to India's Eastern Army Command:

47 Pakistan took control of Kashmir which is still part of Pakistan.

65 Pakistan defended their land against a 7 times larger enemy and India couldn't Penetrate an inch into Lahore and were sent packing back home.

99 it was a military victory which Nawaz sharif gave away due to America pressure.

71 war is your only victory. only because of the treachery of the Bangladeshis. If they weren't traitors India would've never gained any type of victory.

Pakistan can invade India at any time of its choosing. Indians particularly the Hindus are vaginas that can't fight wars. Muslims have invaded your precious land many many times in the past and can do it again because Hindus are too weak as the inferior race they can't fight prolonged wars.
The creation of bangladesh was just as inevitable as was the creation of Pakistan in 1947. You can't form nations with peoples who are racially too different to one another.

Is that so? India lives on with hundreds of different races, ethnicities and languages, with everybody owing allegiance to the flag and the constitution.

It was your founders' mistake that Islam would be a unifying force for all Pakistanis, irrespective of race or language or ethnicity. Clearly, that was a mistaken idea.
Yea, tell yourself this BS if it makes you feel better. Why is West Pakistan the "mainland", when more people lived in East Pakistan? East Pakistan was zero miles away from Pakistan - it was Pakistan. If you did not allocate military resources there, that's your own faulty planning. Incompetence.

You could have made India fight a two front war, by attacking India from both flanks - instead you now cry that East Pakistan was 2700 Kms away. When in fact, it was Pakistan. If you had lost West Pakistan, you would say the same thing, wouldn't you?

Allocating military resources judiciously is the duty of a competent military. Crying that you didn't have military resources to defend the place where more than half your population resided, reeks of incompetence.
Claim moral victories all you want. Bangladeshis were traitors who betrayed their religion and country paving the way for your moral victory. If bengalis were just a little bit loyal to Pakistan India never gains the victory.

:pakistan: :sniper:

I say let's have a nuclear war and see who chickens out first. I'll give you a hint it will be your Hindu brethren who will want to hang on dearly to their lives.
47 Pakistan took control of Kashmir which is still part of Pakistan.

65 Pakistan defended their land against a 7 times larger enemy and India couldn't Penetrate an inch into Lahore and were sent packing back home.

99 it was a military victory which Nawaz sharif gave away due to America pressure.

71 war is your only victory. only because of the treachery of the Bangladeshis. If they weren't traitors India would've never gained any type of victory.

Pakistan can invade India at any time of its choosing. Indians particularly the Hindus are vaginas that can't fight wars. Muslims have invaded your precious land many many times in the past and can do it again because Hindus are too weak as the inferior race they can't fight prolonged wars.

Again -

47: Pakistan invaded a small independent kingdom of Kashmir, and then got pushed back from the best parts when thhey invited the Indian armed forces to do so.

65: Pakistan started the war in the hopes of capturing Kashmir, and now console themselves that they didn't lose Lahore. Brilliant!

71: We cut you into two. And two your remain.

99: Every Pakistani infiltrator was sent back in body bags, and your country even refused to acknowledge that you fought. In fact, the Indian army had to offer funeral services to your dead soldiers.

Sure, try to invade India. What is stopping you? Cowardice? Pragmatism?

Claim moral victories all you want. Bangladeshis were traitors who betrayed their religion and country paving the way for your moral victory. If bengalis were just a little bit loyal to Pakistan India never gains the victory.

:pakistan: :sniper:

I say let's have a nuclear war and see who chickens out first. I'll give you a hint it will be your Hindu brethren who will want to hang on dearly to their lives.
Bring it on.
Is that so? India lives on with hundreds of different races, ethnicities and languages, with everybody owing allegiance to the flag and the constitution.

It was your founders' mistake that Islam would be a unifying force for all Pakistanis, irrespective of race or language or ethnicity. Clearly, that was a mistaken idea.

If it were a mistake, neither Pakistan nor bangladesh would exist. Pakistanis are too racially and culturally different to indians hence August the 14th 1947 occurred. india may have 100s of different ethnicities and races but you are all closer to each other then with ANY non-indian races/ethnicities.

Again -

47: Pakistan invaded a small independent kingdom of Kashmir, and then got pushed back from the best parts when thhey invited the Indian armed forces to do so.

65: Pakistan started the war in the hopes of capturing Kashmir, and now console themselves that they didn't lose Lahore. Brilliant!

71: We cut you into two. And two your remain.

99: Every Pakistani infiltrator was sent back in body bags, and your country even refused to acknowledge that you fought. In fact, the Indian army had to offer funeral services to your dead soldiers.

Sure, try to invade India. What is stopping you? Cowardice? Pragmatism?

Bring it on.

What invasion by Pakistan? Do you have ANY credible and independent evidence to back up your claims?
Again -

47: Pakistan invaded a small independent kingdom of Kashmir, and then got pushed back from the best parts when thhey invited the Indian armed forces to do so.

65: Pakistan started the war in the hopes of capturing Kashmir, and now console themselves that they didn't lose Lahore. Brilliant!

71: We cut you into two. And two your remain.

99: Every Pakistani infiltrator was sent back in body bags, and your country even refused to acknowledge that you fought. In fact, the Indian army had to offer funeral services to your dead soldiers.

Sure, try to invade India. What is stopping you? Cowardice? Pragmatism?

Bring it on.
Oh sure the Hindu acts all mighty and tough on the internet but I know that truth and so does the world. Hindus are afraid of death which makes them prone to getting invaded and ruled by superior nations.

Three years earlier Churchill had told Ivan Mikhailovich Maisky, the Soviet ambassador in London, that, should the British be forced to leave India:

Eventually, the Moslems will become master, because they are warriors, while the Hindus are windbags. Yes, windbags! Oh, of course, when it comes to fine speeches, skilfully balanced resolutions and legalistic castles in the air, the Hindus are real experts! They’re in their element! When it comes to business, when something must be decided on quickly, implemented, executed—here the Hindus say “pass”. Here they immediately reveal their internal flabbiness.
The usual bickering notwithstanding which will get some answers soon, that pose on the pole .. isn’t flattering ..
What are they trying to prove anyway?
What are they trying to prove anyway?
They know how to climb on poles of all sorts?
Really not sure where this culture of using military men as circus acts came from. Firepower displays, showing off basic tactics makes sense.. the bike riding and homoerotic pole climbing does not. Must be something the local populations are into.
What invasion by Pakistan? Do you have ANY credible and independent evidence to back up your claims?
Err...you seriously do not know the history of the Kashmir conflict? Here is the Wikipedia article:


Here is an article from Princeton:

https://web.archive.org/web/2014091...erstanding Support for Islamist Militancy.pdf

It is fairly well known (even your fellow Pakistanis above the age of 20 will not dispute it) that Pakistan sent tribal lashkars (mostly Pashtuns) to maraud the independent Kingdom of Kashmir. This is what prompted the ruler to accede to India.
Err...you seriously do not know the history of the Kashmir conflict? Here is the Wikipedia article:


Here is an article from Princeton:

https://web.archive.org/web/20140912114721/http://www.princeton.edu/~jns/publications/Understanding Support for Islamist Militancy.pdf

It is fairly well known (even your fellow Pakistanis above the age of 20 will not dispute it) that Pakistan sent tribal lashkars (mostly Pashtuns) to maraud the independent Kingdom of Kashmir. This is what prompted the ruler to accede to India.

The above sources are Wikipedia and another dubious source. Which means they are open to doctoring from indian FAKE NEWS:

Do you have ANY CREDIBLE, GENUINE, INDEPENDENT and IRREFUTABLE evidence with cross-referencing to support your claims?
The above sources are Wikipedia and another dubious source. Which means they are open to doctoring from indian FAKE NEWS:

Do you have ANY CREDIBLE, GENUINE, INDEPENDENT and IRREFUTABLE evidence with cross-referencing to support your claims?
I also linked a Princeton article, which you conveniently ignored.

But none of that matters - the fact that Pashtun marauders invaded the Kingdom of Kashmir is well known, and the fact that the ruler asked for Indian help, and that India offered assistance on the sole condition of Kashmir's accession. Which is when they legally acceded to India, and Indian forces stepped in and stopped the looting and plundering by Pakistan's tribal militias, and even sent them back from the most important regions. (Srinagar airport being a principal example.)

Here is Oxford:


Here is BBC:


@PAKISTANFOREVER : The opening lines from the article posted above:

"In October 1947 a fighting force of several thousand Muslim tribesmen entered Kashmir from Pakistan. Their motives were varied—in part pursuit of jihad and a sense of religious duty, in part seeking to claim Kashmir for Pakistan and frustrate its accession to India, in part revenge for the massacres of Muslims in Partition-related violence, and in part the search for booty. The invaders advanced rapidly, and within ten days sections of this tribal force had reached the outskirts of the Kashmir valley’s principal city, Srinagar. Their advance prompted the maharaja of Kashmir to flee and impelled newly independent India to airlift troops into Kashmir to repulse the invaders and confirm Indian control of the valley."
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