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Funnily enough, these Gurkhas are from the British Army not IA. They get the best of them while all the "do takkay kay" are left for the IA :D
I know they're from British army
Pakis are religious zombies. Ever heard of Gurkha regiment?
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You're damn right we embrace martyrdom like you embrace life. Gurkha shmurka none are equal to the Muslims.

We live and die for our God and honor unlike the Hindus who are afraid to die. That's why they have been invaded by superior race for many centuries.

Churchill had seen frenzy in the Muslims’ way of warfare both in India and in the Sudan: Pathans and Dervishes alike are inclined to fight to the death for their God, certain that if they are killed they will go to paradise. One sees the effects of this propensity, he thinks, in the fact that, while “nearly all civilised soldiers sit down when they are severely wounded,” Britain’s opponents in her little wars against devout Muslims have “to be hopelessly disabled before they admit their injury” and give up the fight. He likens their behavior to hydrophobia because he does not think it reasonable for human beings to be so indifferent to their bodies as to fight on, even when severely wounded, because they have faith in another life to come. Yet a prudent man might risk his life to defend his honor.
Ye we have, my grandad killed a couple during 65. Though he did say that the gurkhas were the only one who’d he have to shoot mulitple times for them to fall, the rest he said were drunk half the time.
Why post nepalis, i thought so called Indians are enough for Pakistan, didn’t know you need to post for hire gurkhas 😂
Pakistanis may be religious zombies, atleast we are ready to die for our country, even if that means killing ourselves and exploding under tanks for last resort
Ghatak troops of IA

You're damn right we embrace martyrdom like you embrace life. Gurkha shmurka none are equal to the Muslims.

We live and die for our God and honor unlike the Hindus who are afraid to die. That's why they have been invaded by superior race for many centuries.

Churchill had seen frenzy in the Muslims’ way of warfare both in India and in the Sudan: Pathans and Dervishes alike are inclined to fight to the death for their God, certain that if they are killed they will go to paradise. One sees the effects of this propensity, he thinks, in the fact that, while “nearly all civilised soldiers sit down when they are severely wounded,” Britain’s opponents in her little wars against devout Muslims have “to be hopelessly disabled before they admit their injury” and give up the fight. He likens their behavior to hydrophobia because he does not think it reasonable for human beings to be so indifferent to their bodies as to fight on, even when severely wounded, because they have faith in another life to come. Yet a prudent man might risk his life to defend his honor.
I demand that the government should immediately halt all such traditions.

Failure to comply to demands shall result in immediate change in definition of a neutral stance.
India can make all the fake claims they want to make but we know the ground realities which are that the Hindu is afraid of death while the Muslim is not.
If Pakistan truly wanted to it could invade India and take over that whole country within few months.
And your ones are very handsome? Is it so? 😁
I am talking about facial expressions and body language. Most of the BSF personnel look like either they were supposed to be doing something else at that time or are overly excited.
Our rangers are also paramillitary so yours look like shit compared to ours... And our your army looks shit infront of our Army...Pakistan Zindabad Pak fauk Paindabad...

One tik tok boy won't change nothing....

You always stayed at the looks that is the reason why you lost all your wars and lost half of the country ? Do you also find Bajwa good looking ?
Both these uniforms serve every purpose except camouflage 🥲
Hope they change them just like other CAPFs have.
Yup BSF uniform needs to go. I get into a fit of rage seeing what they're making our forces guarding our borders wear.
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